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Did you watch my todays youtube video? 

10 years ago I created this digital Art following a strong feeling inside my heart. Now it's the right time to act on it.. Please read it with the open minds!


I really hope that you can see what I see, and that you will be the first ones to support my biggest Project up to date. 

P.S. I'm not changing my naughty side though, not in the million years :))) New awesome video for you is coming up by the end of this week!

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours, helpless dreamer NT




Hi Leila, so what's this all about -opened the link above, saw the New Life you tube - (love the hair by the way) - which mentioned the 'Naturist Channel' did not see anything there??? - whatever it is, it sounds like there is some big change coming .... can't wait .... all the best to you and Snoopy ...


Thank you Edward, and the link should take you to the page where it's all explained and revealed. Anyways, tomorrow i m posting a video about it on the Naturist channel. I m off to bed now sweet dreams to you 🥰💋


Leila I've listened to your video and it caught me off guard a bit. I thought I heard you saying that you were giving up so I rewinded the video and listened more carefully. Then I found this link and read your dream of a vision you have. I must say that is an awesome dream and I'm excited just thinking of it. We all have dreams and I am happy to see you act on it. You know my situation right now with what I'm doing but I gladly donated to the cause and will continue until completed. Hugs and kisses my precious NT. 👍❤