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Don't you think that's a really weird commentary!? Comment or message your thoughts about it!

Sending you lots of love, Guys, and sweet dreams 🥰

Yours NT 💋



Tord Malmberg

No, I don't understand his reasoning at all! Perhaps some kind of misdirected overprotectivness. Or maybe he just is a jerk 😝


😂😂😂 Yes, it’s a bit weird😂😂😂 And I loved that video! You’re not afraid to do anything, sweetheart, and all of your videos leave me with such a beautiful feeling that feels like it reaches all the way to my soul. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️✌️


Perhaps English is not his first language, and he's trying to say something like, "the last time I was cutting wood, I had an accident and wound up in the emergency room". Like he had a mishap with a saw or ax? I think he's just trying to tell you to be careful. Maybe. ❤️❤️❤️


I get it, we need to translate into French. It's a southern expression. It means at the hospital we recognize people who work dangerously or badly with their tools, so be careful ! Trust me, this story is fair dinkum! You’re always spitting the dummy when you don’t get your way! (That's Australian) kisses.

Chuck Sohm

He may have seen the victim of a wood chopping accident in the ER. Didn't want you to hurt yourself with the axe you used in that video.


He's not use to seeing someone use hand tools. He's use to city living and the air is too thin to get enough oxygen.


I think he's just a fucking idiot. If you can do better get your fucking ass out there and do it. Quit sucking on your mom's tit you fucktard.


Exactly, Creep is the right word here. Thanks Alex 🥰


Well whatever that is, I really don't want to read about axes and hospitals under a happy video 😘


Ahaha yes possibly, it's like in England is all about health and safety, doing this there in a workplace could even get me prosecuted 😂