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So yeah, this is an outfit for me to wear when i get outside. But it's really not that bad, the temperatures rising up to 12'C during the day, nights dropping just below 0. As you can see Naturism can be still done πŸ˜‚

Today I am dedicating time for you, Guys, apart from posting a new video on Snoopy channel earlier, I am only focusing on creating new content for us here.

I started to edit a footage which i gathered for you whilst being in Spain (and I know you will like it 😜) I also filmed our this week's video and will upload it for you in a couple of days time. Also putting ideas on paper for our next month videos, which will be filmed outdoors here, in this country.

If I could I would quickly convert the van into a very minimalistic style little home and head away but it is what it is, and as everything happens for a reason, I m pretty curious about why I happened to be stuck in this country.

I hope you are keeping safe, healthy and remaining calm in these uncertain times. One good thing about it is that people are coming together.. Despite of the social distancing - in this shit we are all one! No matter what's our social status, race, age etc - this virus can get us all.. something good will definitely come out of it, I have faith!

Stay happy and sexy,

Yours NT πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹




Wow! You are so beautiful.


I'm glad to see you keeping a positive attitude in response to being quarantined. I agree with you about we all are in this together. apreyers and positive thoughts sending your way. Stay safe. Stay Naked.


The perfect outfit for indoors and outdoors. You make wee willie very happy.

Tord Malmberg

That photo, though... The thought of you going out with just that on and nothing underneath makes my heart racing. β€οΈπŸ˜‹β€οΈ It's almost as good as seeing you in all your glory! But on a more serious note, yes, I agree with you. People are coming together and are now thinking about something else but themselves. I hope it will last, though. If this goes on for too long things can get ugly really fast. I do hope it won't come to that...


Leila, Leila, Leila..... I swear you just take things, no matter the situation, and make like it's an every day thing. Keep it calm and collected. How can someone be so smart as you and be so amazingly beautiful and insightful. You're a treasure to us all. πŸ’‹πŸ₯°β€


Good afternoon dear Carl, what an abundance of mesmerising words coming out of your mouth. You make me blush :))


Dear Tord, I would love to go for a walk with you on the Russian streets dressed like this, we would have a great laugh lol And yes, it can go worse before it gets better, but lets just stay in touch and help each other to get through it xx


Gotta be done, dwelling and complaining is not in my nature, otherwise - what's the point of this life? You too keep safe Edward, and most importantly - stay naked as that is the new way and the latest fashion in my mind lol xx


My lovely NAKED Russian Doll...always such a joy to see you and read your words of inspiration. The media here in the US is doing a pretty good job of keeping us informed of the COVID-19 situation...some of the news is factual and some may be less so. However, as previously stated...this is a world issue and we all must deal with it regardless less geographic location, social status, or political views. Stay healthy and safe and look forward to more of your beauty and inspiration in the coming days!


Hey my sexy Jamfunkr, Thank you so much for sharing the situation in US, I don't watch news, nor follow media anymore, I heard enough of this virus when I arrived here, I really don't want to put this all in my head, the world is sad enough, I cannot afford to loose track. I need to be here for anyone who needs me, no matter what it takes. I don't have a clue whats around my corner, I might as well keep smiling while I can xx You too keep safe and positive and we will see the end soon x


Big warm hugs to you and Mr. Snoopy. I’ve got people who are now sick with the virus. Your posts are a nice diversion to what is going on now. It helps remind me there is more good going on than sad. Stay happy, warm and healthy my lovely. β€οΈπŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ€§


wow,you are amazing,please do your best to stay fresh,because i wanna see more amazing you,and your amazing body.