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Hey Guys,

Sorry for neglecting you for a couple of days! I ve been so busy with the van build as well as implementing the last video ideas while i m in this area. I will upload a new video on Youtube tonight so watch out as it could benefit your health and wellbeing.

I've also managed to film just awesome video for you and this is also following some of your suggestions. This video will be on for you in about three weeks time 😜🔥

This picture is from today, but it's all just temporary structures as we really want to speed up the process to be able to head away.

I will try to take some Naturist photoshots and share with you this weekend, otherwise have a great day.. and hopefully it's the last day of your working week!

P.S. To my new Patrons - Big greetings! I will message you later tonight 🙏

Love you all,

Yours NT 🥰💋




Beautiful picture from Pakistan...


Awesome work, a room with a view on wheels. Have a great day NT!


Thanks Carl, yes the window really makes a difference and connects both spaces plus dogs will be able to see and hear us when we are driving and they in their cages in the back xx


Really excited to see the van build as it progresses and changes! Thanks for the update 😃✌️❤️

Tord Malmberg

Hmm 🤔 You didn't consider removing the whole partition wall? I don't think it's structural, it's just put there to stop cargo from flying through the windscreen while braking. But you've probably thought about that already. Having the wall intact gives you more options where to put cupboards, sinks, closets and other stuff you might want to install as your van build progresses. Can't wait to see what you've got planned next! ❤️


Hey Tord, thank you for the suggestion- yes that's exactly what i want to do but i need to wait until the van is mine, at the moment we're sharing and it's more a vehicle that will enable us to get from A to B and after that I can start putting ideas down on the paper 🥰😘