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Hi my superTigers,

Thought I'm gonna share this footage with you 😘

"Wash with a hose after Clay massage"

Tonight, following some of your suggestions, I m hoping to do some photo shooting and share the pictures in a couple of days time.

Just to say - thank you so much for the ideas - they all are awesome and I will take all on board 😘 Soooo excited 🤣💋

Hope you're all well and healthy - will make you another yoga video so you can do it with me and stay fit 👍🤗

P.S. More suggestions and ideas welcome - I'm really starting to open up and let my playful nature shine through!!

Thank you so much for encouragement and support 🥰💋❤️




Your skin is like your amour of freedom...


That's really mean, first a feel-good massage and then the cold shower, that doesn´t work !!


That´s really worse,...


Ahaha I know, but the stuff was too white and started to fall off everywhere that I couldn't enter the house and had to do it this way before the actual shower.. wasn't pleasant lol

Tord Malmberg

Cold showers are supposedly good for you, but can be stressful for the heart. The same can be said about watching you taking that shower ... ❤️


I can almost feel the cold water. Lovley movie as always. Sounds intresting with leting your playful natur shine through. And you like the ideas you got from uss.


Cold water is suppose to be good for the skin.....in moderation


Not be rude...but it was rather entertaining to watch your nude body glistening from the cold water as you tip-toed away...you are such a gorgeous lady in spirit, body, and mind!


I never get enough of seeing you!


Thanks so much.. Wish I could see you too.. Send me your photo on WhatsApp - only if you wish my awesome Jamfunkr xx


OMG it was like a punishment after that lovely clay massage this was like an awakening call lol