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Checking in on the host with the most, Elvira, a month after her uneventful tour of a certain long abandoned candy factory! She may have turned a juicy profit from stealing and selling some gobstopper prototypes, but the vengeful ghost of the factory's owner is going to enjoy making sure the fruits of her labor net her an even juicier return than she could ever have imagined...

"*Huff* R-Really? A b-blueberry? I… *mmm* I’ve had fans… try all sorts of w-…weird stuff on me before, but this takes *mmph* the cake! Ohhhh… s-so heavy... I… I think its… juice? I can feel it… ch-*uhhhh*… churning in me. All this… over stolen *hhmmph* candy? If I-I could still walk, I’d *huff* waddle over to the… mmmmm… Better Business Bureau and have a… a juicy chat. Is… Is someone there? I can… *ahhhh* I can feel something moving… around me. *mmmmph* Ugh I’m so big and fat… I can barely turn my…*hnnnng-ug*… head now. Even my face… feels heavy! Come on, you’ve gotten out of... *mmmmmph* of stickier situations before… Gotta try and ge-*ehhhhhooooo*… get out of here. *mmmph**hnnng*… No use… can barely even… move *ugh*.

You know, this isn’t… so bad. I always did want to b-beeeee… *unnngh*… the biggest thing… in show business. And wait till my f-fans… *huff* they get a load of th-these curves! H-hey even as a blueberry… I still… got it! *Ohhhhh*… I hope someone… finds me soon. All this juice… and this pre-…pressure… sloshing inside me…Its… *mmmmm*… starting to turn me… *mmmph* on a little. In fact… I…. I think… If I could just reach… *uhhhhhnnnnnnng*… just a little bit… *hnnnng*… come on… *oomph*. H-…hey you… you don’t happen…. to have hands… do you? Can’t… *mmmm* blame a girl for…. for trying to… have a little f-fun, c…can you?”"

Trying something completely new. Heavily based on Sickstar's drawing style. Not sure if it looks better with or without hands, feel free to share your thoughts.

Please don't ask me to make more stuff like this 😅


W/O Hands
W/O Hands
W/O Hands


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