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Hello, all you fine folks! 

It's been a wild ride this past month to finish up my latest Building update, and for those of you who'd like to get some behind the scenes I'll get to it later in this update, but first let's talk about what is new in the update I've been working on for the past 2 months and what is still in the works to release in the next couple of weeks!


The Building Asset pack has been updated to feature close to 2000 assets now (with around 900 new ones and lots of patches to assets in the original set)! With a focus to get as much content to slowly work towards a 1-1 DungeonDraft Vanilla version.

Tags that got the most updates are ("alphabetically"): 

  • ALCHEMIST, one of the top voted requests on the NOLT asset section has gotten its own little section in the TAGS with lots of baubles and tools.
  • BROKEN, with 100s of broken versions of assets already featured in the Building Pack, this tag has gotten the most attention in this update. It also includes broken ends you can place over walls, broken patches you can place over roofs, and much more!
  • CAGE & GEARS, featuring lots of metal mechanical instruments to build a dungeon in your building of choice. You'll even find lots of metal grates in both the pattern and path sections!
  • DEFENSE, with sandbags, spiked barricades, and even tesla coils!
  • FIRE & FIXTURES, featuring both smoke and fire assets to set your buildings ablaze! Or just add a nice little fireplace.
  • SKELETON lots of skeletons to help decorate our cages!
  • VINES & PLANTS featured in the ruin maps for a little adventure piece you'll find on the website in the near future!


So I've gotten some positive feedback on my prefab TAG, so I've decided to make sure that all the buildings I will feature in this month's update can also be found in the PREFAB section and the new PREFAB BROKEN section, where you can find the ruined version of a lot of my prefabs featuring my castle and 10 of the houses I built last time!

Next up is my Tavern, Smithy and Alchemist Tower!


I used to draw items, but since I spent most of my time doing map related content and my items never got past the sketching phase anymore, it sort of fell of the deep end outside of a couple items here and there in adventures or side projects. Now with the help of Alex Coadou and our very own Daniel Moriera (AVGDan), I've tried to resurrect them somewhat and might release a couple every month again! You'll find these on my Instagram or on the website HERE 

It allows me to still play around with mechanics but let others do the work of actually finishing all the details! I've been having a lot of fun with these so here's to hoping we can keep it up!


In this first update you'll find 2 major maps which I'll get into detail about on the next update, but as mentioned before I still have 3 other building maps I will be finishing. The assets are always the biggest work effort, putting them into a map takes only a fraction of the workload so I should have them finished in the next week or two. 

Also still working on tokens, I plan on releasing all 40 tokens that are currently in the works. I just put all my focus on the assets in this update so hence the delay! More on that delay next!


The biggest part of this latest pack was aptly named broken and as you might have guessed from the delay a lot of issues came up in making sure it was ready to be used. I had originally planned on releasing this pack 2 weeks ago but when running just minor tests a lot of issues came up and I didn't feel it was up to my standard of releasing it even as bare bones. As some of you may have noticed by now I'm quite the stickler for making sure things are up to snuff. So instead I spent 2 weeks fixing things up, pushing myself, and staying away from all "distractions" to push to get this one working. 

Hence the little break in my online activity. 

I push myself a bit too hard, but I gotta say I just love discovering new solutions to problems, getting better at translating art into usable assets, and piecing together how to optimize the whole process. Probably not a rate I can keep up forever, but these latest developments really have been so exciting that it's hard to slow down. That leads to big packs but also bigger issues that can cause a delay. In the long run, I think it is worth the wait for this pack. I still need to finish up all the loose ends (including the battle maps and the tokens) but they are very minor in regard to the work that goes into the asset design.


Now there will be a little break in my asset work, I will mainly do tokens and maps first, but I'm always making sure I keep up to date with the NOLT requests so make sure you add your own suggestions or vote so I can make sure I'm always working on the most requested content!



You'll find all the updated content on the WEBSITE

or you can check it out:




Kind Regards,

Bert - Crosshead



Andrew Croft

Sounds like you were almost broken tagged too! 🤣 Thank you for all the effort I look forward to exploring your creations.


Amazing work as always, can't wait to play with these assets.