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Hello one and all!

First I want to thank everyone who submitted a map to the Map Making Contest, I've updated the USERMADE MAP GALLERY on the website splitting all the maps up by content and category. Everyone who is in this TOP 10 can contact me to receive their bonus content, via crossheadstudios@gmail.com or simply hit me up on DISCORD! 

This poll will determine the champion of champions for this first contest, the winner of which will win their own custom DungeonDraft assets (theme), custom tokens and get a chance to receive an adventure I wrote with the theme and magic items tied to it. 

This poll will be open until next Friday (November 12th) and the user with the most votes will be added to our Hall of Champions!



Some of the building maps you'll find in our first poll will consist out of multiple levels, but these two maps made by Tarsiz are actually two distinct buildings. The reason I added both is because I love the contrast here in the night and day. Two beautiful maps with lots of range to them, great quality to the way the assets are used to create a vibrant scene in each of these. 


Second entry another building. This beautiful Mansion by Vizmund really has it all. "This Lakeside Mansion rests upon a magically raised stone foundation, with a grand decorated staircase leading up to the entrance" - Vizmund. What I love about it is the observatory on the balcony, with a view across the lake and a little pulley system to reach right to the dock. Wonderful


This submission by CalmRosie, another building, actually has a whopping 7 LEVELS!, each one of them beautifully decorated (something fellow lurkers on discord might have already noticed is a common theme in CalmRosie's maps). My favorite levels of this map, and it might sound silly, actually are the 3 tower levels on top. They are such wonderfully cozy spots, you just want to nestle up in them! 


Gabriel Gray our first outdoor map, is a wonderful map called Crystalpunk OldTown. I love the mix of Steampunk and Crystals here, which is probably part of the magic system in this world? I just loved the little houses, the focal point with the massive dwarven statue in the center of the town, and the use of color really helps you navigate this map with great ease. I'd love to see more of it!


Fukuro turns down the heat in this beautiful Snowy Map. What I love about this map is that it's a perfect adventure started this one. It just draws in your eye with the highlight of the red trail, you can't tell me you're not intrigued to see where that trail takes you. It also reminds me of my first adventures in 5E on the road to Phandalin. Great work.


Speaking of the Lost Mine of Phandelver, this map by Wojciech really continues down the path as we go in search of Barry Bluejeans. It's a gorgeous cave map and what I really love about it is the little trap that is set up right by the entrance of our hideout. Featuring some of my red assets of the original set, I really love the coloring and highlights.


This simple map by Austin Lima is another lovely piece. What I love is the detail around the pond with the wooden walkway that is overgrown. A little cosy campsite where you'd find a weary adventurer at the end of their adventuring days.


Let's head down deeper underground where we find this river flowing in the caverns underneath. A map by Catarina Fonseca Cavalcante, with some nice pink highlights that bring some mystery to this majestic map.


Another wonderful map with a water feature, this time brought to you by Matt Berg. I really love the unique coloring scheme we find in this map, the combination of the dead trees and the cool wooden bridge at its center really made this map stand out for me. The color of the water also takes it to the next level in my opinion.


The only Region map in this series, brought to you by David Vance. A wonderful map that really makes me want to step up my game for the isometric assets we've been working on. It's currently put on pause, as the artist who is working on it with me is currently working on something big. I really enjoy the use of marking districts by rooftop color. A classic!

Remember you can take a closer look at all these maps HERE and find even more levels to certain maps (VIZMUND and CALMROSIE'S maps in particular)!

You can already start applying to our next contest, by submitting your nautical themed maps HERE (same place as before), this can be anything underwater, near water, on water, ships, whatever! I look forward to seeing your submissions! The deadline for this one is the end of November! 

Thanks again for all the submissions! I really enjoyed going through them all and I hope my little notes weren't to rambly, spent the night taking care of my godchild so didn't get too much sleep haha.




Thanks for everyone who joined in on the first map making contest! I will post more information on the next one soon, as I am still finishing some updated content for that one. I will contact everyone today, was a little belated in that with a busy week. And congrats on CalmRosie for wining this first contest!