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So for this month's selection you either have the option to pick from what I made this month, or get the second half of last March. This month includes the Panoramic map (which also comes in a larger version with more sea area) and a set of 15 tiles. 

In the poll below you get to vote for what is included in your package! 



If they are relevant to each other, you may want to label the various pictures as what voting option(s) they are a part of. It doesn't make much sense as it is


If you check out the main tiles you'll notice the 1-6 numbers are linked to the voting options. You can also always check out my instagram for a better reference image. I had marked the voting options in a similar fashion as last time, I thought patrons understood the system that time so I repeated it here. I'll have to be more clear next time if I failed to do so this time.


So what are we voting for here? Is the vote we put in going to be the one that we personally receive, or if I get outvoted will I just not get what I voted for in the package? I've read through everything and checked your instagram too, but I just don't understand what happens once I vote.


Hey Matthew! It seems that I still need to be a bit more clear when it comes to posting these votes. The idea is that the popular vote wins the pieces that go in the package. It's basically a way for you to get what are generally considered to be the best bits of what I make each month. It's a good way for me to separate costs instead of doing like pay per creation where I'd either have to ask much more or make much less in a month to make it worth my while to create work in this fashion.