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Hello Dragons! 

For the last month I've been putting in the extra effort of deconstructing all the maps I create so you can start messing around and create your own custom content with my assets. 

The first map I did this with was the church map, now I call it a peak preview because it will only give you a sense of what is in store with the building block concept. Once I finish the castle map and start deconstructing that one, you will have much more content to play around with. Now what is unique about these types of assets is that there is a 3D aspect to it, meaning you can create quite detailed content, but it requires very specifically designed content. In the next addition you will for instance see a bunch of similar looking chairs, all drawn from different perspectives. Since it is all hand drawn it will maintain a unique quality but that means it will be somewhat more difficult to play around with. 

I think it could be a great tool if I expand on it. Check it out, see if you like it and we can start talking about expanding on it once I upload the castle building assets. I'll even make a short tutorial on how you can use it. 

You can find the building blocks folder right HERE.


Adam Astra

This is very cool man, thanks!