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 MAPS - I was planning on working on Land Based vehicles, to finish the vehicles series, but I am not sure outside from carriages etc what I could be making. I was also planning on working on a basic buildings series like taverns, inns, smithies etc. So I leave it up to the Council to decide what you'd like to see.

TOKENS - Based on what Maps I am making I was thinking of doing a couple of basic NPC tokens, but again feel free to suggest whatever you'd like. 

CHARACTER - I had planned to do a bonus content character last month, but I took on way to much work already with implementing a bunch of changes, so I hope to be able to start work on my Terry Crews character. A Bardbarian. 




REPOSTED COMMENTS OF PREVIOUS POST Chuck I like the building series, need a few for my cities lol. Tokens if top down for Roll20 wouldn't mind seeing. A Bardbarian sounds fun to play. Edward Stephens Here's some inspiration for horse or boar pulled war wagons for your land based vehicles: <a href="https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f77d0aa24ae68cb1bb78a798244fa93d-c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f77d0aa24ae68cb1bb78a798244fa93d-c</a> <a href="http://i39.tinypic.com/15g77t4.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i39.tinypic.com/15g77t4.jpg</a> Are vehicles really maps though? What I see a lot of use on on roll20 is road or travel maps, then using tokens for the travellers. If you want some more ideas for land based vehicles, how about sleighs (not santa sleighs, more like two rough beams with slats in between dragged by horses), wheelbarrows, or small one horse carts? Also land wagons with sails, because that would be cool.


Pasting other replies: Yeah maybe I'll do the vehicles as an extra one day, it feels like land transport isn't really that interesting to focus on. I can definitely do travel maps, if people are looking for those. Just a bunch of different roads? In different settings and seasons? 8min Edward Stephens Yep, road maps would be awesome - what's difficult to find are roads in hilly, grassy, rocky, badlands, mountain, or scrubby regions. There are a billion forest road maps out there, but barely anyone does rough terrain.


Thanks for the help! Yeah I'm definitely up for making more road maps. Whatever is picked for this month, I'll probably either suggest it to the Dragons for possible bonus content or suggest it for next month. I do have a huge list of bonus content I still want to work on, so well see what is on my to-do list first


Travel maps I will say is fun and needed (mostly as I have a very moving around game going) But on the note of Land vehicle maps I say something like a giant turtle transport. It thoes not need to be mondain persay but a Skeleton driven carrage for a vampire is also and intresting map atleast in my mind it is

Dr. Feargood

I like the idea of some building maps, ever think about doing a castle (multible floors), I would love that. Maybe even a tileset to design your own.


Yeah, I really want to get into making a "small" castle from a sort of twisted isometric view (showing part of the front of the castle too). I even have a plan mapped out to make it into a tileset too. Well only the floor plan of course, the outside part would be way to difficult.