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GURL wtf is this lifgsudghfiuhgilugeidfjskgajkh 

I saw part 2 came out today but I'm away until Wednesday so I will carry it on then BUT if you've watched part 2 please do not spoil it for me in any way or confirm or deny anything I say here, watch it as though part 2 doesn't exist. 

To summarise, this doesn't look great for him AT ALL and SM should've left it alone cos if the kpop industry likes to be elusive and not be explicit then a documentary is not the way to go cos that's when you SHOULDN'T beat around the bush. 

An official statement would've been better than whatever the hell this is? If I didn't think he was guilty before I sure do now lol. 



Kenyan drake

I literally watched the whole thing like:😧🥴


Literally ! just make a clear statement if you’re going this hard for him as a company, this is ridiculous


Something like "What I was hearing disturbed me, I would never harm another human although I was naive and filled with ego in the past and had some growing up to do". LIKE ANYTHING??\

Nicole Lucena

HAHAHAHAHA Because he is guilty 🤣 They’re just trying to throw a pity party for him and he is just the biggest dozen and doesn’t deserve a career.

Nicole Lucena

He can’t even go back to China because that’s where all his wrongdoings were exposed, otherwise they would’ve shipped him off ages ago.

maya k

No bc isn’t he just admitting guilt the entire time? Plus he keeps saying how sorry he is but it’s not sorry to the victims but it’s how he feels so sorry for HIMSELF like 😭😭 He’s sorry that people found out he did bad things and that he had to stop being an idol. The way both Jessica and Seunghan did essentially nothing like neither of them actually hurt anyone like Lucas did, and they got left in the dust while SM is doing all this for Lucas. Insane to me


Nah cuz it's the way that I went into this episode with an open mind because I didn't know the details of the controversy but came out of it with way less sympathy for him than before 😫. I'll still watch further episodes but they absolutely should have just released a comprehensive point by point statement that leaves no room for interpretation or ambiguity.


I’m kinda conflicted about this because obviously part of the controversy is true since he is apologizing for it but since he’s being vague about it it’s hard to decipher the truth and lies but i genuinely think that if the like s*xual assault allegations were true SM would not be fighting for him this hard to keep him in the company. I just wish they were more transparent instead of this vague documentary, i have seen a lot of hate ofc but also A LOT of support for his future solo activities so i think the demand is there for him, i just wish wayv would not have suffered this much from his hiatus.

Nattie Gbaba

That felt so..anticlimactic. Like, what did i even watch??? I’m hoping the other parts are more direct because it feels more like a PR stunt than anything. And that makes me even more suspicious of him! Cause was what you did so bad that you cant talk about it, or is it that you do not want to take full accountability? I do think it was interesting to hear how he was doing mentally and it makes me worry about Seunghan cause he literally did nothing but befriend the wrong people. And where is his docu?? Anyway I guess I’ll stay tuned and hope this was a slow start and not setting the tone for the rest of the documentary.

Haley David

Personally I think they should've just kept this documentary. KPOP and accountability don't really go together. If he can't say what he is sorry for then this comes across as a blanket "I'm sorry that I did what they said I did." Some of those accusations were serious, so be specific with the apology or keep the entire thing!


No but for real the abuser/cheater-manipultation-tactics 101 script is actually triggering. I used to be aggressive in the past? I did it because I was I was out of my mind then, I was lonely? These consequences, people's anger towards me is making *me* want to die? So forgive me? Like... thats literally textbook manipulation and it's tragic to me to imagine this working on young impressionable fans. This is one of those instances where I'm once again reminded about the misogynistic world we live in where a celebrity gets to abuse his position of power to hurt women (which were what the main allegations were, which no one has ever denied, not lucas in his apology, not SM in their statement, and not now in this documentary) and then when he faces the rightful consequence of that behaviour (being removed from that position of power over fans) he gets to cry victim and beg for sympathy in a documentary fluff piece as he relaunches his career. As if he is entitled to be a celebrity and not getting to be one would be cruel to him? As a grown-ass woman I should be apathetic by now but somehow the world still manages to disappoint me.

T Yang

This whole thing is so fascinating to me, feels like some weird case study… VERY unlike kpop indeed. The way he is being vague about it seems too intentional and not sincere enough


The thing is... As far as I am aware there never were SA Allegations. Some people said they were but no one actually ever said they are a victim. Which means those were allegation... Allegations?! Sry English isn't my first language.


Statements came out years ago but even after all the people that made allegations came out and said they lied and got sued and Lucas won there is still so much hate so I get why the Docu. Problem is probably that he can't say much because of all the legal stuff


Yessss I worried for Seunghan also! Hopefully he isn’t suffering like that also.

Haley David

Yes! I also think it's important to note that we only saw men in the documentary. Makes me wonder how the woman around him or the woman executives feel about this. Men can be unfortunately quick to forgive and dismiss, so I'd like to hear less from them!


I’ve never seen a company put this much effort in an idol let alone giving him a documentary?? He kept apologizing but he never said what he was apologizing for which is very strange to me, if he was innocent wouldn’t they do more to clear his name. Idk its weird to me to put so much effort towards an idol that personally I think doesn’t bring anything special. If sm is trying to bring back lucas’s career they better bring back seunghan. 🙎🏻‍♀️


wow i forgot he was still like.. within SM lol. I saw that blue couch at the start and it clicked.. what the hell does SM have planned


truly a wild choice on SM's part to do this. what secrets does lucas have against the company that they're riding for him so hard? there's no point in release a documentary like this unless they breakdown piece-by-piece what's true and what isn't. it absolves him of nothing. no explanations, very vague, seems to show remorse but the audience has to deduce what it's for? keep it! and why are they doing this the week of ten + taeyong's debut/comebacks? the timing truly could not be any worse.


LOL it's probably what they do to the boys when no ones looking, unfortunately.


It's so frustrating that they won't just make a clear statement. They spent all this money on a weird ass documentary when they could just BE DIRECT. It's literally hurting him more if he was truly innocent :((

hayun lee

? part of the allegations was that he was coercing girls into sex even when they were on their periods and pressured them to have sex without condoms. that's sexual assault


Documentary needed to be direct-&-short or more insightful. This just meanders without purpose. And don't leave it for part 2. For something like this, they needed to convince out-of-the-gate while attention is there. But this is so unexpected that it really got me thinking about reasons why. We don't like to admit it but idols are more disposable than other artists. SM discards them so easily. What's special about Lucas? I can only think of China. Generally, you could say: YG&Hybe=West, JYP=Japan, SM=China. Lucas was shaping up to be SM's first top male star there since Exo. And they have not produced anyone comparable since (Ningning is doing well on female side). So, I think that explains the business reason for this doc Since he never says what he is sorry for here, it affirms whatever you believe is the truth. So, we need to check what's the prevailing narrative on Lucas in China. I think its leaning towards: he hooked up with lots of people but never actually committed any wrongdoings. This doesn't seem very bad but it clashed with his previous image as the ideal boyfriend. However, a post-idol solo career in China as a matured man, reformed-bad-boy seems within reach. I don't see how Korea accepts him back as an idol. Foreign idols are especially disposable in Korea, they will drop you for any small reason.


This is a little weird. He keeps saying he's sorry, but he's being super vague on what he's sorry for. So... is he saying he's guilty?? It's really easy to interpret it this way because he's not being specific enough. Plus he's on here talking about he used to be aggressive in the past. Like what?? That isn't helping his case at all. SM shouldn't have put this out.


Part 2 is just as vague ✨. Lucas has never had the “it” factor needed to go solo. His parts in songs have always been very meh (kinda similar to how Mark from GOT7 always sounds unbelievably bland in their songs) Lucas’ popularity used to ride off his looks,height and goofy personality. Without that persona all that’s left is his visuals tbh. Idk why they’re trying so hard to make him a solo artist when they could just make him a model lol.


Lol so when I said for you to comment on this as if part 2 doesn't exist, what did you think I meant? Now i don't care to watch part 2 .


Ah. Sorry if that put you off watching part 2 if you wanted to watch it. 😅 I didn’t mean it that way. I’ll be more careful with commenting from now on. 🫡


Sooo…..the allegations were cheating and using his gf more money right?


I'd say the more damning aspect of the allegations were actually picking up these girls during fan events (icky power dynamic) and then apparently entering months long relationships with them where he claimed exclusivity while cheating / manipulating them. One of the girls described asking him to put on a condom during sex, says he said no and continued, and then after he finished told her protection wasn't necessary between them as he hadn't slept with anyone else in ages (but apparently he was doing the same with the 2 other girls at this time). One girl also said she felt pressured into having sex with him while on her period. These situations can be considered sexual coercion or even sexual assault. And otherwise yh the allegations mentioned money stuff like expecting them to pay for clothes cigarettes and hotel rooms cause he claimed his manager could track his card payments but that stuff, while definitely dickish, probably isn't as bad.

T Yang

Girlll China does NOT want him back. He is as cancelled as one can get and the chances of him returning to the c-entertainment industry is almost 0. I’m Chinese and I’ve seen all the weibo/bilibili comments about it. OT6 Wayv fans also despise him for ruining their favs careers. But there will always be those few fans that support him no matter what in every country 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you watch the other subtitle versions not in English, the subtitles tell a different story, this has already been offered as a resubbed work online with more accurate English translations. It’s been made clear several times that the claims in question were made by fansites, some of which stole money from fans and fabricated most of the evidence presented during the initial posts. As I read the initial posts before the accounts were deleted or sold to advertising companies for profit off followers, I can attest to this. Considering the comments under this post, the community here seems fairly decided on what they feel happened though they have no first hand experience or information on the events almost 3 years ago.