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I reaally wanted to check out the recordings for Love 119 and Talk Saxy so I skipped some lol but I'M SO glad I did.

Sohee, I don't know where I stand with you munchkin BUT talk saxy recording BLEW me away, he truly GAGGED me lol but I need to really look in to whether it's regression OR maybe Love 119 just wasn't great for his voice type.

Wonbin is SO SPECIAL. He's the dark horse and most consistent vocally, he's going to go VERY far and I can see him being an AMAZING soloist. I don't think he needs to belt higher than what I praised. It's better if he stays comfortable and does it well, his voice covers MORE than enough.




All I can remember from EP 13 was the feeling of pure annoyance when I realised they cut Seunghan out of it like he wasn’t in the original song and MV. It was a massive “KMT” moment for me lmao💀💀💀 But with “Love 119” I just didn’t like the song that much tbh. it was quite underwhelming for me especially after the release of Talk Saxy. A part of that may have been because of a little bias that Seunghan wasn’t in it 😂😂😂But in reality, love 119 just isn’t the vibe I want for them. I think they should stick with that hip hop/ RnB hybrid because it suits them well. I understand that they are new and want to dip their toes into a variety of styles but I worry that like some other new groups, if they do too much too early on, then they won’t be able to establish a sound that is unique to them. Omdsss I chat bare. It’s actually okay.😭😂

Samir Pun

I never expected Wonbin to be sing so good because Yes I did judge the book by the cover. He had gotten so much hype when he debuted for his visuals so I thought he was gonna be a visual member and as you know, some of them visuals be just there to serve face and nothing else. I even avoided Riize for months because I didn’t want to fall for another group but here we are. Here we all are!!! And yes I do love “Talk Saxy” lol.

T Yang

“It’s missing a name!” 😂😂😂 say it LOUDER ugh honestly hope that seunghan is coming back for their next comeback but don’t wanna get my hopes up… anyways LOVE your riize reactions as always


i love that u did these bc i actually learn a lot from ur explanations and i do hear the differences when u point them out, also when u said that "they learn how to sing a song rather than the basics of how to sing etc" it reminded of what suju ryeowook said in that one video u said u were gonna watch *cough cough* lmao, he said back in the day they used to learn how to use every aspect of their voice and the "main" techniques, whereas these days he thinks idols learn how to sing a specific song and match their voice to it, btw ur so right abt sohee and wonbin i hope we only get to see them both improve and realize their huge potential


HAHAHA I actually watched it off camera yday cos the lists are too long and i didn't even remember him saying that or atleast I didn't understand that that was the point he was making! It seems very accurate for sure and i'm glad you hear the differences!


as for sohee, i think it's both??? love 199 wasn't the best fit for him, and i think they're forcing him to take all the high notes which made him regress a bit. i def agree with your previous comment in one of your videos. "it's like having jessica as the sole main vocalist". i had a similar thought when i heard his voice, but with DO instead haha not sure if that made sense. anyway, the point is that riize needs the classical main vocal tone. it's also a shame because sohee had a short training period — iirc he became a trainee for a year or so before debuting???? i love his voice. i think it's the soul of riize's music (fresh, playful, youth), so i hope he'll take care of his voice :( i've seen bts videos where he had to force himself to sing and MC at the same time when his voice was on the verge of cracking. terrible timing as he filmed straight from the airport.


Ohhhh damn! Yeah he really needs to take care of it and yes it's a shame they don't have a heavier strong power voice that gets you in the gut. Maybe Sungchan or Eunseok can develop into those areas but it's doubtful. Also I didn't know about his short training period, that definitely doesn't help!


Yeah I love Riize but one thing I wish is for them to have better vocal technique and vocal coaches. Hell hire Big mama at this point. They're all insane vocalist and I bet they'd shape them up really well lol. I was honestly so surprised that the coach had them sitting down too, I've always heard its a big No No to be singing sitting down especially the way most of them had terrible posture. The song love 119 just doesn't hit for me. I love the MV but thats it. It doesn't fit Sohees voice imo the way it fits Wonbin. Like someone said above ,I think they are forcing Sohee to belt all these high notes constantly which defiantly made him regress a bit. It's no wonder why Sohee, Wonbin, and Antwon have been sick lately. I see the potential, but I just pray they can progress more in the future.

Nicole Lucena

Love my Riize boys, agree with all you said. On another note, go check out the latest WayV recording session. Xiaojun as always left me absolutely gagged.


Yeahh the sitting down thing was soo triggering for me LOOOl like what the hell. Yeahh gosh imagine they had big mama wow!


yeah he said they used to learn how to sing properly in chest, mixed and head voice etc like had them basically know how to use different parts of their voices while now they kinda learn how to sing a song rather than just sing generally, it might help that i know korean so i think its easier for me to understand what he meant bc sometimes the subs r kinda shitty lmao


i don't really pay attention to riize but this recording video lowkey irked me with how ill prepared they are as a group. idk like their main vocalist feels like he only learned how to singing a few months ago. The rest are just about able to carry a tune. They are missing strong main vocalists. I see some potential in wonbin but this should've been taught prior to debut. What have they been doing during their training period? not to shit on the guys but this doesn't feel like an SM group at all. liked your analysis though <3


You are cooking!! It's really a shame because Sohee has some very good vocal moments PRE debut but post debut it just seems to be going downhill and he's still growing and developing physically so that'll probably impact his voice. Yeah for an SM group they don't have a solid 8.5/10 vocalist that's BEEN singing. If you look where SNSD, EXO and Shinee's vocalists started in comparison it's shocking.


Exactly! I cant imagine this group ever dropping a song like what is love or singing acapella like tvxq did. I know that the trend is to focus on dance over singing but i thought SM would atleast give us strong vocalists. Call me bitter but maybe i should stay in my 2nd/3rd gen bubble cuz kpop is not giving anymore


I’ve been thinking and in my opinion Sohee can develop that SM main vocal, as well as Wonbin, but I think he is going through a tough moment and with some help of a vocal coach and more practice he can get it perfect. I don’t know if the problem originated when he started with his vocal lessons, caused I herd that he did not have much incomes back then and had to work hard to pay the vocal lesson, so the inconsistency with the technique could be originated there. I can see the potential in Sohee and in the rest of the guys. But I love your reaction, I hope to see this guys prove everyone that they can do like a SM group does it. I also hope Seunghan comes back ❤️


Yeahh I agree it will be a tough moment but honestly he should've spoken to Chen for help or some other seniors but we'll see.


I hope Wonbin improve so much more in the future and get to sing more, but people already shading him because he got lines, adlib and all lol. Also did you see predebut singing of Daeyoung(now Jaehee) of NCT Wish singing HuhGak Hello? I'm curious of what you think of it. I think it has been a looong time since I've heard that much 'weight' and power in any of the bg main vocalists in these recent generations. I'm seated for NCT Wish just for him.


I didn't but i did see him on nct lastart and he does have a great voice! I'm still annoyed Jungmin was taken out because they would've been a killer duo but oh well


literally i get sad everytime i remember jungmin isnt there like that duo would be THEEE vocal duo of 5th gen like no one would come close tbh but i choose to think it's truly the best for jungmin's well-being, he did struggle with his voice and mentally bc of it i think by the end of la start so yeah maybe that was the best choice