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It's a shame I knew a lot of these songs already but these are two great albums. It never really dawned on my how heavily velvet the Birthday album was considering birthday sounds more poppy to me, 

I'm going to do the japanese albums yet cos i'm not ready to say bye to Red Velvet, it's been super fun doing all this. 

If someone is able to screen record some highlights for me for ALL the album reactions that would be AMAZING because I'd love to make a reel but don't have the time but if not I'll try and do it in the new year. 





Also I have no idea why my ipad changed my footage quality lol


I was surprised you like Celebrate so much ??? lol But i was expectinhg you to hate Zoom(i dont like it either hehe) The one you can't remember is always Rookie lol That was your favorite aside from Russian Roulette. It was nice revisiting RV discography with you <3 Looking forward for the Bloom reaction! The album is made of original Japanese tracks only, so enjoy! (disclaimer: I don't think you'll actually enjoy it that much lol)


Hahaha i surprise myself too! Ooo yes rookie haha. Thank you for being on the journey with me!


when u said u didnt like bye bye at first i was like ??? that cant be right LMFAOOOO but i absolutely love the birthday album, something about it just works so well? every song feels so pink and as much as some people hate the album cover, i feel like it helps with the cohesion because the color fits each song so well !!! also good bad ugly is super underrated, best song on fmr for me


Bahahah it’s cos I kinda remembered that weird melody part but actually the rest of it works well!

Iryna Kopachova

Thank u for the reactions. You probably appreciate birthday a lot more now because of the recording behind the scenes :) Did I miss Queendom EP reaction or did u listen to that off camera?


You should continue with the exo albums in order starting with Miracles in December album (2013) and Overdose mini album (2014) since those come after XOXO


I mentioned this on a community post but the only albums i don't know are the two other winter albums and i know the rest quite well annoyingly


I listened to it off camera for sure so didn't even consider it when looking lol

Daija Samariya

Doesn't Celebrate sound like early Beyonce? Like Brown Eyes or Daddy. Something like that. I couldn't figure out what it reminded me of.

Daija Samariya

Also the I cant leave him alone? In On a Ride? That's what it reminded me of!! Lol

Chloé Hoarau

Loved watching your journey through RV's discography and I hope you will enjoy the japanese releases! Those two minis -especially the Birthday mini- are so important to me lol they sound really good the production was interesting and after the three previous ReVe festival albums these two kinda felt like a revamping of Rv's sound in a way. I don't know if you've already seen it or if you'd be interested but rv's vocal line had a performance on immortal songs like a year after their debut and although it's not their register at all genre-wise I find this performance quite beautiful in terms of what they are capable of doing w/ harmonies live and I also like that they don't look like glassy-eyed statues for the whole song lol the convey something! here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxh8l62zT1M


Ohhh I didn’t know they did immortal songs! Might check it out once I can !