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I kinda knew I wasn't gonna love it but a lot of people asked so lol here it is! 

Going forward I will not be doing any Key projects because though I don't dislike his sound, it doesn't stimulate me much either for the most part. 




It also reminded me of Severance!


Key is my number one, but I get what you mean. He definitely loves pop music and keeps his finger on the pulse. The problem is that he is shackled with SM and their huge roster. What I mean is that I feel like he would have put out more albums by this point, but he had to "prove" to SM that he was worth investing in to even get Bad Love green-lit (apparently he fought with them up until even filming the video and cried on set). The reason Bad Love works is that he planned the concept years in advance and essentially had a title track MADE for him that capitalized on his dynamism instead of choosing from a list. Even though we heard that particular sound so much by the time of Bad Love's release, it worked because he elevated it. I think since he isn't able to put out music as often, he ends up "falling behind" with trends in a sense. He puts out serviceable pop music but by the time SM releases it, the music landscape has shifted or a particular sound has been exhausted, so he NEEDS to inject more of himself into it for it to work. He has the imagery part down but just needs more daring songs. His debut album has the same issue, where there are stand-out tracks and solid concepts but it adheres so close to pop trends that it borders on "just okay" if you already aren't a fan.