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YET another fantastic episode! 

Seungkwan's kitchen saga was soooo hilarious LOOOL. 

Another easy enjoyable watch! 



sincerely, nai. ♡

loving the seventeen reactions omg ! it was so nice seeing seungkwan so happy after he had that long heart to heart with joshua the previous night :( even cuter that the members noticed how cheery and lively he was, it makes me so sad though imagining seungkwan having a hard time to the point where him being happy like this was something that the other members missed seeing yk? and also i LOVE LOVE how through watching in the soop we can see how minghao and jun kinda introduce and indulge in chinese traditions, meals and so on with the non chinese members. last season with the hotpot and different dishes jun made for them and the tea ceremony, this season again with minghao with his tea ceremony and jun cookng chinese cuisine for them. i just find it so wholesome ): them wanting to introduce them to their culture. i adore how much seventeen adore one another.


YESS it's really sweet how they do that. Such amazing chemistry these guys have!

T. A

I loved this reaction! SVT in the soop is always so relaxing, funny and fun seeing them all relax as well. Also I always wait for GoSe, I hope we get more of those please :)


Hehehe!!!! Watching Jeonghan having to act like chicken in this episode has remembering when Jeonghan cosplayed as a chicken for Vocal Unit Reverse Unit’s Performance of Hip Hop Unit’s song Check-In at CARAT Land 2021.

Akshi Ankita

Hope you would continue the series… just started watching 😅😅😅😅


Hahaha yess, I enjoy in the soop a lot. Nana Tour just caught my attention ha

Akshi Ankita

Oh yeah … Nana tour’s 2 nd episode is fun as well 😀😀😀😀