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I say this with no humour but this genuinely made me sad. I don't know why it affected me so much, even after filming I literally had to have a break and just sit on my sofa and go on tiktok cos my mood was SO LOW. 

I guess I had some hope and excitement I would hear something that would stimulate me but I was soo disappointed. This is probably my least favourite album I've ever reacted to. 

I'm more of an NCTzen than I though I guess, I miss the joy this group used to give me but maybe I was sad cos I realised maybe I need to move on. 

Crazy cos this made me appreciate the 2baddies way more. 

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed it much more than I did! 



Mica Ferguson

No, because it's the way I was so genuinely disappointed in this album. I cannot express enough how sad I was that I didn't like ANY of the songs. It didn't bode well for me at all when the sound snippets of Baggy Jeans didn't sound good to me and it was even worse they had T7S Unit doing that song (like if you're gonna bring back T7S unit at least make the song as much of a masterpiece as T7S was), but to then listen to the album and NOTHING stood out. Baggy Jeans' chorus is actually shameful. All that talent being made to perform mediocrity. Like the crazy thing is, sound wise Baggy Jeans and all these songs fit NCT's style, but it just wasn't engaging at all. There was no flair, no flavor, just nothing. I truly wish I could take back the time I put into listening to this album. It just feels so lazy, especially for a group like NCT where so many of their songs are an auditory experience even if I don't like the songs, but I didn't get that at all with this album. As a big NCTzen I hope they come back strong next album because we need it lmfao. I'm gonna go cleanse my palette with like... Empathy or Limitless or something lmao.


I haven’t watched your video but I can’t say i’m not surprised. I haven’t fully listened to the album and i’m not rushing too. This whole project has been in shambles. Multiple members are hurt, sick and overworked and given something that could have been held back and better planned and produced. I have not been actively supporting cos it’s obvious sm does this all for money and this has funnily been low in earnings and album sale and views/listen’s compared to previous group albums, because fans aren’t happy and nothing has been fully thought out. I’m pretty sure multiple member’s chinabars opted out of purchasing anything 😭. I hope more care can be put in in the future but the members just need rest and maybe better focus on their individual units. It’s insane how people like mark and haechan have been crazily overworked for some chump change. Thanks for reacting tho 🙏.


I was disappointed. The full member NCT albums used to be so special and now I'm like what happened. I hated Baggy Jeans as a title and the fact that it was given to that unit was shame. To me 7th Sense was a masterpiece - but that's my personal taste - so to go from that to Baggy Jeans was tragic. It felt uninspired, repetitive in a bad way, and I wanted to fire the stylist. Overall not my vibe. Most of the album is forgettable and I'm legitimately stunned. I think I only like Not Your Fault, moments of The Bat, parts of Kangaroo, and parts of Golden Age. When I say I'm stunned, like wtf happened? The disappointment is real. I hope 127's album is better but I now have no expectations.

Christine Nguyen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-29 03:30:02 I think we felt the same way about Baggy Jeans. I liked it more w/o the MV and I didn’t like that last 60 secs it. Call D was the biggest disappointment because it was so highly anticipated TY/Ten Duet. Because those were the first two tracks it set a bad tone for first album listen. My favorite tracks was the Interlude and Not your Fault. (I would have completely lost faith in SM if the F up the ballad) The tracklist credits was mostly full of unfamiliar producers.
2023-08-29 01:26:35 I think we felt the same way about Baggy Jeans. I liked it more w/o the MV and I didn’t like that last 60 secs it. Call D was the biggest disappointment because it was so highly anticipated TY/Ten Duet. Because those were the first two tracks it set a bad tone for first album listen. My favorite tracks was the Interlude and Not your Fault. (I would have completely lost faith in SM if the F up the ballad) The tracklist credits was mostly full of unfamiliar producers. None of usual heavy hitters

I think we felt the same way about Baggy Jeans. I liked it more w/o the MV and I didn’t like that last 60 secs it. Call D was the biggest disappointment because it was so highly anticipated TY/Ten Duet. Because those were the first two tracks it set a bad tone for first album listen. My favorite tracks was the Interlude and Not your Fault. (I would have completely lost faith in SM if the F up the ballad) The tracklist credits was mostly full of unfamiliar producers. None of usual heavy hitters

Christine Nguyen

I do wonder if the NCT U albums aren’t as profitable/worth it enough to invest as much into them as the subunit albums. Cuz they went all out with NCT 2020 the true Golden Age. I was surprised that SM didn’t seem to invest as much into NCT 2021 as they did for 2020. Maybe it doesn’t help that they rarely get to do performances of NCT U tracks until this NCT Nation tour. Plus it has gotten logistically hard because of so many members, increased solo schedules domestically/overseas, and all the subunits have been touring for the last two years. So SM may be gate keeping their better tracks for subunit albums and for Riize/NCT Tokyo. 127 is about to release their LAST OT9 album for the foreseeable future cuz of enlistment era


The only thing that soured it for me was SM very clearly throwing this at us without much thought or consideration to the boys or their well-being, and I just hope and wish that the polarized reception and Fandom disappointment will be a sign for someone at SM to take a step back and reevaluate how they're marketing and branding the group as a whole. That being said, I actually really enjoyed the entirety of the album. For me personally (as someone who really enjoys NCT's rapping alongside the vocals) I thought there was a lot of personality and growth with their delivery in this project as a whole, and I absolutely loved Baggy Jeans as a title track for the whole project. I also enjoyed and appreciated how much they leaned into the quirkiness and "noisy" style of music with this album. That being said, the production was rather gimmicky and they definitely didn't utilize any of the Vocalists in any new or interesting ways, I honestly feel like the album was created specifically with the intent of giving a very specific type of stage performance with their concert, and a lot of NCT’s strengths as a group were ignored in favor of trying to make viral performance pieces. But I definitely see where you're coming from and I even agree with most of your (and everyone else's criticisms when you explain them from your perspective. That's the tradeoff with leaning into a gimmicky sort of style and sound, I suppose. It's either gonna resonate with the audience or it's going to disappoint and there's not much room for the in between since a lot of SM artist's are either playing it way too safe or going to extremes to try and be different nowadays. I appreciate your reaction as always anyways, I still love the album but you definitely made me think about some things and opened my mind up to the elements that probably turned a lot of fans off of the album and SM's musical approach as a whole lately.

Lauryn L

Yeah I feel pretty similarly :/ It’s frustrating because I feel like SM is just going through it as a whole right now and their groups are suffering because of it. All of NCT’s projects have felt pretty rushed and not well thought out or prepared recently. And even if I did like some of the songs on their recent projects they still are only like 7/10 instead of 10/10 songs and concepts. I just feel like my boys deserve better! 😭 I’d rather the members get a good long break and have comebacks less frequently if that means we can have well thought out and elevated projects from them. Definitely my least favorite album from them so far. Also the chorus of baggy jeans was an absolute miss for me. If you’re gonna put T7S unit back together they need something groundbreaking like their debut.

Christine Nguyen

I noticed that this is the first NCT U album w/o subunit tracks. I think it’s a common sentiment that tracks like Nectar/Miracle or Deja Vu maybe should have been saved for Subunit albums/comebacks Maybe SM wants to do more subunits w/in subunits like DJJ


This!! Starting with those two tracks definitely started the album off on a bad note!

tada dadam

the only reason why i like some songs😆 is because of the nct nation concert, they performed some songs before album release, but if i listened to this album blindly, then i don’t think i would have the same reaction as i have now, after i saw stages😬(some were so fun and some were so great, haechan killed the only song he participated in this album🤌at that concert)


It's incredibly sad. I genuinely hope SM finds some direction.


Honestly for me, NCT has been a hit or miss for me these last 2 years. Their solo stuff is always great. However, the group songs always feel like they’re trying too hard to be different. Which is a double edge sword. I still love watching them on shows though.

Ezbai Hernandez

Not going to lie, I am really scared to watch this as I think it will be really sad to see someone who used to enjoy the uniqueness of a group just not feel the same way about them at all. Although it seems that I definitely enjoyed this album a lot more than you, I do have to agree that this is my least favorite album from any part of NCT. I just hope that this really doesn't make you completely step away from NCT, and that their upcoming releases really bring back that joy and quality they used to give! Anyways, I would like to thank you in advance for the reaction and hopefully we'll still see NCT album reactions from you in the future! :)


That's the thing, I'll NEVER truuuly give up on anyone because above all, I ADORE music so MUCH and would never want to miss out on something I'll love so I'll alwaaays check them out for sure but I'll just lower my expectations first haha

Deme Dacosta

I feel a little bit of Brandy in Baggy Jeans like production wise. Maybe I’m crazy 😝


WHICH BRANDY?!! I KNOW it aint the Brandy I KNOW!? Altho lol I do need to listen to the song with headphones cos I did like the harmonies. Need to revist

Deme Dacosta

Lmao 🤣 Maybe it just certain elements of the song not the song as a whole. But What about Us came to mind. And just certain elements reminded me of Dark child. Orr…. I’m just reaching 😂


Wait, hear me out! Deme might be on to something. Baggy Jeans made me instantly think of the production on "What About Us". So maybe less Brandy and more Darkchild.