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I'M SO GLAD I watched cos they validated a lot of what I felt and said in my reaction which people didn't like and tried to say I didn't know Shinee's Discography LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. 

They themselves admit they have not done a song with a main rap part before which was one of my reasons for not liking them going that direction with Hard but people took that as me saying they've never rapped before which now i'm thinking about it is kinda true seeing as this is their first proper hip hop song. 

Of course other songs have had rap parts DUH but nothing like Hard. Vocals have always been central to the overall production of their songs. Also Taemin saying it needed a hook and it was overly complex as a song, like THANK YOU. 

I'm so fucking sick of stans being defensive over what reactors say because they think it's an insult when the artists probably feel similarly themselves. You could tell they didn't love Hard BUT were looking forward to taking on the challenge anyway which I admire them for. 

I could go on about this for ages cos I did not watch several Shinee concerts/Listen to several albums just to be questioned about my knowledge of their music all just to defend a song that's nowhere near their best. I'd respect it more if people were like "yeah tbh this song isn't their best, doesn't really sound like them but i'm glad they're back" instead of trying to gaslight people. 




My biggest gripe is the narrative ppl were trying to push about how this is something SHINee were forced into to ~sound more 4th gen~ or modern. Thats comes off as such an insult to their stature. They said the original track needed a lot of work and I assume that’s what they listened to in that meeting, cause Taemin said the final outcome ended up sounding loads different - they still chose Hard though even knowing it needed a lot of work, even though SM was pushing for Juice (likely because it was already ready). Idk why when groups release a title track, if ppl don’t like it there has to be some kind of narrative around this is the company’s doing, look at my poor boys they hate the song too just like me! (Disclaimer: no they don’t). Sometimes your fave will release a song and album you don’t like, there’s no need for a victim narrative to justify someone’s personal taste even though that would get you sympathy likes on twitter. These men are in their 30s and are obviously empowered to make their own decisions over their music, lawrd.


I'm not big enough an SM-group fan to have real insight but I guess a drop in song/production quality can be understood from a money/clout perspective, and their ability to attract the best behind-the-scene talent. SM used to be number one but at this point, Hybe comes first by a mile. It can be argued that Kakao Ent is number two, though they don't act as a single entity, the actual money there is huge. YG is awash with Blackpink money, JYP hit the jackpot in Japan, so SM after the LSM debacle might be even slightly behind them?

Magical Creature

It’s not about top or who is better at the moment. Sm if they wanted to could do better is just that they don’t want to. They see that some fans are so loyal they would listen to and buy anything as long as their fav did it so they use that to put out content that they didn’t invest on too much. So they don’t waste any money on it. Especially with older groups. Also Yg has BP money but the girls get a big % of the money same with jyp artist. Sm takes the most cut like 90% of the artists earnings. So as a company they are up there after HYBE.

Trinity Martin

Not related to the video but just wanted to let you know there is a behind recording of Super Shy by New Jeans

Robin Harris

If people put forth their opinion on these forums, and ask viewers to comment, maybe manage your expectations. You don’t always appreciate the comments and the comments indicate a lack of appreciation of your reaction. The level of objectivity among fans will vary, but it is surprising a reactor (or anyone) would expect fans in general to not rise to defend when they perceive a slight. Total human nature. There are old and new SHINee fans, some know their whole discography and others don’t. Perhaps limit critique to the song at hand without reference to whether they have done a genre or type of song before. There is a lot of room for interpretation. In this case, it is not surprising that folks mentioned examples of hip hop and rap (for example, Get Down 2009 and Up & Down 2010, among others). As to SHINee themselves saying they haven’t done this type of song before, they have said they don’t remember all of their songs due to the vastness of their discography. A great discussion can be had about the challenge SHINee faces staying contemporary and what that means. It is harder to argue with a plain old, “I don’t like this song.” If the critique gets into whether they have done this type of song before and such, one is open to folks who may know better speaking up. Again, how that is defined, could be open to interpretation even for SHINee. BTS snippets may not be sufficient for someone to say they didn’t love HARD. They chose it as the title track and worked on it to the point of delaying the original release date.


Fyi the hard that they were talking about not liking, that was the original demo version not the version they came out with. In a reality show they talked about how much they fought to change hard and how happy they are with the version they released. The original demo apparently had a completely different chorus melody etc. So when Taemin is saying it needed a hook and it was overly complex as a song, hes not talking about the version they released. You should watch their roadtrip comeback show if you want to see more on it!