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I finally watched this concert, I have been wanting to for a WHILE and I'm glad I finally saw it! 

Let me know what you think! 


(No title)



I actually think for this performance of “keeping love”, the biggest issue with it was that the background instrumental was both too simple and stayed at a static intensity level almost all the way through the song, making it so that the complexity of their vocals got essentially washed out. I hadn’t seen this concert before, but I’ve never heard that happen with a live SHINee performance before so it really took me by surprise. The song itself may not be my favorite, but I do think it’s normally a charming and enjoyable song. But I mean hey, it’s also really hard to beat the song that came before it haha (when your ears go from being so pleased to... whats the word... dynamic— a perceived flat dynamic even if it’s not strictly one volume dynamic it feels that way partly by ear memory of the prev song, partly by song design, but laaaargely by how the instrumental was played. Please excuse my lack of grammar there!