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Thank god someone asked me about this cos I had literally forgotten lol.

It goes to show that the album itself didn't really make an impact on me. I'd say it feels more like a laidback summer vibe for sure.

Miyeon's mini was nice and definitely had some Taeyeon vibes. I like her individuality as an artist the most and I hope she can bring another EP soon because she could pull a Nayeon and KILL it.




Amerie Marshall

I like this album but at the same time, I don't. Maybe it's the quality of the song I can't put my finger on it. Agree with Klaxon gidle swag most definitely propels the song. I have a question also how do you put in a fan request?? ( I don't mean to be disrespectful) I love the video!


No worries, you can DM me those. Though as you can imagine I have a lot of content to cover already


"I Sway" is kinda an inconsequential album but at the same time I have been enjoying it a lot. The vibes are basically "hear gidle do summer songs", which is what fans like myself would look forward to but would not be converting any newcomers. These were how mini albums used to be, before everything became minis You finally reacted to Miyeon's EP! I can stop bugging you about it. She is very similar to Taeyeon, even the way she sings OSTs. So, I figured you would enjoy the album at least a bit. I listened to this album a lot. As a whole, I have yet to decide if she is following Taeyon's style too closely or doing enough to put her own signature. Would need a 2nd album for that