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She was the perfect person for this. I'm really glad she did this too because I could finally hone in on her technique and which parts of her voice I truly enjoy!

Her twang affects her overall tension and isn't inherently bad because it gives her voice character and ease but then it sometimes holds her voice back although she can choose to get rid of it at the right times for dynamics so it's essentially a choice which is what you want.

She's so cute and goofy too, I enjoyed her energy!




Joe B

Mujin sounded amazing in that duet. Would love to see the other Mamamoo members on the show!

Samir Pun

"Why are they outside?": Me cause I'm a homebody lol. Solar has had noticeable improvement after she did the musical "Mata Hari". I think kpop idols should dip their toes in musical theatre to really hone in their singing technique. She has always been pushy in her high notes and I think she will be pushy until the end of her career but suprisingly she has been the one to have retained her vocal health over the years compared to other Mamamoo members. I wish to see other members on there too. Maybe Hwasa cause she is preparing for a comeback.