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YESS!! More of my babies. 

I LOVE vocalists it's THAT simple. Even when the songs aren't for me I'm so excited by the choices they're gonna make. 

Looking forward to variety shows next as well as the last album I haven't heard. 




Samir Pun

Havent watched the video yet but have you listened to any Day6 music yet? If not, I think you should give them a listen. They are the only band I listen to. They've got some pretty good music and great vocals!!


I think he said he’s checked out a couple of their songs on live and wasn’t into them 🥲 lol If I had to guess which ones, I’d probably say Sweet Chaos and Shoot Me because for some reason people are obsessed with suggesting those 2 songs even though I personally think they are terrible recommendations for a first listen and something slower that shows off their vocals would be better. So many amazing b-side tracks I could think of 😭 He did like the Xdinary Heroes Zombie cover tho. Not sure if he’s heard the original, but the cover is pretty much exactly the same so all the runs and vocal moments he enjoyed there are directly from the original song, and ofc there’s that masterpiece of an MV too✨☺️


Yayyy my babies are back!! 😍Excited to watch this, thank youuuu 💙 Lemme watch and, as usual, I’ll write you a novel in the comments after 😆


Yeahhh I checked out a lot of their music on lives and officially gave up. Maybe one day, we'll see


Oh God NOT THE CHOREO!! Im so embarrassed!! 😭😩💀 You are being so kind and sweet about it thoo 🥲😂

Samir Pun

Oh okay! I'm not on your lives because most of them happen when Im in classes sadly so I would've never known. I personally like their music. I think ReacttothK put me on their music and the rest is history.

Isa Martini

Please check out their Deadlock album! It's my ultimate favorite I can't skip a single song. It's the album which contains Good Enough and Dear H! I remember you reacting to those 2, but I can't recall if you ever checked out the rest, so if you didn't I definitely recommend it!


4:12 idk if anyone ever told you this but jungsu and o.de used to be idol trainees so they both dance very well :) it really shows through in tiktok’s they’ve done w other idols or just randomly dropping them doing a dance trend!!!

Trinity Martin

he’s already checked that out around the time it came out and he has reacted to good enough and dear.h on yt

Trinity Martin

the super shy song break is killing me😭

Lynn Pratt

I'm hollering at u choosing their choreo version of Test Me 😂 they were indeed very cute and earnestly tried their best, even tho Jooyeon has said putting him in dance lessons was the worst idea lol. On I think their first or 2nd Weekly Idol appearance Gunil made the host cry laughing with his very enthusiastic dancing lol. Jungsu and Ode actually joined as idol trainees so they had a year or so of dance training before being moved to the band project, they do the occasional dance covers and they're pretty good. Speaking of Gunil, I'm glad you liked his little bits of vocals! He's got such a lovely warm voice, I hope he gets more breaks from drumming on future releases so we can hear his voice more. I hear ya on wanting more chords, tho to be fair on ZZZZ the themes of the song are about technology and dreams so the repetitive rhythm actually works for the themes. There's a reaction to it by Handsomesausages (great channel name lol) who are Korean American and ZZZZ is one of their favs bc the lyrics are really clever plays on Korean nursery rhymes and idioms. They actually work a lot of English into their lyrics usually, but I'm glad they also have tracks that are very Korean and not simplified for intl listeners. I knew the title tracks wouldn't gonna be ur favs, but I'm glad u still find the talent in it even when it's not ur taste. Tbh the title tracks are never my fav on each album, but I'm actually ok with that bc (and this is just my opinion) it makes sense to have the title tracks be simpler and easier for them to perform since it'll be the one they play the most on music shows and fans will want to chant along with. They can have the weird stuff and vocal acrobatics on the bsides and change things up when they perform on tour.


I really enjoyed it fr cos you can tell they were just having fun haha

Elizabeth Seravello

So excited for the variety content for XH! Let's go! Ready for you to see their chaos

Kenyan drake

Did you see that Minseok from Melomance was on Mujin’s service??? 🌚


He checked out Livelock album when it came out but hasn’t listened to Deadlock apart from Good Enough and Dear. H

Lynn Pratt

The kindergarten episodes of Rock The World are some of my fav variety show eps of any group ever. They're just pure joy and chaos, not even the staff could contain their delight.


I'm glad I watched this! I've heard about them a while ago bc their drummer went to Berklee, but I hadn't listen to them. Honestly, for me, ...I think their music is too obvious. I also think though, with this type of bubblegum pop-rock it's a lot harder to not steer cheesy, in comparison to pop-punk where the two are naturally dichotomous. I think it can work and not be, but it's more difficult. Obvi there's more than pop-rock going on here; that's just my general reaction. They're all talented tho! And I'm glad that their going for it and trying to do their own thing in the kpop space. I think I like zzz the best


omg came back here to tell you that i rewatched their variety show & completely forgot that jungsu mentioned on there that he has perfect pitch!! honestly it makes perfect sense bc his voice is just so good, but i also wonder if it helps with how clean his voice is