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Elizabeth shifted in her seat, suddenly worried that she had overestimated herself. This class had already started off badly enough as her teacher scolded her for not having homework to turn in, and for having a wet diaper - not that she could really help that, as the teacher of her last class had denied her a bathroom break - shaking her head and saying she was surprised Elizabeth wasn't already in the Nursery. Now, she was starting to feel a worrying pressure starting to build in her tummy.

Knowing that the teacher was already mad at her, and having been turned down for a hall pass already, she didn't really want to ask for permission to use the bathroom... And, at first, she'd thought she wouldn't have to. It was just starting... Surely she could wait until the end of class! How hard could it be?

But, the longer she sat at her desk, the more this began to feel familiar. Like that morning, and like her last accident in class, the need to go grew urgent much quicker than she was used to... She whimpered, squirming in her seat... This couldn't be happening... Not here, not now! Yet, it was only getting worse, and there didn't seem to be anything she could do about it... She hated to draw attention to herself, especially knowing she might be turned down, however, if she didn't, she wasn't sure she could make it after all.

She raised her hand tentatively, only for the teacher to look past her not once, but twice. She began to wave her hand back and forth, trying to pull the woman's attention, then, finally, leapt to her feet and squealed, "Please, give me a hall pass!"

Unfortunately, as soon as she did, she no longer needed it. Her mouth dropped open as she felt an involuntary push from inside her guts, and she let out a gasp of shock and mortification as she felt a wave of soft, gooey mush ooze into her diaper. She was sure the other students knew what was happening - given the other girls in diapers, it was probably a nearly daily occurrence - and having the back of her skirt pinned up only made it more obvious, spurring on the giggling she heard all around - but especially behind - her.

And, to make things worse, she couldn't stop it. She'd had bladder problems before, but she'd never had this, where she lost all control over her bowels... She couldn't help but think it was no coincidence that it had happened only after she started coming to school here. She'd never felt so confused, so scared, so childish...

"I guess you don't need that pass anymore," the teacher told her snottily. "Diaper changes are only given in between classes. Now sit down and pay attention, young lady. Honestly...  Children like you are so disruptive. I can't wait for you to be demoted to the Nursery, where you belong."

As Elizabeth reluctantly sat back down, her bottom - still slightly sore from her spankings the day before - sinking into the mess in her diaper, she couldn't help but feel the same way, a little... She was in diapers; she'd peed in them several times, and now she'd pooped in them, with no choice but to sit and wiggle in her dirty pants until the end of class. 

Nevertheless, her stomach still churned at the thought of this Nursery. She'd heard of it several times, though she'd never been shown it... She was certain she didn't want to end up there, however. They had to be giving her something to make her use her diapers this easily, they just had to... And if they were already doing that much to her here, what else would they do in the Nursery? All she knew was that she didn't want to find out. And she had a feeling she knew the one person who could keep her out of there... 

"Mandie," the teacher said after class, as the other students were gathering up their things, "be a dear and take your little friend to the Nurse for her change, would you? I'd hate to have her stink up another classroom."

"C-Can I please go to the Headmistress instead?" Elizabeth asked.

Mandie and the teacher both looked surprised. "Why would you want to do that?" the teacher asked. "She's much too busy to put up with you, and she won't change you anyway. Make sure she goes to the Nurse."

"No!" Elizabeth wailed as Mandie grabbed her hand. "Please, I have to talk to her! Please!"

The teacher's eyes narrowed, then she shrugged. "All right, she can take care of this then," she walked over to Elizabeth, slipping a pink pink into her skirt beside the yellow one. "Now, get going."

Mandie teased her the whole way to the Headmistress's office, but Elizabeth was too busy trying to think of what to say - and trying to ignore the icky sensation of the load in her diaper shifting and squishing with every step - to pay attention. The line for the Headmistress's office was much shorter than the one for the Nurse's, so she was led right in, and almost immediately regretted her plan.



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