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Here's this month's Community Story!

"Sorry, Anya, you're going to have to go in the basement."

"Wh-What?!" Anya squealed, face instantly turning bright red. "B-But I didn't..."

Her aunt chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, sorry, dear. No, I didn't mean that, sweetie... I mean, we're putting the kids' table down there this year, and with Boyd's wife, I'm afraid we don't have enough room at the main table."

Anya wanted to protest, but she'd always known this day was coming. As the oldest of the cousins, she had gotten the privilege of sitting with the adults, usually, yet the threat that her spot would be taken by someone older than her had been in the background.

Of course, it wasn't exactly fair to call it the 'kids' table' anymore anyway... They were all adults now, too, though most of them were a handful of years behind her, enough so that she'd gotten to babysit them when they were younger, which was why the threat of being sent to the basement had hit her so hard at first.

It had been years since she'd had to do that... She had to wonder if it was all still down there. She had to assume so, knowing how loathe her aunt was to throw anything away. She felt a tiny bit guilty, thinking about everything that had happened, everything that she'd done... She could tell herself it wasn't her fault, that she'd been put in charge, but she knew she'd gone a little overboard at times.

"D-Do you want me to go set things up?" Anya offered. She was there early, after all, since her car was in the shop, her boyfriend, Rex, having had to drop her off on the way to his own family Thanksgiving.

Her aunt smiled. "Always such a helpful girl," she said. "Sure, dear, that would be a big help."

Anya carried down a stack of plates and utensils, setting them down on the old, dusty table. She told herself, at first, she was searching for a duster, or a tablecloth, but she knew she was just building up the courage to wander over to the door. It was possible her aunt had turned it into a storage room, might have what she needed in there.

Deep down, however, she'd known what she would find when she finally pushed it open, her heart pounding a little harder when she got her confirmation, saw the oversized nursery, still set up, ready for an occupant. The furniture was all there, the closet door cracked open to reveal the variety of humiliating outfits, and the changing table was well-stocked, stacked high with thick, crinkly diapers.

She couldn't help feeling at least tangentially responsible that it existed, even beyond how often she'd been tasked with looking after her younger cousins here. As family legend went, she was the one who had inspired it, after her severe case of Christmas crankiness had been cured by pointing out how she was acting like her baby cousin, Kacy, and one of the adults mused that she would probably fit into one of the spare outfits that had been brought for that cousin. It hadn't worked quite as well on Kacy when she was older... Until they'd actually followed through on it, the nursery slowly getting assembled as the cousins outgrew their baby furniture and their parents donated it here, for the sake of keeping them in line on holidays, with Anya as the designated deputy, tattling on bad behavior at first, then becoming the official enforcer, an easy enough job when she was already the babysitter for most of them.

It was strange to think that a lot of the furniture and toys had belonged to her at one point, and embarrassing to note how many of the latter seemed like she'd still be able to use today. Tentatively, she shuffled over towards the changing table, cheeks blazing, positive she still smelled baby powder lingering in the air, although, realistically, she knew she must be imagining it, recalling how much of the stuff she'd loved dumping on her cousins so that, long after they were let out of their diapers and went home, they'd be reminded of what she'd done to them.

"Well, well, well," Anya jumped at the sound of a voice behind her, so engrossed in looking around that she hadn't heard the owner of it approaching. "What are you doing here, Anya? Are you ready for your turn?"

Anya spun around, immediately anxious at the sight of Kacy standing there, arms crossed. "I-I was just surprised to see it was all still here," Anya forced a laugh. "F-Funny, huh?"

Kacy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... Hilarious. That's exactly what I think when I look at all this."

Panic shot through Anya as Kacy took a step closer to her. Like all of the cousins, she was bigger than Anya now, and Anya knew that difference was even bigger than it seemed, that if she hadn't been wearing her heels, she would feel even tinier in comparison. "I-It wasn't my fault, you know!" she stammered out.

"Oh?" Kacy paused, looking Anya in the eye, waiting for her to elaborate.

"Th-They told me to babysit you," Anya shrugged. "I-It's not like I chose to do it..."

To her shock, Kacy considered that for a moment, nodded. "You know what, Anya? That is so true..." She began to walk again, brushing past Anya, who let out a quiet sigh of relief, glad the younger girl saw reason. "You did choose this, though, didn't you?"

Anya lifted her head to see Kacy at the closet, holding up a hanger with a red and white onesie on it, striped, with a snowflake pattern over them. From how Kacy was holding it, Anya couldn't see it, yet she knew that, on the back, there was a teddy bear face, adding to the babyishness of it.

"I-I don't remember," Anya lied, nibbling her bottom lip.

"You don't?" Kacy asked. "Well, let's see if I can refresh your memory... You were the sitter, and you'd told my mom that I tried to steal your cell phone, when I just asked to look at it, and she put me into a diaper for that... And then you saw this in... Whose diaper bag was it? Who still actually needed them?"

"I-I don't know," Anya fibbed again, squirming.

"I tried to run off to get my mom when I realized what you were going to do, but you grabbed me, and you stripped me in front of everyone, and you made me wear this, and when you showed the grown-ups, they thought it was just so cute... Come to think of it, that was when they started bringing over old baby clothes, too, wasn't it?"

Anya gulped, fully aware of how ridiculous it would be to deny it yet again, unable to bring herself to admit it. "M-Maybe," she said instead.

"Maybe," Kacy mocked. "Well, you know what, Anya? Maybe this would still fit you..."

"Wh-What?!" Anya squeaked. "N-No way!"

"Oh, I think it would..." Kacy held it up in Anya's direction. "You haven't gotten that much bigger since then, and you were barely taller than me..."

"Th-That's not true!" Anya protested. That had been so long ago... Surely, by now, she was far too large to fit into something made for a literal toddler... Wasn't she?

"Then there's no harm in letting me try," Kacy said. "Come on, Anya... Don't you think you owe me at least that?"

"What? No!" Anya whined, shaking her head, backing up. She was too slow, however, Kacy sensing her skittishness, jumping forward, grabbing her by the wrist, dragging her over to the changing table. Before Anya knew it, she was being stripped out of her grown-up clothes, despite her best efforts to hold onto them, to keep them on her body.

"If you want me to rip them off of you, that's fine with me," Kacy told her. "They're coming off one way or the other."

That was exactly what Anya needed to hear to get her to let go; there was no way she would be leaving the basement in anything other than what she'd worn in, not when her other options were the things hung up in the closet, and especially not when Rex was going to be picking her up later. She refused to help, but stopped struggling, letting Kacy do what she wanted, positive that she'd discover the onesie was too small and leave it at that.

Instead, to her horror, the opposite happened. "Wow," Kacy smirked. "Look at that... If anything, I'd say that's too big."

"N-No, it's not!" Anya denied it even before she checked to see how it looked on her, refusing to believe it.

"You're right!" Kacy snapped her fingers. "Silly me... I know what the problem is... You're missing a very important part of the outfit. Come on, Anya, let's get you up onto the changing table. You need a diaper to go with your onesie, don't you?"

"N-No, I don't!" Anya squealed. "Y-You can't...! Kacy, stop it!"

But she was the one who had asked if she could have something to help her keep her cousins from squirming around when she diapered them... She was the reason for the soft cuffs attached to the changing table, the same ones Anya locked around her wrists and ankles, trapping her there, unable to stop the girl as she pulled out one of the thick, bulky diapers from the changing table's shelf, sliding it under Anya's bottom, taping it snugly up, then snapping the onesie over it. Anya was mortified to see that, with the extra padding underneath, the onesie fit her perfectly.

"B-But..." she sniffed, fidgeting uncomfortably once Kacy released her from the table, helped her to her feet, letting her feel the diaper bulging between her legs, hear it crinkle. "I-I'm not..."

"What?" Kacy snickered. "A baby? You certainly look like one to me." She slipped a pacifier into Anya's protesting lips. "There, perfect! Now, Anya, babies don't walk, do they?"

Anya glared at her, but she didn't like her chances of getting her big girl clothes, or panties, back unless she did as she was told, so, with a muffled huff, she got down onto all fours, crawling around the nursery while Kacy watched, praying that she would tire of this before any of the other cousins arrived.

But of course she didn't. When Selene, the youngest of the cousins, showed up, Kacy was teasing Anya, asking if she'd had an accident, patting the seat of her diaper. "Oh, my God!" Selene exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Look at you! You look like a little doll!"

Anya knew the wording was deliberate, though that didn't do anything to soften the blow. As the baby of the family, Selene had gotten away with acting immaturely for too long, in Anya's opinion... Part of her annoyance, she had to admit, was how difficult it made her job as sitter, since it was harder to discipline someone by treating them like a baby when they were already doing most of the work for her. She told herself she was doing it for the girl's good, however, that she was going to get teased if she kept playing with dolls at her age. So she'd turned Selene into her doll, to show her how it felt, dressing her up in frilly dresses - and diapers, naturally - and making her do everything she told her to, under threat of a spanking if she failed.

If she had any doubts about her other cousin remembering that, they were swept away when Kacy pushed Anya towards Selene with another pat to her diaper. "I bet you could make her look even more like a doll," she suggested. "In fact, I think I saw a very special dress in the closet when I found this onesie..."

Anya should have been glad to get out of the onesie, but it felt like a lateral move, at best, to be put into the same frilly dress that she'd made Selene wear when she was her 'doll', complete with a matching diaper cover, a tiara, lacy ankle socks, and Mary Janes, all white and delicate, and, like the onesie, all fitting her far better than she would have guessed.

"I'd better not see a speck of dirt on this," Selene lectured, the same thing Anya had told her when she'd done this to her. "Or you're going over my lap, young lady!"

Anya saw, now, how ridiculous that demand was, leaving her terrified to so much as move... And things didn't improve when the rest of her cousins began to arrive, Kacy gladly directing them into the nursery to say hi. All she wanted to do was try to hide, to keep them from seeing her, but she was terrified of getting her pristine outfit dirty and froze, standing there awkwardly as she saw them laughing at her, wondering aloud, "Is that a diaper?!"

"Go on, dolly," Selene ordered. "Be a good girl and give them a curtsy."

Anya groaned, shook her head, hands fidgeting in front of herself, doing their best at the impossible task of hiding her diaper from view. "B-But..."

"She's such a silly little dolly," Selene shook her head, reaching over and picking up a very familiar hairbrush from the changing table. "There's only one thing that gets through to her... Since you were the one she was being rude to, you're welcome to do the honors."

Anya shook her head, eyes wide, recognizing the depth of her mistake, how they were still going to see her diaper regardless, and get to spank her the way she'd spanked each of them at least once. "N-No!" she whined, stomping her foot. "Y-You can't!"

But, as she quickly learned, they very much could.

Her bottom was very red beneath her diaper by the time her aunt came down to tell them the food was ready. She was stuck in the corner of the nursery, shaking, praying that her aunt wouldn't ask where she was, that none of her cousins would suggest she take a peek into the nursery. She did overhear, however, her aunt sigh, "I thought Anya told me she was going to set this table! Honestly, that girl... Sometimes it's hard to remember she's the oldest of you all.," along with plenty of giggling from her cousins.

"Y-You hafta let me get changed," she sniffled to Selene, keeping watch over her in the nursery. "I-I can't go upstairs to get my food like this..."

"Don't worry," Selene told her, in a way that very much made Anya worry more, "we're going to take care of that for you."

"Selene!" Anya groaned. "This isn't fair! You can't expect me to eat in this stupid outfit!"

"Oh, don't worry," Selene replied. "I don't. You're right, that would be unfair, wouldn't it?"

When Anya found out what she had in mind instead, she wished she'd kept her mouth shut, that she'd have trusted herself to keep the clothes clean. She dragged her feet, resisting it as much as she could, but was no matched for Selene as she was dragged out of the nursery in only a bib and her diapers, her red bottom peeking out from beneath the latter, to be shoved into the high chair - with the same restraints she'd gotten added to the changing table, that were there because she'd requested them on it as well - that had been brought out, set at the head of the table for her to be strapped into.

The final blow to her ego, the final nail in her coffin as the new baby of the family, came as her Thanksgiving was laid out on the tray in front of her, while she could see the plates of delicious looking food at every other chair, making her mouth water until she was given a bowl of baby food and a bottle of milk. She wasn't even able to feed herself them - not that she would have chosen to - with her hands bound to the highchair, her cousins taking on that job as they took breaks from their own eating.

"Are you enjoying your milkies?" Selene teased when it was her turn, bottle already pushed into the older girl's pouty lips, Anya shaking her head. "I hope so!" she cooed, ignoring her cousin's reaction. "It's full of lots of special things to make sure your tummy doesn't get all backed up! We wouldn't want to send you home all cranky and constipated, would we?"

Anya writhed in the chair, doing her best to spit the bottle out, wishing she'd trusted her gut after the first sip, when she'd suspected it didn't quite taste right. It had been so long since she'd had milk, she hadn't been certain, though... And, really, it wasn't like it would have mattered. How would she have stopped them from making her drink it when she was so small compared to them, so weak, so babyish, trapped here in her diapers and highchair?

She told herself it was just her imagination, her stomach feeling as full as it did after Selene told her that, but, by the time they were done eating, and she was let out of the chair, there was no ignoring the growing pain in her gut, or the cramps that were already starting. She was prepared to beg to be taken to the bathroom, to do whatever they wanted her to do...

She didn't get the chance, Selene leading her back to the nursery, where Anya assumed she was going to be given back her clothes, only to be given nothing more than a shirt to replace her bib, taken not to the changing table, but the crib, pushed inside. "Selene!" Anya whimpered, wriggling uncomfortably on her back. "Y-You can't..."

"I can do anything I want with my dolly," Selene smirked. "And I want you to fill your little diaper up to the brim."

"S-Selene!" Anya gasped, reaching, automatically, for her phone, ready to text her boyfriend, tell him to come her her right now, whether he was done eating or not. Of course, she realized, she hadn't had that for quite a while now, since she'd been stripped the first time. "G-Give me my phone!"

"Of course!" Selene told her, far too quickly and easily, trotting over to the toy box, rather than the changing table, where her actual clothes were waiting. She returned with a pink, plastic toy phone, handing it over. "There you go!"

Anya groaned, looking up at the girl pitifully. "Selene, pl-please," she pleaded. "Y-You were always my favorite... I-I only did all that to help you! I didn't want you to be picked on! C-Come on!"

Selene hesitated for a moment, then raised the side of the crib, locking it into place. Anya rolled over, grasping at the bars of the crib, sniffling, feeling hopeless and helpless as the next cramp hit, as she felt herself - perhaps resigned to her fate by now, not wanting to put itself through more pointless pain resisting it - start to push, her diaper beginning to swell outwards as she did as she was told, as she slowly but surely began to poop her pants while Selene strutted away, turning out the lights and leaving her all alone in the nursery.


"You don't think we went too far, did we?" Selene pondered. "I mean, it was funny, seeing her reaction to the dress, but maybe we overdid it a little."

"No way," Kacy scoffed. It hadn't been easy, getting exact duplicates of those two outfits made in Anya's size, or cheap, but seeing her reaction had absolutely been worth it, watching her get so flustered, thinking she was even tinier than she really was, surely far too small to stand up to her bigger cousins. As soon as Boyd had said 'I do,' and Kacy had realized what that meant for Thanksgiving, she'd been waiting for today, doing her best to get every little detail right. And, as if the universe was confirming it was the right thing to do, Anya's car had broken down earlier that week, meaning she was going to have to be picked up. "You know she deserves this."

"I suppose," Selene said, looking down at Anya's phone, at the text she'd typed out to her cousin's boyfriend, telling her all about her secret desires, how she was tired of pretending, how she wanted to be treated like a naughty little girl, how it would be so much hotter if she could pretend it was all against her will, that she didn't want any of it... "You don't think we should at least change her before he gets here?"

"We can't do that," Kacy reminded her. "That's what's going to convince him that she's into this, remember? There's no way she'd mess her diaper unless she really, really wanted to be a baby."

"That's true," Selene admitted reluctantly. "But..."

"Come on, Selene," Kacy rolled her eyes. "Do you want to be the littlest cousin forever?"

"You're right," Selene gave in, letting out a giggle, finally allowing her excitement to get the best of her, hardly able to wait to see the fireworks when Anya's boyfriend arrived, found her in the little pink dress they'd picked out for her, pacifier in her mouth and a dirty diaper on her bottom. With a satisfied smile, she hit send on the text, sealing her oblivious, formerly older, cousin's crinkly fate.

Original prompt: Young girl about 18-25 gets put at the kids table in the basement for Thanksgiving with all her younger cousins that she used to babysit as the adult table has no room for her and somehow she winds up locked in an oversized high chair wearing only a huge bib and an extra thick diaper over her red bottom feeling like the true baby of the family.



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