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Paul scrambled out of bed, though he quickly realized that standing there beside the wet bed, totally naked, his skin still damp, didn't make him feel much better at all. "I-I don't know what happened..." he finally sputtered. Even when he'd been a child, he didn't remember wetting the bed much, if at all; it certainly hadn't happened for a very long time.

Beth eyed him skeptically, reminding him afresh that he was nude, causing him to squirm in place uncomfortably. They'd seen each other naked plenty of times, yet this was different... He didn't feel like a confident, adult man with his girlfriend of a year right now, but a naughty little boy, having just been caught by his mother. He shifted in place, moving his hands over his crotch and blushing.

After a few, long moments, Beth shook her head. "I'm going to take a shower," she told him, grabbing some clothes and heading for the bedroom door. "Stay on the bed... Don't drip all over the floor."

Paul blushed even deeper, crawling up onto one corner of the bed and sitting there, listening to the sound of the shower spraying in the other room. He tossed the blanket over the wet spot in the middle of the bed, not wanting to look at it, though unable to stop thinking about it. What was wrong with him? He didn't feel sick, and he hadn't last night, either... Why, out of nowhere, would... something like that... happen?!

Beth finished her shower, walking back into the room, giving him a disappointed look as she went to start getting dressed, leaving him wriggling on the bed for a minute or two before asking, "Aren't you going to clean up, too? Or do you like sitting in your own pee?"

"N-No, ma'am!" he squeaked, unsure whether to feel more embarrassed at not even thinking about going to the now empty shower until she'd mentioned it, or inadvertently calling his girlfriend 'ma'am'. Neither had done anything to make him feel better about his situation, that was for sure. He scrambled off the bed, glad to be away from it, and into the bathroom, taking a long, hot shower.

It wound up being even longer than he'd intended, in fact. He finally felt like he'd collected himself enough to face Beth again, was even reaching for the faucet, when he heard her voice in the living room. "Hello? Yes, this is suite three... Good morning! I wanted to warn the housekeeping staff about something..." 

He froze in place, wanting to hear what she was going to say. Without any clothes to change into, there wouldn't really be that much of a reason for him to stay in the bathroom for long after turning off the water, and he didn't want her to know he was eavesdropping. Would she really tell them what happened?! Then again, they were bound to find out one way or the other... 

"I'm afraid somebody had a bit of an accident on the main bed... Oh, who am I kidding? It was a big accident. I'm very sorry about that, I didn't expect... I appreciate that, but it IS a big deal. He's much too old for this kind of thing... Oh, no, thank you... I'm not about to sleep on a plastic sheet. Don't worry, I'm going to get him something to take care of this... Oh, does it? Well, maybe he should sleep in there..."

Paul let out a worried gasp, having a bad feeling that he knew what they were talking about, despite only hearing half of the conversation. That 'bed' in the other room had a plastic sheet... But there was no way he was going to sleep in there! He didn't need to... This was a fluke, nothing more!

He turned off the water, hurriedly grabbing a towel and drying off as quickly as possible as he strode towards the door, reaching for the handle... Just in time for it to swing open, revealing Beth on the other side. "Listen, I know..." he started to say.

"I'm going shopping for some clothes for you," she told him coldly. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Didn't they get any of mine back?" he asked nervously. "Even just the ones from the laundry, so I can go with you?"

"I forgot to ask," she shrugged. "You're already putting us way behind schedule... Just wait here." She turned and walked away, leaving him all alone in the hotel room.

But not for long. Trying to forget about what had happened, and the overheard threat of possibly being made to sleep in the other room, he'd switched on the TV, sitting on the couch in his towel, when he heard somebody outside the room. He turned, surprised that Beth was back so quickly - had somebody at the front desk stopped her to give her some of his own clothes? He stood, his clumsily folded towel staying on the sofa, as he started to walk towards the entryway, eager to have something to put on so he could actually leave the room if he wanted.

As he stepped closer, however, he heard not one voice, but two. He stopped, eyes widening as he realized that, while both of the voices were female, when he got closer it was obvious neither was Beth... He hoped they were going to keep moving, that they'd merely stopped in front of the wrong door.

Then he heard a faint beep as their key card was read, and a click from the door as it unlocked. He stared in horror for a long moment, paralyzed in fear, before, at the sight of the door beginning to open, feeling returned to his legs, and he ran into the bedroom, swinging the door shut behind him. He didn't dare shut it, knowing that it would make noise if he did, and already hearing the two women inside his suite.

"Look at this!" one of them said in disgust. "They left the TV on, and wet towels all over the place... Disgusting..."

"Of course they are," the other, who sounded a little older, replied. "You know what we have to deal with in there."

"Ugh," the first woman whined. "I thought for once we wouldn't have to deal with that here... Wasn't the reservation supposed to be for two adults?!"

"Who knows?" the other said sagely. "Things change..."

Paul bit back a gasp as he heard their voice growing louder as they started to move towards the door he was crouching beside. This must be the housekeeping staff... And Beth had already told them about the bed, so they knew they had to come and clean up in here... What was he going to do?! He didn't want them to see him like this, but when he opened his mouth to call out, ask them to come back later, his voice caught in his throat. He'd waited quite a while at this point... They might think he was some creeper spying on them, the latter of which was partially true.

Not to mention that Beth had said 'he' on the phone, so if they heard a guy's voice, they'd probably assume - rightly, unfortunately - that any male voice was coming from the person who had wet the bed. Denying it would only make it seem more suspicious... Even if he could stop them from coming into the room, he didn't even want them to hear his voice and figure out, even roughly, how old the person they were cleaning up after was. 

There was another room, of course... His eyes shifted to the door, which seemed to be wider open than he'd left it the night before, as he chewed his bottom lip. Did he really want to go in there? No, of course he didn't... But it would be better than getting caught here, at the scene of the crime, naked.

He hurried into the room, stopping dead in his tracks just over the threshold. That faint, sweet scent he'd noticed the past couple times was far stronger now, so much so that it nearly felt like a solid thing, filling his nostrils and taking his breath away. He shook his head, looking around, seeing the statues of the fairies on the walls, like he had the day before... But not exactly. He was certain they were in different positions, somehow... The diaper that had been lying open on the changing table was still there, now surrounded by bottles and cans, and a pink onesie with ruffles across the bottom.

He heard the voices of the maids coming closer, forced himself to step further into the nursery, grabbing the door and closing it. His head was starting to spin from the smell, but he could just open the window, and he'd be fine, surely... He paused, wanting to leave the door open at least a crack, like he had every other time he'd been in here... But the bed was right there, so close to the door...

He shoved the door shut all the way, then spun and dashed towards the window. The room wasn't that big, or so he'd thought, but with every step, instead of getting closer, the window seemed to be getting further away... No, that wasn't quite it...

He looked down, shocked to see his legs, previously relatively muscular, now looked shorter, stubbier, chubbier... And as they pumped frantically, they only seemed to grow more-so. The room wasn't getting bigger... He was getting smaller! Looking up slightly, his cheeks reddened at the sight of his penis, which now also appeared to have shrunk. What was going on?!

He turned again, deciding this wasn't worth it, that he was paying for this room, so he didn't care if a couple housekeepers knew he'd peed the bed if he could just get out of here... But the door was gone. The wall where it had been was smooth, no cracks appearing in its surface at all to reveal where the door ought to be. 

He heard a buzzing sound, like a hummingbird, only louder, spinning towards it just in time to see a fairy zip off of the wall right in front of him, as the others started to stir to life from their perches. He froze for a long moment, heart thumping wildly as he started to wonder if he was still sleeping, if this whole morning had been one strange nightmare...

Then he started to run. It was this smell... It had to be... It was some kind of drug, something that was making him hallucinate... He had to get some fresh air... His increasingly tiny legs worked for all they were worth, despite covering less and less ground with every leap, as he desperately headed for the window.

By the time he got there, he was short enough to get a good view of the shelves and all the supplies on them. Rows and rows of diaper, baby oil, baby powder, jars of suppositories, boxes of disposable enemas, as well as multiple reusable enema bags... He tried to ignore it, clumsily clambering up onto the window seat/changing table, using the shelves for steps as he dragged himself up onto the crinkling surface.

The windows surrounded the seat were huge, and while he normally would have felt incredibly self-conscious, standing there in front of them naked, he didn't have time for that now. He scrambled back to his feet - which was rather difficult, as his balance felt like it was starting to go - and toddled forward, reaching up towards the window latch.

He missed, swaying in place for a moment before managing to steady himself and stretching his hand up again, having to get on his tip-toes. His hand brushed against the latch, and he tried to grab it, to turn it... His grip slipped off it at first, then his fingers closed around it, and he pulled, desperately trying to force it open...

It didn't budge. Frowning, he shifted his feet, planning to try twisting it the opposite direction, when his foot slid under him and he fell, landing on his backside with a loud crinkle. A much louder one than he'd gotten as he stumbled across the changing table... He glanced down in shock to see that he'd landed right on the open diaper. 

Frantically, he tried to get up, only for one of the fairies to flutter down, out of the air. It seemed quite big now, barely smaller than him, and certainly not a statue... It smiled eerily at him, reaching into a pouch at its waist and grabbing a handful of glittering fairy dust, tossing it in the air. As it floated down on him, he felt numb, unable to move...

The other fairies began to descend, hovering around him. His skin tingled as they used their magic, levitating the bottles of baby oil and baby lotion over him, making them squirt their contents out over his exposed crotch. His cheeks reddened as he saw Tinkbell pointing and giggling at him - specifically, he was sure, at his now tiny penis - before magically opening the container of baby powder.

The room's smell instantly grew stronger as he realized that was what he'd been smelling all along. He felt a bit dizzy as the stuff was poured out, invading his nose even more, and then, to his horror, the front of the diaper began to levitate upwards, pushing his legs apart with its bulk. The sides glowed softly as they rose to meet it, tapes unfurling, then sticking themselves to the landing strip at the front, sealing him snugly into the diaper.

He felt his body moving of its own accord, sitting up. His cheeks burned, and he saw Tinkbell giggling again, as he felt his genitals rubbing against the thick padding, and starting to stir, at the movement. The onesie lifted from the table as his arms raised to meet it, letting it slide over his body before he involuntarily hopped down to the floor below, and the onesie's crotch snapped itself together, pulling the diaper even closer to him.

Finally, he realized he could move again, and shook his head, shocked at the feeling of hair gently slapping against the side of his face. "St-stop it," he mumbled weakly, gulping as he heard his voice, now rather high and squeaky, and not at all threatening. "L-Let me go..."

He hadn't even noticed one of the fairies going off on its own during his diapering, but it returned now, a large mirror floating behind it, surrounded by pixie dust. It felt in front of him, maneuvering the mirror down in front of him, letting him get a good look at himself...

He gasped, trying to back away, only to stumble and fall on his padded bottom with a loud rustle. "N-No," he whimpered, shaking his head. "N-No, it's not me!" 

Sure enough, it wasn't Paul in the reflection... At least, not a Paul that he'd ever seen before. His tall, masculine frame had been reduced to that of a tiny, slightly chubby toddler, his formerly short hair now tied into a pair of relatively long ponytails, a thick, pink diaper bulging out from his onesie. He wasn't just a baby, he was a baby girl...

The only thing that might dispute it was in his diaper. Despite his fear, he could feel it straining there, rubbing against the thirsty folds of the infantile garment, every uncomfortable squirm making it tingle. There was no sign of it in the reflection - he tried to tell himself it was because the diaper was so thick, but he had a bad feeling that it was more because of how small it had gotten during his transformation - yet he was all too aware of it.

He reached for the snaps on the onesie, struggling to undo them, gasping as all it did was rub the diaper against him even harder. He shivered, waves of pleasure starting to shoot through him, even as he tried to ignore them. He couldn't do this... Not here... Not like this... "J-Just... G-Get me out of this..." he pleaded with the fairies.

Tinkerbell fluttered in front of him with a mischievous grin, blowing a handful of pixie dust right into his face. He blinked, shaking his head, trying to get it out, reaching up to ineffectively bat at his eyes with his tiny, chubby fists. He couldn't help but inhale some of the stuff, and instantly, he tummy began to feel strange, and he felt his penis twitch in his diaper... No... Not now!

He gasped, eyes widening as his body disobeyed, instantly filling him with pleasure to mix with the humiliation of knowing that he was cumming in a diaper - and that, despite that knowledge, it was the most amazing orgasm he'd ever experienced. He shuddered, struggling to catch his breath as he sat there in a stupor, hearing the fairies giggling all around him...

"What are you doing?"

He turned in surprise, head still spinning, to see Beth standing in the doorway, hands on her hips. "What are you wearing?!"

He shook his head, looking around. Everything was back to normal... The fairies were back on their perches, unmoving, the nursery and everything in it was the correct size, the mirror was gone - as was the reflection, since, looking down at himself, it was obvious he was an adult again.

The outfit, on the other hand, was still there. He blushed as he scrambled to his feet, blushing deeply as the onesie tugged the diaper snug against his crotch, making him feel the gooey mess smeared across the front of his diaper. "I-I just... It was..." He shook his head again, reminding himself that none of those things he'd just seen were possible. Which left him with the same questions as his girlfriend. 

"The maids came in," he reasoned out loud, as much to himself as to Beth. "S-So I came in here to find something to put on, and this was the best I could find..." It sounded lame, even to his own ears, though it was the only thing that made even a little sense. "Then I fell asleep."

"O...kay..." Beth gave him a strange look. "Well, I got you some real clothes..." She turned, gesturing towards the bag sitting on the bed in the main bedroom. "Or would you rather change in there?"

"No!" Paul shook his head, heading for the door. "Thank you!" His gratitude wavered a bit as he saw what she'd picked out, however. There was a pair of shorts, a t-shirt with Mickey Mouse... And a package of training pants. He froze as he pulled those out of the bag, hoping briefly that it was a joke; there were no actual underwear in the bag, however.

"I just don't know that I can trust you in real underwear right now," she told him, making him stare down at his feet in shame. "Or would you rather wear these?" Beth asked, giving the front of Paul's onesie a crinkly pat. His cheeks darkened as her hand rested there for a moment, prodding the padding past the thin fabric of the onesie. "Paul, did you..?"

"I'll go get changed!" Paul exclaimed, grabbing the new outfit and rushing to the bathroom. He was certainly glad to get out of the diaper and clean himself up - despite, in doing so, feeling like his penis looked smaller than usual, which he attributed to the after-effects of his dream - but even the sight of the package of Pull-Ups made the whole thing feel even more mortifying. They looked just like the kind made for kids, with their faux-underwear design, and the cartoon cars decorating the front. He wasn't sure where she'd found them, or if she really expected him to wear them.

He decided to assume not, that it was just a joke. When he went back out to the living room, however, she gave his backside a pat, then fixed him with a stern look. "Paul... Do you really think you should go anywhere commando right now?"

"N-No, but..." he blushed, squirming under her gaze. Was it just his imagination, or was she a little taller now? "I can't wear those..."

"Don't they fit?" she asked. "Or do you need my help putting them on?"

"N-No, I can do it..."

"Then why didn't you?" She gave him a stern look, letting him know, once and for all, that she was serious. He shuffled back to the bathroom and tore open the package, feeling a little sick to his stomach as he pulled one out and slid it up his legs. Surely, once he was all dressed, they could go out shopping together, and he'd pick out some real underwear, and some clothes that were a bit more mature than the outfit she'd picked out... That had to be the reason she'd only gotten him one outfit... Right?


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