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"Are you having some trouble, Joshy?" Autumn asked with a smile from the other side of the table.

Josh blushed, looking up from the tray of his high chair. Walking in and seeing it there had made him feel tiny enough, but that feeling was only getting stronger now that he was strapped in, a bowl of mush on the tray in front of him... Along with a spoon that, try as he might, he simply couldn't get a grip on thanks to the mittens on his onesie. He had been a little disappointed to see that was what he would be eating, when there were so many delicious looking things on the table, though Autumn had assured him, when she saw his expression, "It's all the same stuff, sweetie, just in an appropriate form for a little boy like you!"

He had no idea if that was right, if the mush tasted anything like the turkey, or corn, or mashed potatoes, because it seemed like he was never going to be able to pick up the spoon on his own. "You know," Autumn chuckled, "you can always ask for help. I'm sure anyone here would be happy to give it to you."

Gulping, Josh glanced around the table. He suspected Autumn had intentionally sat the furthest away from him, so he couldn't ask the one person he was used to treating him this way. Bridget and Dakota were flanking him, and he didn't know either of them well enough to guess which would be the better choice.

"Or you can sit there and watch us eat," Cyndi added, smugly piercing a piece of turkey with her fork and sliding it into her mouth, confident she was out of consideration, on the opposite side of the table with Autumn. 

"Umm..." Josh looked around, debating, thinking back to what each of the girls had said to him. It had been a lot of cooing and awwing, really, from all of them, and it had blended together a bit - just like his Thanksgiving dinner - but he felt Bridget might have seemed the nicest, maybe. "M-Miss Bridget? C-Could you...?"

"Could I what?" she asked when he fell silent bashfully. "What do you need, Joshy?"

Unless she had completely spaced out during the previous conversation, she knew, simply wanted to hear him say it. He squirmed in his seat, working up the courage. "C-Could you feed me, please?"

Bridget answered instantly, eagerly. "Of course, cutie! I'd love to! Let's get you out of there for now..." She expertly removed the tray, lifting him out and onto her lap, sliding his bowl over beside her plate. She dipped her spoon into the mush, then offered it to him. "Say 'ahh!'"

He opened his mouth obediently, surprised at how well the flavors really had held up in this form. He wouldn't say he'd prefer to eat this way... But it wasn't nearly as gross as he'd feared it would be.

"Such a well-behaved little boy!" Dakota chuckled from a couple seats over.

"He is," Autumn agreed proudly. "He's definitely earned a few gold stars today, once we're back in class next week!"

Josh couldn't help smiling at the sound of that, as silly as it was. He knew they didn't actually mean anything, that it was just a way to keep the little kids acting nicely with one another... It was nice to see them on his chart, though, all lined up next to his name...

Unfortunately, Bridget seemingly had put him on her lap so that she could continue to eat more easily on her own, too, in between feeding him, distracting her; at least, that was what Josh told himself, an excuse as to why, more than once, his spoon had slipped, sending mush dribbling down his chin, onto his sleeper. Every time it happened, the other girls giggled about it, and, despite being mostly sure that it wasn't his fault, Josh still got embarrassed about it. He never had this much trouble eating on his own! If he could only use his hands, he would have been fine! He didn't want to complain, however, and look ungrateful when, without Bridget, he wouldn't be eating anything.

He was distracted, himself, by all of that, which, he assumed, was why he didn't notice at first how full his tummy was feeling. By the time he did, and he began to fidget on Bridget's lap, it was too late. He let out a squeak, head swimming with humiliation, as his insides gave an involuntary push, and suddenly, the seat of his diaper began to expand, to grow, on Bridget's lap.

He prayed that, somehow, she wouldn't notice, but almost instantly, she set his spoon down in his bowl, giving him a bounce, squishing the mush against his bottom. "Uh-oh!" she cooed. "Looks like this turkey brought his own stuffing!"

All eyes turned to Josh, whose face became bright red. There was really nothing he could do about it now, no way to stop it... All he could do was continue helplessly filling his diaper, right in front of Miss Autumn and all of her friends, on one of their laps.

"Well," Autumn commented, "at least he made room for dessert! As much as he was gobbling down, I was worried he wouldn't have any!"

He supposed that was true... When it was all blended together into a puree, it was difficult to judge exactly how much he was eating, though it had felt as if he had been there, on Bridget's lap, for quite a while, the large bowl mostly empty by now.

"What do you say?" Autumn asked, standing up and walking over to him, holding out her arms. "Are you ready for your treat?"

He nodded, letting her pick him up, cuddling against her side as she carried him into the kitchen, getting a bottle of chocolate milk out of the fridge and returning to the dining room. His blush deepened as she sat him down on her knee, but he wasn't too embarrassed to turn away when she slid the nipple of the bottle into his mouth.

He began to suck, somewhat disappointed that he was getting this, and not pie... Until Autumn's other hand slid up his leg, to the front of his diaper, and started to rub. He squirmed, glancing over at her friends to see if they noticed, or knew, what was going on, if they heard the soft crinkling and could tell how it was making him feel. If they did, they showed no sign of it, or of finding it weird, or gross.

As often as he was in diapers nowadays, he had, of course, experimented with this a bit on his own. He always felt naughty about it, had never brought it up to Autumn... It did, however, feel very nice. He'd never done it while he was in a messy diaper, though... And Miss Autumn had definitely never taken part. He had to assume it was the latter that made it feel so much better than it ever had when he was on his own, as good as that always was.

He was grateful for the bottle in his mouth to muffle his moans, even if he was certain he must have been making enough noise for the other women to hear as he crinkled around on Autumn's knee, orgasming into his dirty diaper. He pretty much got his confirmation as Autumn teased, "Looks like someone couldn't wait to get his reward," and the others giggled. "I think the rest of us can hold off a bit for our dessert," Autumn said. "Why don't we get him cleaned up?"

Josh was carried back to the living room, to his changing mat, still basking in the afterglow as he was stripped out of his onesie, Cyndi taking it away, saying, "This needs a good cleaning after dinner."

"Honestly, though," Autumn commented, as Bridget helpfully ripped open the tapes on Josh's diaper and began to wipe him off, Josh letting out a small whimper, feeling a little flustered, having so many people helping out, participating with taking care of his poopy diaper, "despite his mess at dinner..." Josh blushed, unsure if she meant the food that had dribbled into his onesie, the messy accident he'd had, or what had happened afterwards, during his bottle, "he's been so good, I think he's ready for some more... advanced classes."

He blinked in confusion as she stood up, walking over to a cabinet while Bridget finished cleaning him up, Dakota slipping a fresh diaper under his bottom. When Autumn returned, she was holding a chastity cage, kneeling down next to him. He let out a tiny gasp, wiggling on his back, watching in shock as Autumn placed it over him, locked it into place. "This," she announced, looking him in the eye, even though it sounded as if she were addressing her friends, "is just the thing to make sure Joshy stays focused on his studies, don't you think?"

"Oh, definitely," Dakota giggled, Bridget nodding from his other side as she wrapped his used diaper up into a ball, even Cyndi smiling when she returned to the room and saw what was going on.

Even with all of them there, however, all of them seeing him like this... He was starting to realize he didn't actually mind. In fact, all of the attention was nice, in a way. Autumn had invited all of these women, had to know that they were going to take good care of him, and, clearly, he trusted her. He might not have known himself how deep that trust ran until now, but, as Dakota taped up his fresh diaper over his chastity cage, under Autumn's watchful, approving eye, it was obvious that it must be incredibly deep... And he liked knowing that, seeing that in himself. 

He was nervous, too, of course, having never been in chastity before, especially when Autumn smiled down at him, freshly diapered, and told him, and everyone else, "I'm sure he'll earn twice as many gold stars now. He'll be the best student in school! And I have some very exciting new lesson plans to make for him..."

She picked him up, still in just his diaper, carrying him into her guest room, where he was shocked to see a crib waiting for him. He wriggled in her arms, seeing those bars stretching upwards, looking so tall, even before she'd laid him down inside of it.

"I think you need a little nap for now, Joshy," she told him. "You've had a long day already."

He nodded his agreement with that, blushing as she reached over the lowered side bars, sliding a pacifier into his mouth, surprised as he felt his mouth begin to suck on it automatically, instinctively. It felt natural, somehow, right... And it was certainly soothing, curling up in the crib, nursing on it. 

"Josh is definitely going to be coming over more often now," Autumn told her friends, sounding proud of that fact... Or was it an invitation to them to do the same? "It's clear someone needs a little extra supervision..."

She leaned over, plucking out his pacifier for a moment, getting a whine from him that elicited a laugh from the rest of the girls, before she quickly quieted him down by giving him a kiss on the lips that left him squirming as she returned the paci to its place, pulled the side of the crib up, locking it into place.

"Night-night, Joshy!" Bridget waved, the others following suit as they filed out of the room, Autumn going last, turning on a night-light for him, despite the light already filtering in around the heavy curtains of the room.

Josh nestled into his crib, fidgeting, pawing bashfully at the front of his diaper, feeling the cage wrapped around his privates on the other side of the padding. He knew he ought to be embarrassed about everything that had happened today, worried... All he felt, however, was excitement, eagerness to see what was going to come next for him and Miss Autumn... And thankfulness that she had found him in the first place, said something to him while he was at work, invited him to preschool... He never would have imagined, back in that first encounter, that this was where things would end up between them, but he also wouldn't change it for the world.


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