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If you're confused by the title, this is the continuation of Sebastian's Flight, since that name is a bit outdated in terms of where the story is now. I thought perhaps it would be easier to keep the numbering of the chapters despite the name change, though I'm not sure if that actually makes it less confusing or not.

Sebastian certainly wouldn't have deemed his diaper thin or little, though compared to what Hallie was wearing, he supposed that was an accurate description. He groaned behind his pacifier, knowing that between that and his mittens, he was helpless to stop what was about to happen... Not that he expected to be able to anyway, so maybe it was a good thing he had those so that he didn't have to feel like he was failing by not even trying.

But, really, what was he going to do? He was far too small, compared to his captors, to resist them physically, and they seemed to have made their minds up long ago about what his fate would be, rendering anything he could have said to them if not for the paci pointless. Besides, Hallie had always seemed more clever than him, so if she couldn't talk her way out of this, what hope did he have? Or had he been talking to these Amazons when he'd messaged her? They'd at least been over Hallie's shoulder, perhaps telling her what to write...

"Here we go!" the Amazon woman cooed, lifting him up and laying him down on the changing table, immediately tugging a soft restraint over his squirming chest, keeping him from being able to sit up. "Isn't that nice?" she smiled down at him, grabbing his hand and pushing it upwards, towards the corner of the table, attaching it by a hook he hadn't even noticed on the mitten. "They want to make sure wriggly littles like you don't fall off and hurt yourselves!"

Sebastian glared at her, all he could really do, as she took his other hand and did the same. That was the justification they used, yes; he knew, however, along with most, if not all, adult littles, that the real reason those restraints were there was to keep them from running... And they were going to do a very good job of it, he could already tell. He mumbled angrily into the paci as he moved his hands, feeling how sturdy the hooks were, then attempted to wiggle free of the strap on his chest.

As far as he could tell, he wasn't able to budge any of them. It wasn't a surprise - at a place like this, especially, they probably had to accommodate the occasional 'tweener, just in case, so he really had no hope, but it was still disheartening nonetheless, as he glanced over and saw the Amazon pulling a diaper out of her bag, knowing that he had no choice other than to be taped into it.

The woman smiled, appearing to spot his reaction to the sight. "Don't they look nice and cozy?" she asked. One thing Sebastian was able to do was shake his head, although all it accomplished was amusing the Amazon further. "Well, they are," she promised, as if she had any idea of what they felt like herself. "Aren't they, Hallie?" she confirmed.

Hallie blushed, staring down at her feet bashfully. "Y-Yes, ma'am," she squeaked, clearly only because she knew that was what was expected of her, not because she believed it.

"You see?" the Amazon told Sebastian. "No need to be nervous, Sebby. Let's get you all cleaned up..." She unsnapped his onesie, pushing it up, exposing the full diaper underneath.

Sebastian turned his head in shame as she ripped open the tapes, revealing to the world what he had done to himself, while he had his mouth plugged up, unable to explain how it hadn't been his fault, how he'd been given a mini-enema that had forced him to poop his pants. Would anyone have believed him, other than, hopefully, Hallie? Would anyone other than her have cared? Perhaps it was for the best that he couldn't find out...

"Such a big mess for such a tiny baby!" the Amazon teased. "This is why you need bigger diapers, sweetie! Your Daddy and I can't always change you right away, so they have to be able to handle more than this, in case you need to go again before we can get to you."

He definitely hadn't been changed right away now, either, he would have pointed out if he could speak, and his diaper had held just fine. And, though he didn't usually do it in his pants so it was hard to compare directly, he was relatively confident he'd gone more than normal, too, thanks to the enema, enough that he couldn't imagine messing himself again anytime soon... But he also hadn't been put on his new diet yet, either, and he knew that was likely to encourage his tummy to work faster...

"Here we go!" the woman exclaimed, lifting his feet up, and, by extension, his bottom, allowing her to slide the old, used diaper away. It didn't seem to be any problem at all for her to hold him there, even with a single hand, as she nonchalantly finished wiping him clean, setting him back down onto his new diaper.

He let out a small gasp into his paci, his head turning to look at Hallie, catching her eye for a split second before she bashfully turned away. He was only laying on the diaper so far, and already, he could tell how much bulkier it was than the old one. He squirmed, stomach churning, thinking about how he was going to be wearing these from now on, wondering how in the world Hallie had been able to stand it. How could she even pretend to be a grown-up, put herself into that headspace at all, when she was in these things?!

He had to assume the Amazons had given her plenty of suggestions on what to say... He hoped so, anyway, as embarrassing as it was, knowing he'd fallen in love with their words as much as how attractive Hallie's pictures were. He simply couldn't imagine how he could have been so impressed with the maturity of the writings of anyone who spent all day in diapers this big, who must feel as tiny and helpless as he did in them...

"There!" the woman declared, tossing the wrapped-up used diaper into the daycare's diaper pail. "Now, then, on to the important part!" She grinned down at Sebastian, sniffling and listlessly wiggling his bottom, still in shock. "You know what? I think we'd better give you a little extra protection."

Extra?! How could he, or anyone, need any more than this?! He grumbled in disbelief as she produced a booster pad from her diaper bag, lifting his legs again to lay it over the diaper. He wouldn't have thought it possible for it to get any thicker, but clearly, he would have been wrong, feeling a definitive difference as he was lowered back onto the padding.

"It's only right," the male Amazon agreed. "He is the little brother, after all... He needs thicker diapers than his big sister."

Sebastian groaned and shook his head, his restraints leaving him no room for nuance. He trusted Hallie would understand, would not assume he was saying that she did need diapers and he didn't, or that she needed them more than him. Honestly, that was very likely true, however. She'd been in their clutches for at least as long as she'd been talking to Sebastian, and probably a while longer than that, for her to be desperate enough to turn to humping her plushies... And she may have been doing that for a time before the Amazons caught her. Especially if they were feeding her stuff that would intentionally make her go to the bathroom more often, that was more than enough time for her potty training to begin to slip.

"No need to be embarrassed," the woman stroked his hair. "You can't help it, Sebby! You're just a little, bitty baby, that's what you're supposed to do!"

He looked over at Hallie again, at her humiliatingly infantile outfit, at her bulging diaper... How small did they want him to behave, to be more of a baby than that?! There didn't seem to be much further down to go than that...

"We still have a lot to get done," the Amazon commented. "I'd better give you plenty of powder to keep you as dry as possible..." She was true to her word, sprinkling what appeared, to Sebastian, to be an excessive amount of it onto his crotch, the scent permeating the air around him, which was, he had to admit, a huge improvement over what he'd smelled like not long ago, before the start of his change.

With that, she pulled the front of the diaper up between his legs, his thighs spreading to accommodate the bulk. In no time, the sides were tugged snug, the tapes fastened tight. Even if he could have moved his hands from the hooks, even if they weren't encased in his mittens, he was positive he was trapped, that the tapes were little-proof.

"Hopefully this onesie is big enough!" the woman chuckled, stretching the flaps down over the massive diaper. Sure enough, he was certain he could feel the cloth straining as she worked to join the snaps back together. His heart began to pound, wondering what was going to happen if it didn't work, if she ripped the outfit, the one thing he had to wear, since his suitcase was nowhere to be seen. Would he have to run around in only a diaper?! It wasn't out of the question for adopted littles, but generally just those who had been regressed very, very far back...

"Perfect!" the woman declared, luckily preventing Sebastian from having to find out. Still, the onesie was definitely tighter than it had been before, the bulge of his diaper more obvious, and being held more closely to his bottom. He doubted it would be able to sag much at all, no matter how much he wet, and if he were to mess again... He blushed, imagining the snaps flying open as he stood there, red-faced, filling his pants, revealing his ballooning diaper for everyone to see exactly what he was doing...

It only got worse as she moved down the row of snaps, fastening them one at a time, each one seemingly more difficult than the next. "Don't worry, Sebby," she told him, seeing him squirm on the changing table. "We're going to get you some nice, new clothes that will fit over your diapers no problem... We just didn't know what your sizes were, so we couldn't get them ahead of time."

"Please," the man interjected. "Like you would have given up the chance to take him shopping and dress him up."

"Well, that will be fun," the woman admitted. "Don't you agree, Sebby?"

Sebastian shook his head vehemently. The woman giggled. "Such a boy... Hallie loves playing dress-up with me, don't you, sweetheart?"

Sebastian caught a hint of a scowl on the girl's face before she forced a smile. "Yes, Mommy," she replied politely. "It's one of my favorite things."

"I bet she'll love having a younger sibling so she can return the favor, and dress him up," the Amazon woman mused. "And I bet you'd like that more, too, wouldn't you?" She smirked down at Sebastian. "Isn't that right? Wouldn't you rather have Hallie undressing you, and picking out outfits for you?"

Sebastian blushed, which was all it took for the Amazons to laugh at him, Hallie's cheeks turning pink as well. "It's a good thing you're both in diapers, so we can be sure you're not going to try to get up to anything naughty while you're doing all that," the man said.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll try," the woman countered. "The diapers will just ensure nothing can actually happen."

She unhooked Sebastian's hands, removing the strap from over his chest, lifting him down to the floor. His knees wobbled for a moment, not prepared for how much wider his stance had to be in these diapers, even more impressed that Hallie was walking around in them, that she, apparently, had been doing so for quite a while. He'd probably get used to them eventually, too, although that thought was hardly a comforting one.

He didn't have the opportunity, whether he'd really wanted it or not. "Here," the woman smiled, scooping him back up, resting him on her hip. "This will be easier."

Sebastian squirmed, cheeks darkening yet again at being deemed too little for them to bother even trying to let him walk, at least for now. Hallie got to remain on the floor, the man holding onto the other end of her leash as he led the way out of the daycare, the woman thanking the workers there as she carried Sebastian out to face his new life.

They didn't get far, however, barely making it out the door before the man turned towards a large stroller waiting outside, too big to fit through the door without being folded up, since it had not one, but two seats, side by side, waiting for him and his 'sister.' And, as they'd said in the daycare, it was obvious that one side was meant for someone 'younger' - him - as the back of it was leaned back further and had soft toys and some cloth books dangling down from it over the occupant, as if they were too little to sit up, or be trusted with any choking hazards, while the other had a tray in front of it with a few small toys on it that appeared to be removable, as well as some attached rattles to spin and buttons to push.

There was no question which of them was going into which seat. The woman laid Sebastian down on his side, lovingly pulling a set of restraints around his waist, between his legs, over his chest, ensuring that, even though he was fully capable of sitting up like Hallie was allowed to as the man removed her baby reins, stashing them in the pocket on the back of the stroller, he was stuck lying back, staring up at those humiliatingly infantile toys, toys he couldn't have played with if he'd wanted, thanks to his mittens, to add insult to injury.

"Safe and sound!" the woman cooed at him when she was done, kissing him on the forehead. "Now, time to get you out of this airport, and off to somewhere much more fun! Are you ready to go shopping, Sebby?"

He shook his head, but by then, she was already standing up and walking around behind the stroller, emphasizing just how little his opinion mattered anymore.



Love it!