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"No! I'm an adult! You can't put me in that diaper!" Elizabeth whined, though her still throbbing bum made it clear that, really, the woman could do whatever she wanted.

"I'm not going to," the Headmistress said. "She is." Another woman, a little taller than the Headmistress, stepped through the door. "Be a good girl, Elizabeth... You wouldn't want a second spanking on your first day, now would you?" The new woman, the Seamstress, walked over to Elizabeth, stripping her naked despite the girl's weak protests, cleaning her up, and then starting to measure what felt like every nook and cranny, before leading her over to what Elizabeth now recognized as a changing table.

"No, please..." Elizabeth begged. It was bad enough having to wear Goodnites... She couldn't believe she was about to be put into full-fledged diapers! The Seamstress ignored her, strapping her wrists and ankles to the changing table, leaving the girl helpless to stop her. Elizabeth did her best, attempting to wiggle away from the thick, crinkly padding that was slid beneath her red bottom, and the powder and oil that was massaged into her crotch, but in no time, her thighs were being forced apart as the diaper was pulled up between them and taped snugly into place.

Elizabeth was still shocked as she was helped to her feet, trying to get used to how far apart this thing was forcing her legs. "This size should be perfect for you!" the Seamstress declared, helping Elizabeth into a uniform that did not, at all, seem to fit. The shirt was fine, but the skirt was far too small, making it impossible for her to hide her diapered state. When she disagreed, however, the Headmistress threatened her with another spanking, so Elizabeth thanked the Seamstress anyway, and let herself be led, cheeks blazing, to her first class.

Her heart was nearly thudding out of her chest as she was taken through the halls, trying desperately to yank her skirt downwards, even though she was pretty certain there was no chance at all that she could cover her whole diaper. When the classroom door was opened, however, she realized the skirt was that size on purpose. Every one of the young women seated there - other than the teacher, who looked barely older than Elizabeth, or any of the other students - had on a skirt the same diminutive size, each of them flashing their undergarments as they turned to see who was coming into their classroom.

To her shock, nearly all of them seemed to be wearing training panties - a few, dotted here and there, had on real underwear, and a few more were wearing diapers like her own. They were all around her age, clearly adults, despite their clothing... She couldn't help but wonder, yet again, what sort of place this was.

"Here's an open seat," the Headmistress said, leading Elizabeth over to a desk beside one of the girls in actual panties. "This is Mandie... She's one of our best students, so I'm sure she won't mind keeping an eye on you, will you, dear?"

"No, of course not," the girl giggled. 

Elizabeth sat down, the diaper crinkling loudly beneath her. This whole situation was insane... How could she have wound up here?! It was all her fault... If only she'd looked into it a little more... She did her best to listen to the teacher, but it was difficult to concentrate. The Goodnites were embarrassing, but she could sometimes forget about them... These diapers were far thicker, and every movement made it quite clear there was something big and bulky around her waist; that, and the soreness and heat radiating from her backside made her feel positively infantile... The pressure building in her bladder didn't help, either.

"Umm, may I please be excused?" she rasied her hand. The teacher glared at her, making her squirm and add, blushing even darker than she already had been, "I-I need to use the restroom, please..."

The teacher stared at her, making her try, again, to cover her diaper. "If you can wait fifteen minutes, then I'll give you a hall pass," she said finally.

That wasn't so bad... Elizabeth nodded, let out a sigh of relief. She could handle fifteen minutes... She did need to go, but it wasn't too bad yet, she'd really just wanted to go now to try to collect her thoughts, get away from all these other girls that she was certain were staring at her... She settled back into her seat, trying again to listen, the pressure slowly starting to mount... 

Still, she wasn't worried. She was fully awake, and she was sure she'd been listening to the teacher talk for a while now. She glanced up at the clock, sure it would say that at least twn minutes had passed, if not more. She let out a tiny gasp as she saw the clock.

"Already?" the teacher sighed. Elizabeth shook her head; that didn't stop the teacher from saying, "Mandie, be a dear and check her."

Elizabeth's cheeks burned as this other student, someone she didn't even know, pressed a hand to her diaper. "Still dry!" she reported. Elizabeth squirmed, knowing that it wouldn't stay that way for long... She looked at the clock again, trying to will it to change. Surely it had to be wrong... She knew it had been longer than the two minutes it claimed had gone by... It had to...

Elizabeth managed to stifle her whimper when, at last, her bladder gave in, and she felt herself begin to pee, urine flowing into the  padding, making it swell up even thicker around her. This time, the teacher didn't even bother to ask. "Mandie, could you bring her up here, please?" she sighed.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as the other girl stood and took her hand, tugging her up towards the front of the room. "W-Wait! What are you doing?!" she demanded, watching in horror as the teacher began clearing off her desk. No... They couldn't be... There was no way...

"Since you're being so helpful, why don't you help out?" the teacher asked Mandie, who nodded eagerly, while Elizabeth squealed, "N-No! Not here!" 

That didn't stop them... Elizabeth was pushed up onto the desk, then onto her back, as the teacher and Mandie bent over her, the rest of the class watching... This couldn't be happening...  Yet, as she laid there, stunned and mortified, she could hear the rip of her diaper being undone, right there, in front of everyone.  This place was insane... She had to get out of here... Somehow... But it was in the middle of nowhere, states away from anyone she knew,  and she'd signed those papers, agreeing to God only knew what... She had a bad feeling this was only the beginning, and she was going to be stuck here for a very long time...



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