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An anonymous caption commission. Picture property of ABDreams

"I'm afraid you're just... overqualified," they told her; Sunnie couldn't disagree, really. 

Even so, she couldn't help letting them know, "Well, no crap, but I thought I'd do you a favor... Obviously, you're all too stupid to figure that out, though, so I guess I don't need you anyway!"

"There is a new place that might be able to use you, though," the person on the line offered, stiffly, surprising Sunnie with their helpfulness. For once, someone had recognized her potential... It was about time!

Miss Belinda's Home for Big Brats, they said it was called... They claimed she'd fit in perfectly, and they'd be happy to do whatever it took to help her get in. It sounded a little strange, and Sunnie couldn't help feeling somewhat suspicious, but she assumed it was an ironic name, something like that. She got an interview with them over the phone, told them all about herself, her job history, her salary demands, everything, and they seemed very excited to talk with her in person. She didn't want to get her hopes up too high, but it had been a while since she'd gotten even that far in her job search, so it was a good sign, at least.

The day before her interview, she got a plain, brown box in the mail; she wasn't expecting anything, and there was no return address. She opened it up to find, of all things, a teddy bear. It was cute, but she couldn't for the life of her, figure out where it had come from, or why someone would have sent it to her... Even if, as she picked it up, she got a whiff of what seemed like baby powder - along with something else - just faintly. It was an odd scent, but pleasant, and she found herself picking the bear up through the rest of the day for a few more sniffs.

The next day, as she was getting ready for the interview, she couldn't help slipping the bear into her purse. Maybe someone had sent it to her as a good luck charm, she reasoned... She might as well use it as that.... Even she knew that was a strange thing to think, or do, considering it was so big she barely had room for anything else in her purse once she had that in there, yet she couldn't bring herself to take the bear back out.

Once she got to the building, she was taken to a waiting area, sat on a hard, plastic chair and told to wait. For a few moments, she was fine, but the longer she was left out there, the harder it was to sit still, to keep from fidgeting anxiously, until, finally, she opened her purse and pulled out the bear. They sat there together, Sunnie hugging the bear to her chest, her mind calming more and more, clearing itself of all its worries...

And, apparently, everything else. When, at last, someone opened the door she was waiting on, she leapt to her feet, then immediately gasped as she felt a gooey mass push itself out into her underwear, filling them with hot mush while she stood there, shocked, not even sure at first what was going on... Then wishing she didn't.

"It looks like they were right..." the woman who had stepped out of the door smiled as she watched Sunnie squirming in horror and humiliation. "We do have the perfect position for you... In our nursery. Congratulations, sweetie... You're our newest Big Brat. I think you'll fit in just fine."

"No!" Sunnie shook her head desperately, trying to pretend she wasn't standing there, hugging a teddy bear, pants full of poop. "N-No, I'm here to work..."

"Oh, you'll do plenty of work," the woman told her condescendingly, taking Sunnie's hand. "You'll do some coloring, and play with your blocks, and use your diapers... It's a tough job, but you're perfect for it." She winked at Sunnie. "And you're such a little cutie... I'm sure plenty of people will love watching you do all of that."

"N-No!" Sunnie's cheeks burned at the thought of doing all that, much less while being watched. "I'm not a baby, I take care of them!"

"A feisty one, huh?" the woman chuckled. "To tell you a secret, those are some of the most fun..." She led Sunnie into a playroom, full of adults, all dressed and acting like babies... All, Sunnie couldn't help but notice, holding, or sitting beside, a teddy bear that looked a lot like hers. "People love seeing little brats being put into their place."

"B-But I'm not a brat!" Sunnie insisted, heart thumping. She knew she should throw down the bear, get it away from her; instead, her instincts kicked in and she hugged it tighter, surrounding her even more in its sickly sweet smell. Her eyes glazed over for a second, and she felt a trickle of liquid begin snaking its way down her legs. No... This couldn't be happening!

Clearly it was, though... She was led into a room, where the woman merely said, "Now, let's get you dressed properly," and Sunnie found herself giving in, even helping the woman undress her, then clean her up. "Up you go!" she exclaimed, leading Sunnie to a changing table and patting the top, where a thick diaper was laid out, ready for her.

"N-No!" Sunnie shook her head. "I'm not a baby! I don't need diapers! You can't do this to me!" Her protest was shut down there as the woman slipped a pacifier gag into her mouth, fastening it behind her head.

"Now, now, don't be silly... Of course we can. The second you ordered that bear, you agreed that we know what's best for you. You gave up all of your boring, grown-up responsibilities." Sunnie shook her head, trying to explain that she hadn't ordered the bear, but the woman was already pushing her up onto the table, forcing her wrists and ankles into restraints. "But feel free to struggle... That'll be good for the ratings."

Sunnie did just that, for whatever it mattered. In no time, she was diapered, just like the babies she knew so much about taking care of. "I think you'd better take your nap here today," the woman said. "You're so squirmy today!" She started to walk away, ignoring Sunnie's muffled squeals, before turning right before reaching the door. "Oh, I almost forgot..."

The woman returned to the changing table, then placed the bear right in Sunnie's arm, inches from her face. "Wouldn't want you to get lonely." She winked, then left for real. Sunnie thrashed uselessly in her restraints, trying to get away from the mind-controlling scent of the bear before it was too late, even as she felt her struggles growing weaker and weaker...



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