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"Well," Luther chuckled, looking Lizzie up and down, the little squirming at the attention, "this is much more appropriate, don't you think?"

Sitting in Heather's office in her diapers and onesie had been embarrassing, sure, but simply having his eyes on her like that, smirking, judging, made Lizzie feel so much tinier, so much more infantile. It didn't help that they'd decided not to change her into a dry diaper first, making her certain that somehow he could sense that cool, squishy spot in her padding. She nursed her paci, barely able to resist the urge to hide behind Heather's legs.

"After what happened yesterday," Heather said, patting Lizzie on the head, "I didn't see any other choice."

Luther nodded, smiled, finally turning his gaze to Lizzie herself, the girl gulping and hugging her teddy bear tighter. "And what do you think, Lizzie?" he asked. "Are you done pretending to be a big girl now?"

Lizzie glanced down at herself, at the plastic peeking out from the legbands of her onesie, at the matching bulge beneath the crotch. She bobbed her head meekly, shooting a look at Heather to remind herself that this was an act, though she then had to remind herself that the satisfied expression on her Mommy's face was also an act... Hopefully.

"Wonderful," he declared. "You'll get along just fine with Wendi, then."

"Where is she?" Heather looked around the office.

Luther shook his head. "The daycare is bringing her up. Apparently, she got a bit over-enthusiastic with finger painting, so they had to change her outfit."

Heather tilted her head ever so slightly at Lizzie. "Ah, I see," she said, taking a step towards Luther's desk. "Well, in that case, I was thinking about what we were discussing yesterday..."

Lizzie took the cue, waiting for Heather to get Luther's attention before toddling closer to where Heather had left the diaper bag, ready to dig through and find the bug to plant. If they did it fast enough, perhaps she could get out of the playdate altogether... She was glad she'd gone with this outfit, as ridiculous as it was, since it appeared to have done its job of disarming Luther quite handily, confirming what he'd already 'known' about her, and what she was.

Or so she thought, until she heard Luther's voice behind her, growing a bit louder. "Do you need a change, Lizzie?" he asked.

She turned back around, blushing, feeling like she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Umm..." Should she say yes? She had stayed soggy - and grown more-so since her arrival - so she could, theoretically, do so, let him see her actually being changed to further cement her status of helplessness in his mind... But what if he wanted to change her? She shivered, grip tightening even further on her teddy.

"N-No," she answered after a moment, not wanting to risk it. "Juice." She pulled a bottle of juice from the bottle, popping the paci out of her mouth, letting it dangle from its clip on the front of her onesie as she replaced it with the nipple of the bottle.

"Very good," he approved. "You have to stay hydrated." He gave Heather a wink before they continued their conversation, Lizzie sucking at her juice, watching and wondering if she should try again now. She didn't have time, however.

"Sorry, sorry," a tweener in a cheery, pink apron said as she opened up the door. "We got her cleaned up as quickly as we could!"

Luther laughed. "That's all right. If anyone knows what a handful she can be, it's me."

The tweener nodded, glanced behind herself. "Wendi, what are you doing?" she sighed.

"I bet I know," Luther replied, raising his voice afterwards. "Brenda, she doesn't need any more candy right now!"

Lizzie's eyes widened as, at last, Wendi came into view, wearing an extra thick, white diaper, a baby blue cropped top, lined with lace, crumpling a candy wrapper in one hand as she giggling, mumbling, "I don't have any candy, Daddy," her mouth clearly full.

"You are such a little brat," he teased.

Little was not the word Lizzie would have used for her, on the other hand... Wendi, it turned out, was an Amazon, probably as tall as Heather, if Heather had been wearing knit booties as well, rather than heels, and barely shorter than Luther, who she waddled over to give a big hug to.

"Did you make a mess with your painting?" he asked.

She blushed, squirming in place. "Yeah, kinda," she shrugged. "But only 'cause I wanted it to be extra pretty for you!"

"I'm sure it is," he chuckled. "I'm looking forward to seeing it this afternoon and putting it up on the fridge."

Wendi grinned, clapped her hands, while Heather and Lizzie exchanged a look, both seeming equally shocked at the sight of Luther's little girl. In a way, it was kind of a relief, Lizzie thought; she didn't want another situation like with Mia, where she felt too connected, too similar... That definitely wasn't going to happen with an Amazon.

"Now, Wendi," Luther said, "this is the girl I was telling you about, who was so excited to meet you. Say hi, Lizzie!"

Lizzie stated to raise a hand to wave, only to remember that they were both full, one with her teddy bear, the other with a bottle, the latter of which she chose to set down. "H-Hi, Wendi," she greeted her.

The next thing Lizzie knew, she was being lifted up into the air and into a giant squeeze. "You're so cute!" Wendi squealed. "You're like a little dolly!"

Lizzie wriggled, feet kicking beneath her, well off of the ground. She felt a moment of panic, not sure if Heather would be able to rescue her, to get her out of this, if anything went wrong, as she was pulled deeper into Wendi's chest, between her large breasts.

"Wendi!" the tweener in the apron snapped. "You know better!"

Wendi blushed, setting Lizzie back down on the ground. "Sorry," she whined, staring down at her booties. "I-I wasn't in daycare, so I forgot..."

"You forgot I was here?" the tweener teased. "You know you're supposed to follow the rules everywhere, not just when a grown-up is around."

"I know!" Wendi rolled her eyes and stomped her foot poutily. "But it's no fun!"

"Aww," the tweener giggled, stroking Wendi's hair. It was impressive how in control she seemed, how she wasn't as intimidated by the huge baby as Lizzie was... At the same time, it was also a bit scary, making Lizzie wonder what they were doing at the daycare to make the tweener so confident about that. If Wendi had wanted, she could have picked the girl up, diapered her, used her as a doll instead, yet there was no indication that the girl considered that even a possibility. "Poor thing. Well, give me a call when you want me to pick her up, okay?"

Luther nodded, smiled at her, and the tweener left, closing the door after herself. "You are going to play nice, aren't you Wendi?" he asked pointedly.

"Yes, Daddy," she grumbled. "I just wanna dress her up a little!"

"Sorry, Wendi," Heather stepped in, thankfully. "I didn't bring any of her cute outfits today. Maybe you can come over to her nursery sometime and do that."

Wendi's eyes lit up at the suggestion, to Lizzie's dismay, even knowing that, most likely, that would never happen. Heather had treated her a bit like a doll while they were shopping, but she suspected having Wendi do the same would be a completely different experience, and one she wouldn't enjoy nearly as much.

"Can I feed her?" Wendi asked, spotting the discarded bottle, then looking to Luther.

"That's not up to me," he shrugged. "She did seem awfully thirsty a minute ago, though."

Wendi, of course, did not turn to Lizzie next, but to Heather. "Please?" she begged. "I'll be so, so gentle!"

Heather's eyes flicked towards Lizzie, though there wasn't time for them to have a discussion, and this was a scenario they weren't at all prepared for. Heather made a split second decision, nodded. "Sure, but only one bottle, okay? I don't want her to leak."

"She won't!" Wendi promised. "I can change her, too!"

Fortunately, Luther replied to that, while Lizzie's heart began to pound at the thought. "No, you won't," he scolded. "You know you're no good at getting them on right... She definitely would leak the second she used them again."

"Well, you should teach me to do it right, Daddy!" Wendi huffed, Luther just shaking his head. "Fine!" she scowled, snatching up the bottle, then grabbing Lizzie by the hand, stomping over to a corner of the room and sitting down, pulling Lizzie onto her lap.

Lizzie's cheeks were burning, feeling the smooth plastic of Wendi's diaper beneath her, hearing it crinkling even louder than her own as she attempted to get comfortable before the bottle was shoved into her mouth. She was glad she'd decided to suck a bit of the juice down, to minimize the length of time she had to be like this, cradled against the girl's ample chest, being bottle fed while Wendi wiggled beneath her.

She wasn't sure why Wendi was so restless until, partway through the bottle, she felt something underneath her bare legs change. Her nose wrinkled as she shifted them, confirming that the padding they were resting against was growing warmer, squishier... Wendi was wetting herself. She peered past the bottle being held in front of her face, trying to read Wendi's expression, to get an idea of whether she knew, if she was doing it on purpose or if it was a genuine accident.

By the time the bottle was empty, Lizzie was quite full, and Heather appeared to be doing her part, distracting Luther. Unfortunately, Wendi didn't seem to want to let Lizzie go, setting the bottle down and cradling her, her arms so big and strong that Lizzie knew there was no way for her to get away, to go do her job, until Wendi chose to let her loose.

"I know what you need!" Wendi chirped, and, suddenly, Lizzie was being flung over her shoulder. Wendi began to pat her on the back, Lizzie not making the connection, not knowing what she expected, until she felt herself letting out an involuntary burp. 

She blushed as Wendi praised her, turning her back around, as Luther commented, "She's such a good little Mommy," from the other side of the room, knowing that the 'adults' had seen, and heard.

"I am," Wendi told Lizzie seriously, rocking her back and forth in her arms. "I was s'posed to be a Mommy, but Daddy and I wanted the same baby, and he said the best way to decide which of us should get her was to have a little contest, and... umm..." She squirmed. "I-I lost... And then someone else adopted her, and 'cause I made him miss out on her, he told me I'd have to stay his baby forever and ever instead."

"Oh," Lizzie blinked. "S-Sorry?" It certainly wasn't the same story that littles had to deal with - she doubted many would even dare approach an adoption agency as a prospective parent for fear of being adopted out themselves - but it wasn't too far off. And probably more humiliating, at least at first, though she seemed to have accepted it all right by now. A part of Lizzie wanted to say that Wendi deserved it... After meeting Heather, however, spending so much time with her, she knew that there was a chance, small as it was, that Wendi might actually have been a nice Mommy, sweet and considerate of her little's needs, not pushing them too hard...

And now, she was in diapers herself, regressed to toddlerhood, stuck spending her days finger painting in daycare, playing with littles that she wanted so badly to take care of, only to be told, time and time again, that she couldn't, that she was their equal, nothing more. The longer Lizzie thought about it, the worse it sounded. "Sorry," she told Wendi a second time, more sincerely.

Wendi nodded, but she seemed distracted, fidgeting in place uncertainly before finally setting Lizzie down on the floor, peering at her own diaper. "Oopsy," she giggled, pawing at the obvious wet spot on her white diaper.

"Do you want me to ask your Daddy to change you?" Lizzie offered. 

Wendi grinned. "You're new, huh?"

Lizzie blushed, wriggled. "Umm... Kinda?"

"Diapees are best when they're squishy," Wendi confided in her, peeking over her shoulder to ensure Luther was paying attention to Heather before grabbing the throw pillow from his sofa and taking it, and Lizzie, over to the corner of the office. "Here, lemme show you!" 

Lizzie didn't know what was happening at first, although it quickly became clear once Wendi dropped the pillow on the floor and sat straddling it, bucking her hips against it. Lizzie's whole body turned bright red, her thighs squeezing together automatically, gulping as she felt the soggy padding compress between them, knowing how similar the state of her diaper was to Wendi's...

It seemed weird, standing there and watching, even if Wendi had pulled her there by the hand, as Wendi started to get more and more into it, sliding her paci into her mouth and moaning into it, picking up speed. It took longer than Lizzie would have liked to admit for her to think to not only look away, but take advantage of the opportunity, to head for her diaper bag so she could go get the bug, plant it, finish what she'd come here to do yesterday...

"Try it," Wendi urged. "You can use your teddy."

Lizzie looked down at her teddy bear, wiggling her bottom at the idea of doing with it what Wendi was doing to the pillow, of seeing its black, plastic eyes staring back at her, judging her... Especially if, somehow, she actually did wind up liking it, getting turned on, maybe even... She shook her head, unable to even think it. Then again... At this point, she had done everything else in her diapers, hadn't she?

"Come on, Lizzie," Wendi told her, breath beginning to grow ragged, sweat beading on her forehead. "Don't be a baby!"

"I'm not a baby!" Lizzie whined, squirming as Wendi giggled at her stomping her foot, standing there in her onesie and diaper, paci clipped to her onesie, teddy in her arms. Was this what it would take to prove she wasn't? It seemed like it would do the opposite, but... She nibbled her bottom lip, one part at the very back of her mind growing so very curious the longer the display went on. And it wasn't like she'd chosen to do it herself... It was just to keep Wendi happy, right? She was only doing her job...

She was a bit light-headed as she laid the teddy bear down on the floor, almost feeling as if she was watching it from outside of her own body, like someone else was doing it. Slowly, she stepped over it, starting to sit down, apologizing silently in advance to her fuzzy friend for how she was about to violate it...

"Oh!" Wendi squealed, Lizzie turning to view the girl's back arching, her eyes closing in a moment of pure pleasure, one that Lizzie couldn't help being a little envious of, after hearing and seeing the reaction, no matter how it had come about. It was barely over before the seat of Wendi's diaper began to expand outwards, quickly growing as she filled her pants.

"Are you finished, you naughty girl?" Luther smirked, Lizzie flinching, turning to see him standing right behind them. Wendi giggled. "Did it feel good?" She nodded. "What about you, Lizzie?"

Lizzie jumped up off of her teddy bear guiltily, pulling it back into her arms. "I-I didn't...!" she shook her head, looking over at Heather, mortified. "I-I wasn't...!"

"You wouldn't be the first one Wendi has taught that to," Luther assured her, taking the pillow away from Wendi, who pouted, watching it go. "It's good for her to get it out of her system every once in a while, huh, sweetie? Even if it always ends the same way nowadays." He gave the swollen seat of the girl's diaper a pat. 

Thankfully, Wendi didn't push Lizzie to try humping her teddy again, not now that she had gotten an orgasm of her own. She was satisfied to sit and color until, eventually, her Daddy declared, "All right, I think it's changing time!" 

Wendi obediently toddled to his desk, while Heather got out the changing pad from the diaper bag. Lizzie was glad that they'd decided not to change her earlier, since, despite the bottle of juice, she hadn't used her diaper here yet. Luther definitely would have thought it odd if she didn't need a dry diaper, and probably would also have noticed if Heather had pretended, would have seen that there were no wet patches in Lizzie's padding while it was open.

She was also grateful for Wendi's messy accident to keep Luther occupied a bit longer. "Go throw this away in the diaper pail for me, sweetie, okay?" Heather ordered, handing Lizzie the used diaper... And the camera, hidden underneath.

"Yes, Mommy," Lizzie grinned at her, toddling over to do as she was told while Luther was still busy cleaning Wendi up, giving her the perfect chance, finally, to do what they'd come here for yesterday. She waddled back over to Heather, a huge weight lifting off her chest, triumphant.

"I think somebody is starting to get sleepy," Heather commented. "This has been fun, but maybe we'd better..."

"Sir?" Brenda, Luther's secretary, poked her head in the door. "I'm sorry, but I just got word, there's an emergency meeting being called. They need you there right now... And you, too."

"Of course," Luther sighed. "Can you call the daycare to pick these two up?"

Heather and Lizzie exchanged a look, eyes widening. "O-Oh, I don't..." Heather began to protest.

"It sounds pretty serious," Brenda shrugged. "They say they need you there as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about it," Luther told Heather. "Wendi will look after Lizzie, won't you, dear?"

Wendi smiled happily, grabbing Lizzie's hand. "Yeah! We'll have lotsa fun!"

Lizzie gulped, but glanced up at Heather, gave her a nod. They'd done what they'd come here to do, and, as far as she could tell, Luther didn't suspect a thing... She didn't want to jeopardize that by acting weird now, by refusing to go to the daycare when, supposedly, she was feeling better today, had no good excuse for avoiding it.

"All right," Heather agreed reluctantly. "Only until the meeting is over, though... Or until your sitter comes to pick you up, okay? She should be here any minute."

They both knew that wasn't true, that there was no sitter, but it would give them a reason why she wasn't going to spend the rest of the day there. "Okay, Mommy," she said. "I'll be fine!" She would, she told herself, as she watched Heather walk away. The meeting couldn't go that long, right? And she knew the sorts of things she had to be on guard for at a daycare... She could handle it... Couldn't she?



Compromises are coming for Lizzie, but will she know they are happening to her. Thrilling story. Love it.


I love the diapered Amazon.