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1 - A regressed girl recounts how she became the pathetic diaper cuck to her former business rival turned mommy as she prepares her a Mothers Day card, her story is repeatedly interrupted by the sounds of Mommy and Daddy (her ex boyfriend) lovemaking

2 - An Amazon woman is on trial from "kidnapping" a Little from her mommy and putting the Little in "danger" by letting her go free. The Little in question is the Amazon's best friend from college which she also likes in a romantic way, and doesn't see Littles as babies. The Amazon woman is convinced and sentenced to an etiquette center and then an adoption center. In the end her friend's mommy adopts her so she doesn't have to miss her friend.

3 - A couple of rich Amazons move into little country excited by the idea of having their pick of the liter when it comes to babies, but before they can even begin the hunt they start waking up in soaked sheets and having accidents in the streets. Turns out littles know a thing or two about subliminal hypnosis themselves

4 - "Like Mother, like daughter" A strict and controlling mother who is very short and petite, and her daughter, tired of being controlled, who is preteen but very tall for her age, are mistakenly given the wrong Passport ID cards before a vacation, swapping their roles of parent and child by mistake. The Photographer also mistakenly puts down the mothers age as toddler age. Leading to all manner of misidentification, regression and legal issues that reassign all ID cards between the two of them to the "correct" ones that results in the mother legally becoming the baby daughter of her preteen daughter, who is more than happy to reverse the roles and embrace her new authority over her helpless Baby mother.

5 - A mother who catches her child bullying people and staff of there family owned businesses and decided to humble and humiliate the grown up child

6 - Bedwetter's Camp: An amazon run camp for littles who have potty problems. (An offshoot from a previous Caption you did). Two friends are sent to this camp and are a little slow to realize that the 'potty problem' is they expect to still be able to use the potty by the end of camp.

7 - "The Lliitle's Carnival" - A Little detective discovers on the dark web a Littles only Carnival that guarantees no Amazons allowed. It provides a safe environment to play and have fun free from being regressed and kidnapped into babyhood. However, it seems suspicious since there have been reports of missing reports of littles recently and our detective suspects that this carnival may be the cause. So, she decides to investigates by applying (online of course) for entry to the park. The park is quite exclusive and only accepts 10 people per day. Finally, she is able to get in. The site provides travel to the carnival ensuring her safety so a typical little might think. Once there, she will find the best rides and regression techniques and a waiting mommy at the end of the day.

8 - A college aged girl finds a potential sugar momma online. They to do a month trie out and she flys the the sugar momma’s ranch (probably in Wyoming or Montana somewhere idk). While their she loves it but is slowly brainwashed into babyhood, but still gets to have “fun”.

9 - Classic Monkeys Paw Story. Protagonist gains an item allowing her to make as many wishes as she wants but each one is corrupted. Sometimes the wishes corruption ends up being minor, like wishing for a million dollars but it's still taxed before the wisher gets it. While other times the corruption is big like when wishing for new interests the wisher gains the interest to become the biggest baby possible. Each step along that path grows more and more exciting filling their new found interests even more. Will they realize the damage being done before its to late or give in to their interesting fate?

10 - An little is having trouble at her new internship getting picked on and patronized by her Amazon co-workers. The only person who is kind to her is an older woman approaching retirement who says she reminds her of her daughter.

She keeps saying the little and her daughter really should meet, and that she thinks they’d hit it off and really love each other.

In the end, the kind older woman is able  to introduce the two and helps the younger woman escape the stress of work and help her daughter become a new mother just in time for Mother’s Day in the process.

11 - A girl has a babysitting charge who still wears diapers. Despite the charge not wanting to go to the pool because she is forced to wear swim diapers and is embarrassed by them, the babysitter wants to go to the pool and forces her charge into a swim diaper. While at the pool, the babysitter falls asleep. Little does she know, her charge’s mother works at the local pool, and while the babysitter is sleeping, the charge’s mother magically regresses her bladder and bowel control to that of a two year old. The babysitter pees herself while she’s sleeping, the charge’s mother puts the babysitter in a swim diaper herself due to pool policy and informs her that unless she wants photos of her posted on the internet, she will behave like a toddler the rest of the day at the pool. The babysitter is made to wear water wings and swim in the children’s pool. Eventually she poops herself in the pool while playing with the kids and the other kids tease her

12 - A couple try to rescue there missing friend trapped in a boarding grade school after a case of mistaken identity. The girl file metionned she didn't have any family or relatives and they can't even see or talk to her. Eventually they get her out of this by becoming her legal guardian. She think her life would go back on normal, unfortunately she and her new parents was assigned a strict social worker who love to surprise them with regular inspection. So, if she didn't want to go back there or be put in a foster home she and her parent have to keep acting like a perfect family and treat her like a little girl with babysitter, bedtime, meals, cartoons, clothes, braces, glasses, activities, Trick or trick, Santa visit, Easter eggs hunt, swim lesson, ballet class, Sunday school or scout, etc. At least she didn't have to go back to the boarding school but they enrolled her in there old elementary school and she have an old high school nerd she'd bullied as her teacher. The more the day passed and the more she start acting like the little girl every one treated her and think she was. She even sart developping a lisp, a thumbsucking habit, a lose of emotionnal control and a bedwetting problems with little accidents in the day too, so she have to wear diaper.

13 - I've been thinking we should revisit Lizzie's big day. I'd love to see how she's been doing since we've been gone

14 - After breaking down in a small town a petite girl finds the locals have some very odd laws that she keeps running a foul of.  Like an ordinance about car seats that goes entirely off height with no exception for age, or that you need to be on record as potty trained (something that would happen to most locals in preschool or kindergarten) in order to enter aby business or public building without wearing protection.

15 - A 35-year-old middle school teacher who still lives at home with her strict mother is subject to baby punishments. Right before a school break starts, she comes home late from work and is scolded, spanked, diapered and punished by mommy. She is sent to the punishment nursery in their home for the following week with the possibility of a longer punishment if Mommy deems her too naughty.

16 - College girl gets in trouble with the law after graduation. Judge gives her a choice, 30 days in jail or 60 days of a new, mysterious punishment at a new facilty, but her record is clean afterwards. Not wanting the mistake to follow her the rest of her life, she chooses option 2 and shows up the next day at the new facility, told to only bring the clothes on her back. Little does she know how many diapers, onesies, and cribs she has in store for her over the next 2 months.....

17 - A sequel to Ditching her Responsibilities

18 - Continuation of Step Daughter

19 - Sequel to Brat in the Hat, set now i.e. 10 years later.

20 - Compromise Mother’s Day would be so damned cute🥰

21 - In the future, a young man rents a room from a landlady and her almost-adult daugther, as he has just landed his first "real" job.

Shortly thereafter, the man is critically injured in a traffic accident, but luckily his job has great health insurance, including the ability to re-grow an entire body.

Unlucky for him, the daughter is unhappy about a getting another adult in the house to remind her of her chores and rules, so when she sees her chance, she puts down 22 months, instead of years, on the medical documents.

When the man wakes up in his toddleresque body, he finds himself in a rapid descending spiral, where people don't take him seriously and where his body isn't always as obedient as it were when he was physiologically an adult.

22 - Could do a gap year mothers day chapter.

23 - The Twins Comeuppance - Sequel to The Hunt / The Affair where the twins finally have gone too far and crossed the line with the wrong person. This time they are sent to The Dollhouse for some reeducation. Perhaps they may meet there old nemesis Barbara in the nursery.

24 - A Tweener at a Littles Day Care keeps making mistakes. She gives the mixes the Littles up and tries to give the wrong one to an unsuspecting parent. She does a terrible job feeding the little tykes spilling food everywhere. Plus, she can't keep the "special instructions" straight for each kid. Having had enough of this nonsense, the owner decides to enroll her as a permanent student and to adopt her as well.

25 - More of The Bedwetters' Dorm