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This is a commission, but the person who got it has chosen to remain anonymous. Picture property of ABDreams

"Shh, shh... There's no need to cry... Besides, it won't do you any good. You know you love your paci... That's why it has that sweet little heart on it. Oh, what a naughty girl, spitting out your paci! All right, if you're going to be that way, I'll just have to strap it in... Oh, you are a feisty one today, aren't you? If you're going to try to take off your paci-gag, then I'll just have to get those hands up and out of the way, won't I? Oh, so squirmy! Well, now you can squirm all you want - you aren't going anywhere.

"Aww... Poor baby... What are you going to do now? I'll tell you... You're going to kneel there, on your changing table, until your diaper is full enough that we need to lay you down and get you a fresh one. By then, you'll be sweet, and innocent, and obedient, enough that we won't need those wrist restraints, or that pacifier strap, anymore...

"Don't believe me? Oh, sweetie... It was already too late. As soon as you took off your beautiful, gold necklace and put on that collar because your silly brain was attracted to all the pretty colors, you were already too far gone. This is just speeding things up... It was fun slipping just a drop or two that same drug your paci is doused in into your coffee, waiting to see how long it took to see results... But now I'm bored of watching you try to slip out of meetings while hiding the wet spot on your pants, and trying to hide those silly, thing, pull on diapers you bought for youself under your clothes... I want to take you into the office tomorrow and show off my adorable, new big baby girl.

"What's that? I can't quite understand you, sweetie... Are you trying to say you aren't a baby? Do you even realize you're already wetting your diaper? Yes, you are... I can see the little damp spot from here! I hope you enjoyed your bladder control while you had it, because it's gone now... If you ever want it back, you'll have to go through potty training again. Of course, you'll have to find somebody willing to help you with that, who would want to let a cute little baby like you out of the diapers she looks so sweet in - and even then, I'm not sure your silly, baby brain will be mature enough to handle something that complicated.

"That looks like a different kind of squirming... Does your tummy hurt? I bet so! And you know what that means, don't you? I hope you do... Every time your tummy gets all rumbly like that, I want you to know that you're going to fill your diaper, and remember that, once upon a time, you knew how to stop that - that you should be able to stop it - before you helplessly mess yourself, like the baby you are.

"Don't worry, you'll remember being a big girl... When I take you on your tour of the office every morning, to say hello to all the people you used to think you were so much better than, you'll remember what you used to be, and know that you ought to be standing among them, in your business suit and grown-up panties, instead of sucking on your pacifier in your cute little baby dress that's just short enough to show off your nice, thick diapers... I'm sure you'll think about that your whole trip back downstairs, to the daycare, and your whole day there, sitting and playing with your block and your dollies with the other babies. But there won't be anything you can do about it. You'll be a sweet little baby girl, who needs her diapers even if she knows she shouldn't, and who will do whatever the grown-ups tell her to do, because that's what good little girls do...

"Look at you tug on your restraints... Do you really still think you can get away? That's so cute! Sweetie, it's already over... Tell you what... You know that big, yucky, stinky, mucky mess you're trying so hard to hold in, to try to prove that you're still an adult? Why don't you just let that go? Oh, my God, your expression is priceless! I have to get a picture! Go on, baby, try to stop it... It's too late, isn't it? Now that you so kindly started pooping your Pampers for me, you don't remember how to stop it, do you? 

"Now, I'm going to unstrap your wrists, and take the strap off your paci, and you're going to be a good girl and keep sucking your pacifier, and bounce up and down in your full diaper and giggle like a happy baby until I get a nice video of you to show the office what a happy baby you are. Oh, look at you go! Started already... You're just so eager to be a good girl for me, aren't you? I'll tell you what... If you can stop bouncing, or spit out that paci, before I finish this video, I'll give you the antidote that will reverse all of this and make you a big girl again. I'd say you have another five minutes before it will no longer work... Just long enough for me to get your cuteness on tape.

"That's all you have to do! But that's not what a good little baby would do, is it? Come on, this is your last chance... After this, I'm going to put you in your nighttime diaper and put you to bed in your crib, and even though it's barely 7, you're going to go right to sleep, like a good girl. So, if you want to be big again, you'd better get moving! Come on, tick-tock... 

"Uh-oh, time's up! I guess somebody's ready for beddy-bye! I don't blame you... You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow! Everybody is just going to love the new you!"



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