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She gasped at the sound of a car pulling into her driveway, all thoughts of time-outs and punishments fleeing from her mind as she turned to look out the window to see an attractive young man stepping out of his vehicle. She looked down at herself, in her pink shirt that didn't come close to covering her wet diaper, eyes darting towards the hallway leading to her bedroom, and her adult clothes... So close, and yet, so far, with her babysitter in between.

"All right, that's enough, little lady," her sitter said, grabbing the hairbrush. "That's the last straw."

"No, but..." she protested, stopping with a gulp as she heard her doorbell ring.

"Go answer the door and have them come in here with you to wait until we're finished," the sitter ordered.

"B-But..." she gasped, heart thumping ever louder at the idea of meeting her date in a diaper, then leading him in here - praying he didn't ask any questions, or notice she was wet - to watch her get spanked.

It could be worse, though, apparently. "If I hear another word out of you, you can wait until after your spanking to answer the door," the sitter informed her, "and you can do it without your diaper on.... Trust me, after the spanking I'll give you if you don't behave yourself, you won't WANT to put anything on your bottom, even a nice, soft diaper."

Stunned, she shuffled to the door, wanting to be seen with nothing over her soon-to-be red, throbbing backside just a bit less than she wanted to be seen in her diaper. Her date seemed surprised - no shock there - but she wordlessly beckoned him inside, leading him back to her living room, where the sitter was waiting.

If she had been hoping the sitter would have mercy once there was actually someone else in the room, she was sorely mistaken. The sitter pulled her down, slid down her diaper, and began spanking her silly.

"You do know how to change a diaper, don't you?" the sitter asked the girl's date, once she was done, and the girl was sobbing and rubbing her bottom pitifully. "No matter, she needs one now anyway, so I can show you. She's quite the little fountain, so I have no doubt she'll need a change before long." 

She sniffled as she was laid on the floor, her wet diaper untaped and removed altogether so her sitter could clean her up and tape her into a fresh diaper, right in front of her date.

"I'm sure you'll need this," the sitter said, handing over a full diaper bag to the girl's date. "And you'd better take this along, too." The hairbrush was slipped into the bag. "Make sure to have her home by 7 so she can have her bath and be in bed by 8!"



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