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It took everything Holly had not to stomp her feet and throw a fit, but she was almost certain it was a joke... Almost. 

"I've been so good!" she whined. "A-And I will be tomorrow, too! I-I just have to go to my meeting now!"

"But you're soaked," Kristi teased, poking at the older woman's padding again. 

Holly felt her hands curl up, the urge to throw a tantrum growing even stronger. "Of course I am!" she grumbled. "I wasn't allowed to take them off on my own!"

That had been a handy excuse, though the truth of the matter was, she mostly hadn't noticed. Being back in diapers again, after such a short break from them, knowing she couldn't use the toilet in her bathroom no matter how close she was to it, had made her body go back to its old ways, letting go indiscriminately, assuming that was what was expected of it. Especially after the first time, when her padding was already soggy, there was no point fighting it, or getting upset over it... Or so she'd thought.

"I left you a radio," the housekeeper reminded her. "You could have called me and asked me to take you to the potty whenever you wanted."

Sure, she could have... After Kristi had given her a refresher course on how to make a bed, and some other cleaning tips, she'd left Holly alone again, and from there, Holly had no idea where she was, who she was around... She didn't want her voice squawking out of the girl's radio, pathetically begging to be let out of her diapers so she could pee! 

"I-I didn't want to interrupt," she fibbed. "I-I thought you might be doing something more important..."

"Well, that's true," Kristi shrugged. "Clearly, you don't mind peeing your pants, so anything would be more important than keeping you from being able to do that. But that tells me that you need as much padding as you can get so the poor custodian at the office building where you have your meeting won't have a big puddle to clean up."

"They won't!" Holly insisted. "If you'd let me wear Pull-Ups, or take my diaper off myself, I would have used the potty every time! They wouldn't have been damp at all!"

How likely was that? Not very; she doubted Kristi would test her on it, however, would miss out on a chance to humiliate her to see if she was telling the truth. The girl looked skeptical, but ended up giving another shrug. "If you lose your job," she reasoned, "they won't pay for your room anymore, I suppose, and you won't be able to afford it yourself, probably. And then we couldn't have any more fun together."

Holly nodded eagerly, not to the promise of what Kristi had in mind for her for 'fun', but to encourage that line of thinking. "Exactly!" she replied. "Y-You can't let me get in too much trouble!"

Kristi sighed, sounding disappointed as she conceded, "I guess not. All right, I'll get you out a Pull-Up." She unlocked the safe, being sure to block Holly's view of it with her body so she wouldn't see the combination before moving out of the way, swinging open the door.

Holly's stomach lurched with jealousy, looking at those grown-up panties there, so close, and yet so far. It was even worse than being back home, having to fold Mommy's laundry, handling her underwear one by one as she squirmed, pressing her thighs together, feeling the bulk of her diapers there, knowing that the panties were right in the other room, that, when Mommy was busy in her office, or the kitchen, she could sneak in and take them if she wanted.

These panties were hers, technically. Sure, they belonged to Elizabeth, but since they'd switched lives temporarily, that meant they were now Holly's for the time being... And she had no doubt Elizabeth was wearing her 'underwear' back in the nursery, if she hadn't escaped yet. She didn't know if she would have worn them, though it might have been nice to try them on, at least... They were even closer to her than the ones in her Mommy's underwear drawer, and there was less chance of her being caught... And now they were locked away, out of her grasp, trapped behind the door of the safe. 

Along with the one pair she could have worn without guilt, had she been smart enough to put out her Do Not Disturb sign. "While we're in here," Kristi said, reaching into the pocket of her uniform and producing the pair of pony panties, putting them inside with the rest before starting to close the safe, taking her time so she could watch Holly fidget and pout.

She could tell Holly wanted them, that she was struggling to find an acceptable way to ask for them, to be allowed to keep them out. What she didn't know was the real reason Holly was hesitating; she'd have loved to show up at rehearsal in big girl panties, even ones as immature as those, obviously, but if she were to have an accident while she was there...

In a way, she almost wouldn't mind. It would be embarrassing, of course, there was no getting around that. She was used to that, however, and, as far as anyone there was concerned, she was Elizabeth, so it was her reputation that would be soiled along with her undies. That might prompt Elizabeth to do something worse, to get revenge on Holly's...

Not to mention how Kristi would react when she got back to her room, if she was still at the hotel. If it was Paige, she would be more understanding, most likely... Holly wasn't confident she wouldn't tell Kristi about it, get her in trouble when she was around, though. Either way, she found it doubtful she'd be allowed to pull that trick more than once, so it wasn't worth getting worked up now, begging for panties that she might not be ready for anyway.

Or... Was she?

"Umm... Kristi, ma'am?" she asked sweetly, blinking her eyes up at the maid innocently.

Kristi saw through her instantly. "What do you want?" 

"Could I have my pony panties? I-I know I can't wear them by themselves, but... Could I wear them over my Pull-Ups? Just in case something happens with my skirt?" It was a childish concession, the kind of thing only a very young kid might be satisfied with, the kind that Mommy would sometimes trick her with if she got too tired of Holly asking to be allowed to try wearing panties again, yet she didn't want to demonstrate to her why, exactly, she didn't deserve them, if she wanted to be slightly nicer about giving in to Holly's demands.

"Aww," Kristi snickered. "Do you want to still feel like a big girl while you're running around in your training panties?"

Holly knew she was trying to shame her, make her feel silly about it, but compared to what she'd already been through, that was nothing. "Uh-huh," she readily admitted. "Please? It would really help me in my meeting..."

Kristi looked almost disappointed, and Holly expected her to deny the request because of that. To her surprise, the girl shrugged. "If it means so much to you."

She pulled the underwear back out of the safe, Holly debating, briefly, if she should push further, try for some of the more grown-up undies. Most of them wouldn't do much to hide the Pull-Ups, however, not like the fuller cut, and thicker cotton, of the pony panties. If she were actually going to a meeting, if she were still the serious professional she had been a decade ago, they still would have been mortifying to be seen in, should her skirt have been caught in a gust of wind, or if she were to bend over the wrong way... They were definitely better than Pull-Ups, though.

"Thank you so much," Holly gushed. "You are so kind, and so generous, and so..."

"Calm down, or I'll change my mind," Kristi rolled her eyes. "First, we'd better change your diaper."

Holly nodded. "Yes, ma'am!" Dutifully, she let Kristi clean her up and slide the Pull-Ups up her legs, followed by the panties, immediately taking the wrapped up bundle of her used diaper and the wipes to the bathroom without needing to be asked. She paused to look at herself in the mirror, nose wrinkling at the absurdity of her reflection. In a way, like this, with nothing covering them, it she almost seemed more infantile now than she would have with her Pull-Ups showing. There was no question there was extra padding beneath them, and the implication she didn't realize that painted her as so silly, so naive...

If her pants or skirt were to slide down, however, this was a much better waistband to have showing, so long as she kept it tugged up over the Pull-Up's, and at a quick glimpse, maybe the added bulk of what was underneath wouldn't be too obvious. She stepped out of the bathroom to find Kristi already having an outfit picked out and laid on the bed, wordlessly pulling Holly over to put it on her, dressing her up like a doll.

"There we go!" she announced, standing back to admire her handiwork. "What a cute little professional."

Holly knew from the way the maid was smirking that something was off, although, after the victory of her panties, it took Holly a moment to recognize what it was, as she reached down nervously to tug at the hem of the short skirt Kristi had chosen for her, and remembered.

With a gasp, she stumbled to the bathroom, twisting and turning like a cat trying to chase its own tail, trying to get a good view, to see if she was right or not. Sure enough, there it was, the pink of her spanking on full display, along with a bit of her panties from the way she was bending.

"I can't wear this!" she squealed. "E-Everyone's gonna see...!"

"I assumed you'd want them to see your panties, since you were so happy to get to wear them," Kristi sneered. "Why go to all that trouble if you aren't going to show them off?"

"N-No!" Holly shook her head; that was embarrassing, of course. It spoke a lot to how bad her morning had been that it wasn't her main concern. "Th-They're gonna see I was spanked!"

"Oh, that," Kristi waved it off, as if it were no big deal. "They'll assume you were up to something kinky last night. Besides, it's a meeting... I'm sure you'll be sitting most of the time."

She might have had a point, were it not for Elizabeth... She would know, right away, what those marks were, and that Holly wouldn't choose to have that done to her voluntarily after working so hard to escape her nursery temporarily.

"N-No, I'm presenting," she said. In a way, it wasn't a lie, no more than the idea of her going to a meeting in the first place. She was going to have to do her and Elizabeth's song, up on the stage, in front of everyone... "Please, ma'am... C-Can I have a longer skirt?"

"Sure," Kristi agreed, a little too easily. 

"R-Really?" Holly blinked.

"Yeah," Kristi nodded. "But if we're doing that, you might as well go back to your diapers, since nobody will be able to tell at that point anyway."

Nobody except Elizabeth, the one person Holly cared about. She was an expert at this... She'd probably spot the bulge instantly, no matter which of her outfits Holly put on over it. Would that be better or worse than showing up, freshly spanked?

A spanking meant someone else was involved, that another person had found Holly and realized she needed to be cared for and disciplined... The diaper, Holly might have done on her own, but, when Elizabeth knew there were Pull-Ups she could have worn instead, it was practically a confession to multiple accidents in the time they'd been away from each other, and bad ones at that. 

Neither one was appealing, frankly. "No," she whined, her joy over her small victory crumbling away. "Come on, please..."

Kristi shook her head. "Nope. It's one or the other... You can have your Pull-Ups and panties, and a longer skirt and a diaper. Unless you keep complaining, and then it'll be that skirt and a diaper. I wonder if it would show from under the hem, too?"

Holly had enough experience to know it likely wouldn't, if she were careful, as well as enough to know how tiny of a slip-up it would take to change that. One stumble during her dance, and the whole rest of the cast would see, would know she'd not only been paddled, but also Pampered...

"So?" Kristi crossed her arms expectantly. "Which will it be?"


"See?" Drew said. "I told you she'd still be here!"

Elizabeth glanced up from the hole she'd been staring into the floor beneath her at the sound of his voice, shocked that she hadn't heard him or Annika, standing beside him, wearing his shirt seemingly hastily thrown on and, as far as Annika could tell, nothing else, while he was bare-chested, leaving zero doubt of what had been going on in the bedroom... Not that Elizabeth had any to begin with, considering the audio she'd been hearing from the baby monitor the whole time.

She'd tuned it out as best she could, but that had almost been worse, since there was little else for her to focus on, other than the sensation of her paci as she nursed it, and the feeling of her diaper growing more and more filthy as she mindlessly bobbed up and down in her bouncer, squishing it further and further.

"Well, duh," Annika rolled her eyes. "I didn't think she was going anywhere! I just wanted to make sure she was all right, since you grabbed the wrong part of the baby monitor again! Are you all right?" She stepped over, pinching Elizabeth's cheeks. "Aww, you look so sad, sweetie. What's the matter?"

That question was almost as loaded as Elizabeth's diapers. What wasn't the matter?! This was not the way this trip was supposed to be going... And this was not the way her arrangement with Holly was supposed to be going, either. She'd gone through some embarrassing stuff, both on purpose, and by accident, in her quest to get other people babied, but nothing even came close to this.

"I-I'm stinky," she sniffed, kicking her feet, staring pitifully up at her babysitter.

"Yes, you are!" Annika agreed, playfully plugging her nose. "Pee-yew!"

Elizabeth pouted, watching the couple giggle at that, as if they weren't the ones with the power to do something about it, as if it wasn't all their fault that she'd filled her pants this thoroughly, or been left in it for so long. She wanted to give them a piece of her mind, but if she did that, they might not let her take her mittens off before rehearsal... And what good would it really do anyway, other than perhaps make her feel better for a minute or two? 

She was helpless. She wasn't getting out of this bouncer without their help, much less the diaper. Making it out of the house, back to her hotel? Out of the question, at least for now, and if she made them upset, gave them a reason to think she was going to be defiant, all they'd have to do to curb her bad behavior was stick her back in this thing, with or without an enema, and she was neutralized.

Seeing them this way didn't add to her confidence, either, standing there, bodies half-clothed, glistening with sweat... They looked so mature, so sexy... And there she was, the exact opposite in her double diapers, her mittens, her paci, totally bare-chested, yet still being outshone in that department by the mere glimpse of Annika's breasts under Drew's crookedly buttoned shirt.

"C-Can you please change me?" she begged, clasping her mittens together in front of her. "Please, please? It's so icky..."

Annika smiled, shook her head. "That would be silly," she said. "We don't know if you've gotten all of your enema out yet."

"I have!" Elizabeth protested. "It's been, like..." She paused, perplexed. How long had it been? There was no clock in the nursery to tell her. It felt like hours, at least, maybe a full day, though if that were the case, she would have missed rehearsal. Considering the state of mind she was in, that might not be such a bad thing...

"It's been, like, fifteen minutes," Annika filled in for her.

Elizabeth groaned, shaking her head. "N-Nuh-uh!" she whined. There was no way that was all the time that had passed...

"Yeah-huh," Annika countered. "I know how to tell time, sweetie. You, on the other hand..."

"I-I know you can," Elizabeth blurted out, not wanting to imply that she thought the sitter couldn't, desperate to stay on the girl's good side so she could take the mittens off for rehearsal, at the very least. "I-I'm sorry, I..."

"From what I read online," Drew said, "it's best to wait an hour or so after the enema, just in case."

"An hour?!" Elizabeth squealed. If they did that, she was only a quarter of the way done! Could she handle dangling here that same amount of time again, three times over?!

"An hour isn't that long," Annika assured her. "It's okay."

Easy for her to say, if she was going to be spending it back in bed with Drew! Elizabeth pouted and sulked, but it was obvious she wasn't going to win, so there was little point taking the risk in doing much else.

"I bet I know what will make her less fussy," Drew smiled. "She never did get to finish her special milk."

Annika's eyes lit up. "That's right! Are you ready for that now, Holly?" 

She wasn't, not after she'd written all those lines about not wasting the milk, making it obvious that she would regret it if she tried to spit it out or reject it, despite being pretty confident now that it was, indeed, breastmilk. Being branded as too fussy, however, might be the same as being naughty in their eyes, and lead to being stuck in her mittens at rehearsal, around Holly...

And, she told herself, scratching for any hint of a victory she could find, if they stuck around and fed her that, at least that was a few minutes of the hour she wouldn't have to hear them in bed together. Annika had mentioned the monitor, might actually make certain to take the right part with her this time, but Elizabeth had heard enough to last her a lifetime already, was sure it would echo through her mind either way now, when she knew that was what they were doing, while she was trapped in her bouncer with nothing else to think about, or do...

"Y-Yeah," she said quietly, nodding, stomach twisting with what she thought, at first, was only regret over what she was giving in to, until she felt another burst of fresh mess push its way into her diaper, proving that they had, in fact, been right about her not being finished after all. "I-I want my Mommy's milk..."


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