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A Halloween short story, commissioned by an anonymous Patron.

"Well, isn't this cute?" Lola sniffed, looking around the living room, not even bothering to hide her obvious sneer of disdain.

"Come on, Lola," Hannah stepped in diplomatically. "It isn't that bad... It's retro! That's cool, kinda, right?"

Angelina wasn't sure if they knew she was there or not, if it would have made a difference. At one time, it would have... Things had changed lately, however, since even before the other three had all gone off to separate colleges, and she'd stayed behind, though that certainly hadn't helped. It was, probably, when Angelina had gotten pregnant that it had started to go downhill... That was why Angelina had decided to throw a Halloween party for them, when she realized the others' fall breaks all happened to coincide, to bring them all together.

"When you said it was going to be like old times, I thought you meant, like, when we'd all go out to cool parties together," Lola turned towards Angelina, answering her question of if the girl knew she was standing there, watching, or not. "Or at least when we'd all go trick or treating... Not, like, old times from before we were born."

Angelina shrugged. "Like Hannah said, it's retro." She'd found some reproductions of vintage Halloween decorations, paper jack o' lanterns, and black cats, and witches flying broomsticks over the moon, and hung them on the walls, taking full advantage of the fact that her parents were gone for the weekend, and had taken her daughter, Norah, with them.

"Sure," Lola rolled her eyes. "You invited some guys, anyway, didn't you?"

They were already there, so there was hardly any reason to lie now. "No," Angelina told her, crossing her arms. "Not yet."

"Seriously?" Lola huffed. "Why am I even here?!"

"Because we're friends," Kim spoke up at last, peeking over at the other three from her seat on the couch. "And we didn't see each other at all this summer, so it's been a while..."

"Not long enough," Lola mumbled, shaking her head and wandering over to the pair of metal washbasins set up on one side of the room, Hannah trailing after her, as usual. "Wait, what is this? I thought it was going to be, like, spiked punch or something, but I guess you can't have any real fun anymore, so..." She reached down to poke at one of the things bobbing in the water, Angelina grabbing her by the wrist before she could touch it.

"It's a game," Angelina informed her. "Bobbing for apples... Retro, right? I have my own little twist on it, though."

"Well, why don't we get started?" Lola insisted, yanking her hand away. "I don't want to spend all night standing around here doing nothing, and this seems marginally better... Maybe. Let's do it, and get it over with! What are the rules?"

"Well... It's a combination of bobbing for apples and truth or dare," Angelina explained. "These apples over here have truths, and these ones have dares, and whatever apple you get, you have to do what's written on it."

"Great," Lola stepped over to the 'truth' basin, then paused. "Ugh, this is going to ruin my makeup... Someone else go first."

"I'll try it," Hannah offered, pulling back her hair, kneeling over the water, eyeing an apple before going after it, biting into it and pulling it it up. "That's cold!" she complained, after standing up, wiping off her face, plucking the apple free of her teeth. "Let's see..." She spun the apple over to see the words Angelina had scrawled there, cheeks turning a bit pink. "When was the last time you peed your pants?"

"Seriously?" Lola sighed impatiently. "That's, like, kids' stuff."

It was also one of the few tamer questions, not that Angelina was going to tell them that. "I don't know, like, second grade," Hannah shrugged. "This game is dumb."

"Nuh-uh!" Lola suddenly became interested, leaping on her opportunity. "Junior year, we were having a sleepover, and you drank too much soda, and..."

Hannah's blush deepened. "O-Oh, right, I forgot about that..."

"More like you thought we did," Lola smirked. "Right in the middle of the movie, too..."

"Okay, okay!" Hannah scowled. "Well, that's the answer, then, whatever! Next person!"

"Nope," Angelina said. "If you lie, you have to do a dare, too."

"Fine!" Hannah turned to the second basin, dipping her face in to get a second apple. "Wait, really?" she asked after reading it.

"Hey, I had to come up with a lot of stuff to write on them," Angelina told her. "I found a bunch online." Hannah sighed, and popped her thumb into her mouth.

Lola snatched the apple out of Hannah's hand, holding it gingerly to avoid the spots where Hannah's teeth had gone into it, turning it over. "'Suck your thumb for the rest of the game.' Cute."

"Like I said," Angelina replied. "Internet. Who's next?"

Lola's eyes turned to Kim, who almost instantly caved. "O-Okay," she agreed, glancing nervously at Hannah. "I-I think I'll try truth." 

"You guys are so boring!" Lola groaned.

"You could always take your turn now, instead," Angelina suggested, but Lola made no move to stop Kim from bobbing for an apple from the truth basin. As Kim read what was on the other side, however, her face turned white.

"I-I think I'll do a dare," Kim said quietly.

"Why?" Lola demanded, grabbing the apple to read it. "'Which of us do you hate the most and why?' Ooo, juicy... Come on, Kim, why don't you answer?"

Lola probably would have, but Angelina knew there was no way Kim, of all people, would open up that can of worms. Already, she was going for an apple from the other basin, her reaction to this one not much better. "Angelina!" she squealed. "I-I can't!"

"It's only a game," Angelina assured her. "And you already passed once..."

Kim pouted, giving a tiny nod and closing her eyes... And, a moment later, Angelina saw a glimmer of wetness on the crotch of her jeans, one that quickly grew, spreading down her inner thighs... "Kim!" Lola shrieked. "Eww!"

"The apple told me to!" Kim blushed bright red. "I-It wasn't an accident! I-I had to!"

"I didn't think anyone was actually going to get that one," Angelina chuckled. "Or that they'd do it..."

"You told me to!" Kim stomped her foot.

"I guess I should have put some puppy pads down or something," Angelina teased. "We'd better get you out of those wet pants, or you're going to get a rash... Trust me, it doesn't take long at all..." She stepped out of the room to grab Norah's diaper bag.

"It's not my fault!" Kim was whining when she returned, no doubt in response to something Lola had said. "I-I didn't..."

"It's a good thing I still had all these things from when Norah needed them," Angelina smiled, reaching into the bag, pulling out a diaper.

"No!" Kim's eyes widened. "N-No, I'm not...!"

"We need to get your pants into the washer, and I know my spare clothes are all too big for you..." Angelina told her. "So this is your best bet." Lola and Hannah snickered, at least until Angelina produced a pacifier as well, yanking Hannah's thumb out of her mouth and replacing it with that. "It's better for your teeth."

"The dare said..." Hannah protested.

"I think that's an acceptable substitute," Angelina giggled, while she opened up the diaper, spreading it out on the floor. Kim made a token effort at stopping her, but Angelina easily pushed her hands away, gently stripping off her pants and underwear, cleaning her up and taping her snugly into a diaper, leaving her sitting on the floor, stunned.

"You know what?" Lola said, eyeing the other two, snapping pictures of them with her phone. "You're right, this is fun. I'm not going next, though."

"That's fine," Angelina shrugged. "I'll tell you what... I'll go straight for a dare if you agree to, too."

Lola met her gaze. "Okay," she replied. "Whatever you want."

And that was, indeed, what Angelina got. She knew just the right apple to go for, and she had no problem claiming it, showing it off so Lola would know she wasn't lying. She saw Lola's mouth open, starting to read it off before falling silent. "Y-You got that off the Internet?!" she asked instead, as Angelina took another diaper from the diaper bag.

"Oh, you know," Angelina told her. "I'm so boring, now that I'm a mom... These are just the kinds of things we do for fun, to keep in practice..."

"Y-You're not going to pick me!" Lola squealed, the words a demand, rather than a question. "That's not fair! I-It isn't even my dare! I-I never said you were boring!"

Hannah picked up the apple from where Angelina had set it on the table, tittering from behind her pacifier as she read what it said. 'Put one of the other players into a diaper.' 

"It's a good thing that wasn't a truth," Angelina cooed, laying the diaper out, grabbing at Lola's skirt. "We all know that's a lie... You're the one who never wanted to hang out once I had Norah, and everyone else just followed suit..."

She had plenty of experience in diapering a fussy toddler, and it was obvious now that was, essentially, all that Lola was, an overgrown, spoiled brat who had been all too happy to take advantage of the situation and take over as the leader of their group after Angelina got pregnant, who had deserved this treatment long before now. She was no match for Angelina, unable to do much more than whimper and poke at her padding once it was taped around her waist.

"Th-That was your dare, right?" she asked meekly. "S-So I don't have to keep wearing it... Do I?"

"I guess you don't have to," Angelina said. "But I'm not giving your other clothes back until the game is over."

Lola pouted. "Fine! I just have to take my turn, then, a-and then we're going to get out of here and go do something actually fun!"

She did look so cute, waddling over to the washbasins, still trying to get used to the bulk of her diaper. "Uh-uh," Angelina scolded. "You agreed to do a dare!"

"I-I know!" Lola blushed bashfully, clearly fibbing. "I-I got mixed up on which was which..." She turned to the other one, dipping her head in.

Angelina was behind her when she came up, helpfully taking the apple from her mouth as she wiped off her face. Angelina pretended to dry off the apple, slipping it sneakily into her pocket and taking out another she'd hidden in there, handing it over. 

"Wh-What?!" Lola gulped as she read it. "N-No way! That's disgusting! I-I won't...!"

"Come on, Lola," Kim spoke up, still sulking on the floor in her own diaper. "We all played... It can't be that bad..."

"Let me see it," Angelina took the apple back, pretending to read it. "Oh, my," she giggled. "Well, rules are rules..." She unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the nursing bra underneath. "Come on, Lola... Don't be a baby."

"B-But..." Lola protested, squirming in place, face burning red. She was a baby if she didn't do the dare, yet the dare was one of the babiest things possible, something she couldn't come back from, that would ensure that the other girls couldn't possibly look to her as their leader anymore... After what Angelina had done to them tonight, there was no way any of them would look down on her again, like they had ever since she'd told them about her pregnancy...

"Come here," Angelina cooed, gently, yet firmly, guiding the girl into her lap, feeling her resistances slip away as her mouth moved closer and closer to Angelina's waiting nipple. She could see a hint of fear in Lola's eyes, but instincts still took over as her mouth closed around Angelina's breast, her lips beginning to suck while Angelina held her in place, rubbing her back, her hand slowly moving downwards as the girl nursed, unsurprised to feel, by then, a dampness in her diaper, one she suspected that even Lola herself might not know about yet, as dazed as she seemed, as overwhelmed at the whole situation.

"Good girl," Angelina whispered, patting the girl's padded bottom. "That's my good little girl..."


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