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Corina stumbled down the sidewalk, still in shock at what had happened, still trying in vain to adjust to walking this way, with her shorter legs, forced apart by the bulk of what felt like a massive diaper. She had no real idea if it was any bigger than normal, since, of course, she'd had no reason to wear them herself for a very long time, but there was no way they made babies wear anything like this, and certainly not toddlers... It must be hard enough to learn how to walk without all this extra padding.

It was hard to believe that any of this was real, though the feel of the cool, night air on her bare legs, the sound of her crinkling, the faint scent of baby powder mixing with the smell of dead leaves, and, most importantly, the feeling of fullness already building up inside of her... All of that made it impossible to deny.

She would have loved to head back home and hope that this all went away, yet she couldn't take that risk. If Emi was telling the truth, and she had to do as she was told if she wanted to get back to her normal size... Well, that didn't give her much of a choice, did it? She couldn't stay like this! She, thankfully, wasn't as small as the toddler she was dressed as, and her curves were all still there, leaving no doubt that she was an adult - or, at the very least, too old to be wearing this, which she suspected was why she was getting so many stares from trick or treaters and their parents as she shuffled past them - but there wasn't a single student in her school that wouldn't be a few inches taller than her, at a minimum... And she'd given quite a few of them reason to want to shove her into a locker, or give her a wedgie, or anything else they might think up, now that she was too small to stop them. The seniors, especially, on their way out and with less worry about any long-term consequences, would surely be happy to have some fun with her...

Her face flushed as she imagined that, getting pushed around and bullied by her own students... And what was she going to do about it? Go crying to the principal every time? She'd always been proud of handling most of her troublemakers herself... Having to turn to somebody else every time, because her students didn't respect her now that she was the same size as their younger siblings sounded awful in its own right.

So... Like it or not, she was going to have to play Emi's game... To let her other former students see what she'd been reduced to, and pray that they took mercy on her. The very idea of it left her a bit weak in the knees, reliving all the things she'd done to them, all the reasons that they might say no... That, to be fair, maybe they should say no...

"Hi, there!" Corina winced as she heard the cheerful voice, knowing immediately that it was aimed at her. If she'd thought she had a chance of outrunning whoever it belonged to, she might have tried... At the moment, however, that seemed pretty unlikely.

She turned, seeing a young woman there, barely older than most of her students, leading a pair of little girl by the hand. The girls were wearing floofy dresses, one black and the other white, and headbands. The one in black had cat ears on hers, while the one in white's was adorned with a unicorn horn. The young woman herself - the babysitter, Corina had to assume, since she didn't look similar enough to the girls to be their big sister - was in a gray dress, barely more mature-looking than her charges', with round, gray ears on her own headband.

Corina had never been great at estimating the age of children, and she didn't want to change that now, because, to her annoyance, these girls were both taller than her. Given how they were dressed, and the fact that they needed a babysitter, she couldn't imagine they were all that old, but hearing the actual number, knowing she was even shorter than them at whatever age that was, might be too much.

She squirmed, holding the plastic bucket Emi had given her before vanishing into the night in front of her padded crotch. The bucket was green, with a witch's face on the front and a lid in the shape of a witch's hat, one final little joke... That, or a reminder of how this had happened, and why she needed to follow through on her task. Of course, the bucket didn't do much to hide her diaper as it bulged obviously under her onesie, bits peeking and poking out everywhere... Least of all thanks to them approaching her from behind, before she'd turned around.

"Well, isn't that cute?" the babysitter gushed, waiting for her charges to nod before continuing. "A little jack-o-lantern!"

"Yeah," Corina grumbled. "Real cute."

"I couldn't help but notice you were here all on your own," the girl continued. "You're more than welcome to join us, sweetie! It's going to be getting dark soon, and it can get awfully spooky out here on your own."

"I'm fine!" Corina insisted with a huff. If she'd still been her normal size, in her grown-up clothes, this girl - this kid herself, practically! - would never have dared presume that Corina needed her help!

"If you say so," the babysitter shrugged. "We'll be trick or treating here for a little while still, so if you change your mind, my name is Aubrey, okay? So I'm not a stranger." She winked, Corina scowling in response. Is that why she thought Corina had said no?! Because she was a good little girl who knew better than to go anywhere with strangers?!

"I'm fine!" Corina repeated, stomping off. She supposed she couldn't exactly blame the girl, but that didn't keep her from being offended that she really seemed to think she was a kid. It was only a minute or two later that it occurred to her that maybe she could have used that in her favor, that Aubrey, as a babysitter, might be willing to help her get to a bathroom, and take the diaper off for her...

Would that be any better than turning to her former students? It would still be embarrassing, absolutely... This was a stranger she was asking for help for something she should be able to do on her own! She didn't have any history with her, though, and would, hopefully, never have to see her again after tonight... It might be worth a try...

She wasn't going to do it now, however, so soon after so vehemently turning her down. Besides, the trio was at a house already, the girls holding out their own candy buckets and getting praised for how cute they were. Maybe she'd think about tracking them down later...

For now, she had another target in mind. She'd had to think about it for a minute, and once she had, the answer had seemed obvious. If she had to face one of her students, Trina made the most sense... Corina was sure she didn't like her any more than the others, but she had to be used to getting bad grades, as much as she struggled in Corina's class. And there was no way she'd been the only person to write her up, as much as she flaunted dress code.

Not to mention the fact that she might be dim enough for Corina to be able to trick. At this size, dressed this way, Corina was convinced she didn't look like her old self at all, though she worried the others might see through her. Trina, on the other hand... Well, she'd probably have the best luck with fooling her.

That didn't make her any less anxious, waddling up to the former cheerleader's front door. She'd hoped Trina might be waiting outside with her candy bowl, but that was sitting out there, almost empty, with a sign that said, 'Take One, Please,' that clearly hadn't worked. Maybe it was better this way, having a little more time to prepare herself to face her... It meant she did have to make the choice to reach up, hand shaking, to ring the doorbell, and stand there nervously, hoping she was at the right place.

What if Trina wasn't home at all? She could see there were lights on inside; it wouldn't have surprised her if Trina had forgotten to turn them off before she left. Somehow, she had a feeling that wasn't going to be the case, however... Whatever Emi had done, she suspected it wouldn't allow her to get out of this so easily.

Sure enough, after a long pause, Corina standing there on the porch, nibbling her bottom lip, tempted to run away, the door opened up. Corina peered over, seeing, right away, the socks, the ones striped with the school's colors, and knowing, in her gut, what she would see as she lifted her head, glimpsing more and more of the girl's old cheerleading uniform. She couldn't tell if it was because of time, or if Trina had modified it, but it looked smaller, the skirt shorter, the top lower cut, which just emphasized the shape of the young woman inside it all the more.

Corina swallowed, her eyes snapping back down to the ground, cheeks burning. Next to her, especially now, she felt so inadequate, so immature... She pressed her candy bucket into her diaper, wanting so badly to keep it from being seen, despite what she knew she needed to do.

"What's up?" Trina asked. "The candy's right over there!"

"Y-Yeah," Corina nodded, trying to pitch her voice higher, to sound more like a child. If she was careful, perhaps Trina would believe that was all she was, wouldn't recognize her, and would help her out. "I-I saw, ma'am. I-I was just wondering... C-Could I use your bathroom?"

"What was that?" Trina knelt down in front of Corina, whose face warmed up even hotter, glancing over and getting an eyeful of her former student's cleavage. "I couldn't quite hear you, cutie."

Corina shifted her weight on her Mary Janes, the sound of her diaper crinkling beneath her onesie almost deafening. "C-Can I... u-use your bathroom, ma'am?"

"Oh, so polite," Trina giggled. "Come on in."

Corina's eyes widened; was that it?! Had she done it already?! She could feel a huge weight lifting off of her as she followed Trina back towards the door smugly, until the cheerleader stopped short. "Wait a minute," Trina mused. 

Corina gulped, all of her fears about this exercise crashing back down onto her at once. "Wh-What?" she asked, as innocently as she could manage.

"I think you forgot something," Trina told her. 

It took a second, but thanks to the stop at Nicola's house, it came to her fairly quick. "Trick or treat?" she sighed, already tired of that... Hopefully, it would be the last time she had to say it.

"That's better!" Trina grinned. "Come on in!"

"Th-Thanks," Corina said, toddling inside. "Now, where's...?" She didn't have to go that badly yet... She could feel the suppositories inside of her, working away, but it wasn't urgent yet... The sooner she could get this over with, however, the better.

"Hold on," Trina scolded, picking up her phone from the table by the door. "I need to get some pictures of this cute little pumpkin who came to visit me!"

"No!" Corina whined, lowering her face. She didn't want any evidence of this night to exist whatsoever!

"No pictures, no potty," Trina put it plainly, leaving Corina no choice other than to reluctantly stand there, letting her pitiful new form, and humiliating outfit, be documented for posterity. "There we go! Now, I just need a selfie with you..."

Of course she did. How could Trina, of all people, take pictures of someone else without also having to be in at least one of them? Corina forced herself to stand still as the cheerleader crowded in beside her, squeezing her close, putting on as brave a face as she could manage, knowing exactly how immature she was going to look in comparison to the younger woman in that photo.

"Perfect!" Trina declared, punctuating it with a swat to Corina's bottom, earning a squeak of embarrassment from her at the contact with her diaper, despite the knowledge that, if she was going to use the toilet, she was going to have to let Trina touch a lot more of it. "The bathroom is right over there, cutie!"

"O-Okay," Corina nodded, blushing, not moving. She'd really hoped her little girl act would come in handy here, that Trina would assume she needed help... It looked like she was going to have to ask for it after all. She squirmed, having to gather up all of her courage to make the words come out, and, even then, they felt strained. "C-Could you... I-I don't know how..."

"What's that?" Trina asked, looking up from her phone.

"I-I..." Corina plucked at the fabric of her onesie, groaning in frustration. "C-Can you help me?"

"Oh, of course!" Trina exclaimed. "Duh! I should have thought of that!" She knelt back down, undoing the snaps. Corina wanted to point out that she could wait until they were in the bathroom, so she didn't have to walk over to it naked, but she bit her tongue. She should be happy this was working at all, that Trina wasn't questioning why somebody young enough to not be able to use the bathroom on her own was trick or treating by herself.

Trina whisked the onesie off, stepping back to admire her handiwork proudly, folding the garment up while Corina crossed her arms over her bare chest. "Umm..." the teacher glanced down at the diaper around her waist. She would have liked to hide it, too; not only would that have been almost impossible, as big as it was, it was also antithetical to her goal. "Wh-What about...?" She lowered one arm from her chest, pointing to her crinkly, plastic underwear.

"Huh?" Trina blinked. It took everything Corina had not to roll her eyes. Maybe she shouldn't have felt guilty about giving Trina an F on anything, if she was this dense.

"My d-diaper!" Corina blurted out, the second word hitching as she realized what she'd said, that she'd admitted to this thing being hers.

"That's right!" Trina nodded. "That is your diaper, cutie! Good job! And you can go potty right in there, whenever you want! Feel free to do it now, though... I'd love to have a video of that, to go with these great pictures. Everyone is going to love seeing these, Miss Gridley."

Corina froze at the sound of her name. "Y-You knew?" 

"Of course I did," Trina rolled her eyes. "I'm not as dumb as you think I am... You might be, though, falling for that." She giggled, putting the onesie up on a high shelf, well out of Corina's reach, as the tiny teacher blushed and squirmed beneath her in horror. "Look at you... I never would have dreamed I'd get to have Mean Miss Gridley here in my house, about to poop her Pampers..."

"Trina!" Corina squealed, bouncing in place. "Y-You can't do this!"

"You wanted a trick or a treat," Trina shrugged. "I think taking this sweet little onesie is a good trick."

"N-No!" Corina stomped her foot, heart pounding, thinking of running through the streets for the rest of the night like this, in only her diaper, socks and shoes.

"Don't worry, I have a treat for you, too," Trina said, pulling something off the shelf where she'd put the onesie. It turned out, in fact, to be two things, as she unfolded them, holding them out for Corina to see. One was a tiny crop top, barely big enough, Corina suspected, to cover her breasts, while the other was a bib, which was certainly longer than the shirt, but also far more babyish. Both of them were orange, like the onesie, and had jack o' lantern faces on them, making Corina wonder if Emi had provided them, or if these were a part of her spell; neither would come close to hiding her diaper, putting it on full display.

"T-Trina!" Corina squealed. "I-I can't wear those!"

"You can," Trina replied. "Or you can go without, if you want... But I have a feeling you don't. You can have whichever one of these you want, cutie. I don't think either would pass dress code... Good thing you're a grown-up so you don't have to worry about that, huh?" Her eyes twinkled as she said it, holding the two options up for Corina to take in. "Just think about all those times you wrote me up... Now you're going to be the one running around, flaunting your body. I have a feeling most people are going to be too busy staring at your diaper to notice, though... Especially after you fill it up."

There was no question that was what Trina wanted, that she wasn't about to give in and let Corina use her bathroom instead. Corina gulped, staring up at the two pieces of clothing, knowing now that she'd definitely chosen the wrong house to visit... And now, she had a very important, and very humiliating, choice ahead of her.

Should she pick...

The crop top?

Or the bib?

And afterwards, should she go...

To Renee and Dylan's house?

To Martine's house?

To Faye's house?

To Persephone's house?

To a stranger's house?

To find Aubrey?

Or back to her own house?


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