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The first week or so was the toughest, as she worked through her first pack of diapers. She'd already ordered more, knowing that she was going to need them - she was going to need a lot more of them from now on, which was a thought that sent pleasant shivers throughout her body - and, as wonderfully babyish as these ones made her feel, with their excessive bulk, she got some that were thinner this time around.

Until then, however, she was stuck with what she had, unless she wanted to make a trip to the drugstore to buy more diapers there, while in a diaper, and she definitely didn't have the courage for that. She wouldn't have thought she'd have the courage to leave her room in these diapers, either, though; she didn't have a choice about that one.

As soon as she had to get dressed to go out and face the rest of the school, she wished she had said something different, that her mind had been working a little faster when Kayla had appeared. Why hadn't she said she only needed them at night?! That would have been so much easier... It would be embarrassing to have her college roommate believe she was a bedwetter, yes, and she'd probably have to fake as if she was to make it believable, yet it would be better than wearing them all the time, letting Kayla think she not only wet the bed, but her pants as well.

It was too late for that by then, since Emily had already said what she'd said, and peed her Pampers once. She was committed to it now... She'd either have to stick to her story, or admit she'd lied, and the former felt less embarrassing, until she was digging through her clothes and trying to find something that would hide her padding.

"So, is this new?" Kayla asked as she watched from her side of the room, unpacking her things.

"Wh-What?" Emily turned, blushing, still not used to wearing diapers again at all, much less in front of another person.

"Sorry, I know I said I wouldn't pry," Kayla replied. "But... I mean, it doesn't look like you have a lot of clothes that accommodate..."

"O-Oh, right," Emily chuckled, mind reeling. She'd hoped Kayla would be distracted enough with her own stuff not to notice how many pairs of jeans she'd tried on, and then immediately kicked off when it was clear there was no hope of stretching them over the diaper, or at least of getting them closed afterwards. What was the right answer here?! Was it better for her to have been in diapers her whole life, or would that make her seem pathetic, unable to get out of them in so long, medical issue or not? "I-It certainly feels like it," she shrugged noncommittally, proud of herself for thinking that up, letting Kayla's mind fill in the details.

"Then why...?" Kayla frowned, looking at the pile of clothes at Emily's feet.

Emily cringed; she'd forgotten about the beginning of the conversation already, in her rush to congratulate herself for being evasive about the last part! "Uh..." she squirmed, turning towards her closet again in an attempt to hide hoe flustered she was. "Th-These diapers are new," she said, after what felt, to her, like far too long, like it was quite obvious now that she was lying.

"Ahhh," Kayla nodded. "I guess I never thought about it, but there must be different kinds of diapers for adults, too, like Pampers and Huggies and Luvs for babies, huh? I assumed it was just, like, one place that made them for anyone older than that."

"N-No, there's lots," Emily told her, remembering the hours she'd spent online looking at all the different ones, choosing the right kind for her first pack. She was glad she hadn't gone with anything overtly babyish for the designs now, though that had been pure luck, with the most absorbent kind she could find only coming in plain white... Which, in its own way, almost felt more infantile. There were several patterns that she'd been tempted by, however, and, if she was going to be wearing them more often - and she was - she wouldn't mind trying them.

"S-Some of them look pretty silly," she prefaced her explanation, to set that up, to make it less suspicious when she ordered some with bunnies, or ballerinas, or anything else far too immature for a college student. "A lot of time they're the best, too... I-In terms of how much they can hold." She clarified quickly, not wanting Kayla to think she thought they were the best because of how cute they were, even if that was the case. "M-My parents got me these ones because they thought the plain ones would be better here, and they were afraid I'd need some that would hold a lot, since classes are going to be so long and everything, but I guess they didn't think about how much thicker they were when they ordered them."

"That sucks," Kayla said, taking it all in, not seeming to question it, thankfully. "I promise, I don't care what they look like, I won't make fun of you, okay?"

Emily's face warmed up as she nodded, a jolt of excitement running through her. Kayla had taken the bait! She was free to buy whatever diapers she wanted now, and her roommate wouldn't question it, even if she went into full big baby mode! "That's good, because, really, some of them are, like, sooo embarrassing."

"And they're the best ones?" Kayla asked, wide-eyed, Emily nodding her confirmation eagerly. "That seems kind of cruel."

"Well, I think they assume most people my size who need them don't know any better, or mentally they're still in a place where they like that kind of thing," Emily shrugged.

"I guess that makes sense," Kayla said. "Well, until then... Do you want to borrow some of my pants? I bet if you rolled up the legs a little bit, and wore a belt, they'd fit all right."

"Are you sure?" Emily breathed a sigh of relief. Kayla was bigger than her, like most people were, so she was probably right that they'd hide her diaper better... They might make Emily look like a little girl playing dress-up with her older sister's clothes, but that was better than everyone seeing her diaper bulge, right?

"Sure, as long as you don't leak in them or something," Kayla replied, almost instantly stopping as soon as the words were out of her mouth, looking guilty. "S-Sorry! I-I didn't... I-I know you can't help it!"

"It's okay," Emily stroked the other girl's arm, shivering slightly as she saw how well her lie had worked, how much Kayla believed she truly was incontinent... It was great for her cover story, sure, but it also meant she wasn't going to be able to half-ass this. "This is all new to you."

It was new to her, too, of course, though, fortunately, so was college at large, so she was able to pretend that her anxiety as they stepped out of their room together to go to orientation and meet their new classmates was more from that than waddling through the halls of their dorm in a diaper, positive that everyone was going to be able to hear her crinkling. Her backstory helped with that, too... If she had been in diapers for a while, she would have most likely been bullied about them at school, so it was natural for her to feel uncertain starting at a new school in them.

But Kayla smiled down at her, giving her hand a squeeze encouragingly, as they approached the big group of unfamiliar people. Even beyond borrowing her clothes, it really did feel like having an older sister there, looking after her...

Of course, Kayla couldn't be there all the time, and facing her new classes on her own, in her giant diapers and Kayla's clothes, it was hard not to feel overwhelmed by them, like a tiny little girl in over her head. She felt particularly silly at the idea of leaving to use the bathroom in the middle of classes like that, of toddling to the door, feeling like she'd be the center of attention, like everyone would be staring at her as she went, giggling, wondering why she'd need to go to the bathroom when she was so obviously diapered.

So, even without Kayla around to know about it, she started using her diapers in class, too. It was a good call, she thought, helping her get used to it so it would be less obvious when she was making herself do it around Kayla. And the diapers were thick enough, she didn't have to worry about leaks.

At least, not until she got in her new diapers. They were, indeed, very babyish, since she hadn't been able to resist the ones with bunnies on them; true to her word, Kayla didn't make fun of them. They were also a lot thinner, so Emily was able to go back to her own clothes, which was almost a let-down. She did feel a lot more confident in them... But, by then, she was used to just wetting herself in class, and they held enough that there was no need to change that now.

Of course, they didn't hold the same amount, and getting accustomed to that took some practice. There were a couple little leaks here and there... And one big one, right in the middle of class, so humiliating that she'd had to drop the class completely, unable to face the professor again after making a puddle in their room and running out, horrified.

Thanksgiving was a little rough, since it was her first time going home, and going without diapers. It didn't worry her, however, not really... She only had a couple small accidents, and if she'd paid more attention, she was positive even they wouldn't have happened. Christmas was about the same, partially because she was only at home for the same amount of time, an extra long weekend, with the rest of the time spent on a ski trip with Kayla and her friends.

"They're not going to make fun of me, are they?" Emily asked nervously. Most of Kayla's friends seemed nice, but, even without her diapers, they would have seemed so much cooler, so much more mature, than her.

"They'll never know," Kayla promised her. "Ski pants are so puffy and so loud, they'd never figure it out in a million years!"

And, to her credit, they hadn't, and she had a good time. Good enough that, when Kayla offered to let her stay with them in a house they were renting just off campus that summer, she gave it some serious thought. "I do need to make up that class I dropped," she mused. "I don't know, though... I think my parents want me to come back home."

"Well, of course they do," Kayla rolled her eyes. "That doesn't mean you have to! Come on... Most of the good summer classes aren't available online..."

That was true... The one she wanted, that she was going to have to take if she wanted to move on to the higher level classes she'd need to do next semester if she wanted to graduate on time, was in-person only. And it ran essentially from the end of this semester's classes to the start of the next one's. There wouldn't really be time for her to get home then, or, probably, until well into the next semester. Her parents wouldn't be happy about it, but they had to see that it was the responsible thing to do. 

It also meant that it would be a long time before she had any opportunity to go without a diaper for any length of time... It wasn't going to happen next semester, either. After everything she'd done for her, and how nice she'd been, there was no way she could have said no when Kayla asked to room with her again, even if that meant she wasn't going to be able to start new with someone else, to get out of this lie she'd made for herself. But that wasn't a bad thing, right? She'd gotten very used to it by now, and, while it may have lost some of its novelty, it was still fun, especially now that she'd gotten better at learning to hide them, at changing herself in the bathroom stalls, at using them in the middle of class, or around Kayla, and not making it obvious in the slightest, not letting anyone else be able to tell what she was doing... In some cases, even she didn't notice.

"All right," she caved with a smile. "I'm in."


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