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Vickie groaned, squirming on Maria's lap, trying to change her mind, to pull away... But there was nothing she could do about it now. The milk was definitely different enough from what she was used to that she couldn't pretend it was only that; there was no denying exactly what was filling her mouth, no matter how hard she might have tried.

It was, at the same time, both utterly humiliating and disgusting, and also weirdly hot. In her mind, all she could think about was that dream, how it was almost like she was living through it again... Although, she wasn't sure if it was worse, having it happen with some stranger, as opposed to Sawyer. Either way, as she laid there, the woman's strong arms holding her firmly in place, keeping her from wriggling away, from escaping the milk flooding into her, there was no doubt of what was happening to her, what she had, for some reason, agreed to, and now had no way of backing out from.

It didn't taste bad, really... If she could have divorced herself from the knowledge of where she was drinking it from, she might have admitted that it was better than the usual milk she sucked out of bottles at her babysitters' insistence. The sensation of flesh between her lips, however, the warmth of it, how much extra she had to work to get it... 

"Good girl," Maria told her softly, giving the seat of her diaper a pat. "You're doing so well..."

Victoria blushed, glancing up at her, a swell of pride entering her chest, despite what she knew was the very simple thing she was doing... Something even newborn babies could handle. "D-Done?" she asked hopefully, mumbling around the woman's own chest.

"Don't be silly," Maria chuckled. "My daughter can drink more than that in one go... And we haven't even switched sides yet."

"B-But I'm full," Vickie gave a muffled protest.

Maria ran her hand up Vickie's spine, gently, yet firmly, pushing it harder against her nipple, shutting her up as the flow of milk intensified, giving her little choice except to swallow - that is, if she didn't want to let it dribble out, and get it all over her clothes. "You'll be all right," Maria assured her. "Even if you have an accident, you're equipped to handle that, aren't you?"

She gave Vickie's diaper another pat, along with a reminder that she knew about it, that she'd seen it, touched it, knew that it wasn't just for show, that Vickie used it... And, if this kept going, she was definitely going to use it again. Her bladder could only hold so much, and it felt like that amount was getting lower and lower lately...

Almost as if Maria had read her mind, the pregnant woman kept her hand at Vickie's backside, patting and rubbing it soothingly through her shorts, a constant reminder that this little snack of hers wasn't the only thing infantile about her at the moment. "Drink it up," Maria ordered. "Such a big girl... You can drink so much, can't you?"

Vickie started to shake her head, but, the way it was phrased, would doing that mean she was admitting to not being a big girl? She didn't want to do that, either! She whimpered, fidgeting in place, her tummy feeling so very full... Finally, Maria loosened her grip, letting her pull away with a gasp... Only, before she even had a chance to catch her breath, to calm down a bit, to see herself being moved over to the other side of the woman's chest.

"Nooo," she whined, knowing it would be impossible for her to hold any more, much less the same amount all over again.

"You don't want me to be all off-balance, do you?" Maria teased. She didn't wait for an answer, pressing Vickie to her other breast, making sure her lips were locked firmly around her nipple, smiling as Vickie resignedly went back to the task at hand. 

Vickie blushed as the floodgates opened, the fresh flow of liquid too much for them. It felt as if it was flowing right through her, going into her mouth and right back out into her diaper, dribbling into the already soggy padding... And, whether it was because she was used to seeing her daughter use her diapers, and recognized what it looked like, or just bad luck, Maria's hand returned to Vickie's bottom.

"Uh-oh!" Maria poked at the padding through Vickie's shorts. "What's happening there, sweetie?"

Vickie tried to hide her face, but the only thing to give her any cover was Maria's breast, and pushing herself harder against that just quickened the flow, which quickened the rate at which she was soaking her diaper in response, her bladder ignoring every attempt for her to quell its stream. "Is my big girl going pee-pee in her Pampers?"

"N-No," Vickie shook her head, which was feeling more and more dizzy with every passing moment, her instincts to deny overwhelming the common sense that it was pointless to do so.

"You aren't?" Maria gave Vickie's diaper a squeeze. "I think you are!" Vickie blushed, nestling more into Maria's chest, her embarrassment spiking as she felt the milk begin trickling from the sides of her mouth, down her cheeks. "It's okay... I'm not upset... Just so long as you don't leak on me!" 

There was no way that would happen... Right? As thick as these diapers were, they'd have to hold up... That would be too much; she'd been through a lot this summer, but helplessly soaking her diaper so hard that she leaked on the lap of this stranger she was breastfeeding from... That might have taken the cake. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, after Vickie had almost given up on the idea of it stopping, of her ever getting to do anything other than drink milk and pee her pants, Maria pulled her away, her mouth still, humiliatingly, sucking at thin air for a moment or two. "Sorry," Maria told her. "That's it!"

"N-No, I..." Vickie shook her head, wanting to tell her that she hadn't wanted any more anyway, that the motion had been pure instinct, and certainly not a signal that she wanted more... She was too dazed to form the words, to think straight at all, as she stumbled to her feet, her knees feeling quite weak and uncertain, the extra bulk between her thighs from all the urine her diapers had absorbed throwing them off enough to disorient her. "I-I'm full," she was, at last, able to sputter out.

"I bet you are!" Maria chuckled, giving Vickie's tummy, which Vickie could have sworn had swollen quite a bit, too, a pat, the girl squeaking as that pushed another squirt of pee into her diaper. "That was a lot! But that's why I needed a big girl like you to help me!"

"I-I'm happy to help..." Vickie fibbed, glad that Maria didn't contradict her, didn't point out how much she'd complained and squirmed, and acted like a fussy little girl.

"Well, since you were such a good girl, I'm going to go ahead and pay for these for you, okay?" Maria reached beneath the hem of the sundress, grabbing the tag from the shorts and giving it a tug, breaking it off.

"Thank you," Vickie smiled woozily. What would she have done otherwise? She didn't have her purse or anything! It took her a moment to recall that she'd planned on shoplifting, something that she suspected Maria would have made much harder, if not for this.

"No problem, sweetie," Maria kissed her on the forehead. "Why don't you run along, now? Or do you need some help changing?" She smirked, eyes twinkling as Vickie blushed bright red. 

"N-No, I'm fine!" she insisted, toddling for the door of the fitting room, opening it up and heading for the store's exit.

She froze as Maria called out, "Wait!", wondering what had gone wrong, what else the woman could want. In her current condition, disoriented and in an extra-thick, extra-wet diaper, she had a feeling she wouldn't have any hope of outrunning even a pregnant woman, so she didn't have much of a choice other than to obey.

"Didn't you have anything?" Maria asked, Vickie turning to see her standing in the door of her changing room. "You were coming out of the fitting room before..."

"O-Oh, right," Vickie nodded. "I-It's fine..."

"What are you talking about?" Maria shook her head. "You didn't just leave it all over in there, did you?" The look on Vickie's face seemed to answer the question for her. "Don't be like that, sweetie! Don't make the workers deal with your mess! I'll go pay for our things, and you put it all back, okay?"

"B-But..." Vickie pouted, Maria sighing and grabbing her by the wrist, pulling her back to her own fitting room, letting out a gasp of disgust at the way Vickie had discarded the things that wouldn't fit her, leaving them strewn around the little room. 

"You pick those up right now, young lady!" Maria scolded, giving Vickie a hard swat on her squishy bottom. Vickie waddled forward, knowing that she didn't have to listen to Maria, that she had no real authority over her... Yet, also aware that she was going to do it anyway. Maria was bigger than her, stronger than her, and had just filled her full of milk... Mustering up any sort of resistance to her demands felt impossible at the moment.

Obediently, she squatted down, gathering up the clothes that hadn't fit, putting them back on hangers, while Maria watched her like a hawk, stepping aside only once she was all finished, sending her back to the juniors department... Back towards all those other, cooler girls. They felt so much more mature than her, now that she knew that, moments ago, she'd been getting breastfed in the fitting room, and she was certain she could feel them staring at her, could hear them giggling at her as she put everything back neatly, terrified that, if she didn't, Maria would appear and chastise her in front of them.

It didn't help that one of the groups had moved right in front of one of the tables where she'd gotten some of the shorts. She waited for as long as she dared, watching them, praying they would go somewhere else, before toddling over, folding the shorts as she went, hoping that would make her look like a worker so they would ignore her...

"You all right?" She shuddered, hearing those words, knowing they were directed at her. She gulped, laying the shorts back down on the table, staring up at the girls, at their tiny skirts, at their crop tops, the kinds of things she'd used to wear... And that she'd never have a prayer of hiding her diapers in nowadays.

"Y-Yeah," Vickie nodded anxiously, hoping that would be the end of it.

"Are you sure?" the girl glanced mischievously at her friends, taking a sip of her Starbucks. "Because it looks like you're lost, buttercup."

"Yeah," one of her friends joined in. "They don't carry things here that go over diapers."

Vickie's heart pounded, her hands moving to the hem of her dress, tugging it downwards; did they know?! Were the shorts that ineffective at disguising her diaper?! After everything she'd done to get them?! "I-I don't know what..." she shook her head.

"Oh, please," the first girl rolled her eyes. "We've done enough babysitting to know what a diaper bulge looks like." She sniffed the air. "And what a wet diaper smells like," she snickered, Vickie shrinking away, though not fast enough to avoid the girl's finger as she knelt down, running it over the corners of her mouth. "Or what it looks like after a messy little girl has finished drinking."

Vickie wrinkled her nose as the girl pushed her finger into her mouth, but she wasn't able to stop herself as she tasted a drop of milk on it, her subconscious taking over, beginning to suck again, embarrassed that she'd apparently been running around with milk on her face, that she hadn't taken a moment to look at herself in the mirror of the fitting room as she was cleaning up to see that she needed to fix that. "Oh, my God, eww!" the girl squealed, pulling her finger back out of Vickie's mouth with a wet pop.

She wasn't sure why she was apologizing, when the girl was the one who had started it, but she found herself doing it anyway, desperately blushing and blurting out, "S-Sorry!" as the girl wiped her finger off.

Then, just to add insult to injury, Maria walked by, spotting her and giving her a wave. "Bye, sweetie!" she smiled, the girls around Vickie slowly starting to giggle as they saw the pregnant woman, as they put it all together... At least, in Vickie's mind, that was what was happening, to her horror, while she stood there awkwardly, part of her wanting to run to Maria and hide behind her, the rest scared of what might happen if she hung out with the woman too much longer.

She had to get away from here, though, and she was too scared to just run away, terrified that these girls were going to follow her, were going to mock her no matter where she went, now that they knew how much of a baby she really was... Clearly, if they were hanging around here talking, they didn't have anything better to do, and she had no doubt she'd provide them with plenty of free entertainment.

That was, perhaps, why she did it, why, when she watched Maria leave and saw two more familiar faces outside the store, she felt like it might be a good idea to go to them. Obviously, her plan to hide her diaper by adding another piece of clothing to her outfit had been doomed from the start... The only thing she could do was to get out of the diaper, and, to do that, she had to break the chain on her plastic pants. She was nowhere near strong enough for that...

Jordan and Liz, on the other hand, might be. And, as bad as it had been, last time she'd run into them here, at least she knew what to expect with them... Plus, they already had plenty of blackmail material on her, so it wasn't like she was going to be giving them anything they didn't already have. She suspected they'd be more than happy to prove how much stronger they were than her, to show her how all their bodybuilding had paid off...

That, and they'd definitely be intimidating to these other teens. Making up her mind, she scurried away, towards the door, hearing, sure enough, the girls behind her starting to pursue, not ready to let their prey escape so easily. She'd had a few more minutes for the milk to digest, for her to recover... It wasn't enough for her to be back to normal, by any means, and the drenched diaper she was wearing would have put a cap on how 'normal' she could get to anyway, however, she did manage to stumble through the entrance of the store before the girls caught up with her, waving her arms to try to get Liz and Jordan's attention.

"Aww, don't run away," she could hear the girl behind her call. "We just want to play!"

"Jordan!" Vickie squealed desperately, having never wanted so badly for the other girl to pay attention to her... She was usually happy to go unnoticed by her, to avoid hearing any talk of what kind of protein shakes she was using now, or what kind of workout she thought Vickie should be doing.

"Well, well, well," Liz looked over, spotting her at last. "Look who it is, Jordan!"

Jordan turned, beaming at Vickie in a way that almost made her regret her decision. "Hey, there, Vickie! What are you doing here?"

The girls behind Vickie froze, seeing the two slightly older, far more muscular, girls walking towards Vickie, peering at one another nervously, silently agreeing that this wasn't worth it. "W-We were just trying to make sure she got back to whoever was looking after her," the main girl stammered.

"Don't worry," Jordan smirked. "We'll handle it from here... Thanks for your help."

She clapped a hand onto Vickie's shoulder, gripping it tightly, signalling to her that there was no point trying to get away. "I didn't think we'd get to see you again until we were back at college!" Jordan told her. "What a nice surprise this is..."

"Y-Yeah," Vickie nodded anxiously, praying that this hadn't been a huge mistake. "L-Listen, I need your help with something..."

"Oh, you do, do you?" Liz raised an eyebrow, glancing at Jordan. "And what is that?"

Vickie blushed as she was led away, not wanting to talk about it around the crowd of other people in the mall's corridors, and certainly not about to show off the chain there. "C-Could we maybe go somewhere more private?"

"Sure thing," Jordan smiled. "Where should we go? I guess the bathroom is out of the question for you, huh?" She chuckled, giving the seat of Vickie's diaper a swat. "Do you even remember what that is anymore?"

"Yes!" Vickie glared at her, earning another giggle from the two girls.

"Oh, I know," Liz lit up, whispering something to Jordan.

"That's perfect," Jordan agreed, leading Vickie through the mall. Vickie was still too dazed from all the milk, too embarrassed at how obvious her diaper clearly still was, too nervous about her plan, to pay much attention to where they were, to what was going on... She was just happy when they found a quiet storefront to talk in front of. She didn't even notice Liz sneaking away while she attempted to explain things to Jordan.

"I-I really need you to break into these plastic pants," she said, finally daring to slide the waistband of her shorts down to show off the chain wrapped around her waist. "It doesn't seem that big, but I can't do it on my own..."

"I don't know about that," Jordan reached down, running a finger along the chain. "You must be in those for a reason... I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your babysitters."

"Don't worry about that!" Vickie shook her head. She probably ought to be, though, really, she was already going to be in enough trouble either way for running off... If she could get out of the plastic pants, maybe she'd have a shot of finding some help, of convincing somebody, perhaps Jordan and Liz themselves, that she wasn't a baby, and to give her a ride home... She didn't know how much that would do, however, if her parents beat her sitters home - and surely her sitters would stay here, looking for her - maybe it would help convince them that they weren't as responsible as they seemed, that they weren't suited to be her babysitters... Or, at the very least, it might let her have one normal day at the mall this summer, where she could pretend that party at the end of the school year, and everything that had come out of it, had never happened.... 

"You really can't break this?" Jordan snickered, slipping her finger behind the chain. "This is basically a toy!"

She was probably saying that only to rub in how weak Vickie was... That was what Vickie told herself, anyway. That was fine... She could play into it, stroke the girl's ego, if it would help. "I can't," she pouted. "But I knew, if anyone could, it would be you, right?"

"Maybe," Jordan shrugged. "What's in it for me?"

"W-Well..." Vickie nibbled her lip. "Y-You'd prove how much stronger you are than me? A-And... Umm... When we're back at college... I-I could hang out with you some more?"

Jordan chuckled. "You really think you're still going to be popular next year?" she eyed Vickie's shorts, and the diaper bulge underneath. "You're going to be the one begging to hang out with us."

That wasn't true... It couldn't be. She wasn't going to be in these diapers by the time she returned to college! She'd find a way out of them, and she'd convince Jordan and Liz not to tell anyone... Somehow... "I-I..." she squirmed, searching her brain for some other incentive.

She needn't have bothered. "All done!" she heard Liz shout, Jordan smirking in response, her hand closing around the waistband of Vickie's plastic pants, yanking her through the entrance into the store they'd been waiting in front of.

Except... It wasn't a store. Vickie really should have recognized it from last time, but, with everything going on, she hadn't, not until she was inside, and saw where she was, saw how most of the interior was blocked off, leaving just a blank wall, and a series of computer stations...

"She already had a profile," Liz giggled. "I bet she really was trying to get in here last time."

"Is that right?" Jordan raised an eyebrow, as Vickie's blood ran cold. She remembered the last trip here, how Sawyer had been messing around with one of the computers, how she'd seen the wall open up... And now, as she watched, it happened again, revealing the same plain, white room beyond, a changing table stacked high with diapers on the other side.

"Hello, Vickie!" the automated, female voice greeted her, as a mechanical arm reached from inside the room, a white glove at the end of it where it closed around her wrist. "It is nice to meet you! We are going to have so much fun today!"

"No!" Vickie gasped, turning to Jordan in a panic, as the girl let go of her. She tried to pull away from the mechanical hand, only to find that its grip was even stronger than Jordan's, and all her squirming did was cause another to appear, to grasp her other wrist and begin pulling her inside. "Jordan! You hafta get me out of here!"

"Bye-bye!" Jordan waved, Liz stepping beside her to join in. "Have fun!"

"Jordan!" Vickie shrieked, watching helplessly as the wall slid shut between them, leaving behind no hint of a door. Her blood ran cold as the hands released her, and she desperately ran towards the wall, clawing and thumping on it uselessly, as it slowly dawned on her that she was trapped here, inside an automated nursery that Sawyer had programmed against her, with no way out.  

"Please stop that," the female voice ordered. "We don't want to have to use the mittens on you already, Vickie. Now, are you ready for a change?"


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