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The words sent a shiver down Angelica's spine; did Harper know?! She would have thought there was no way, that she hadn't left any trace of her interests in their room... But she was, at this very moment, standing there in a soggy diaper, one that she'd been seconds away from messing, so, while she certainly hoped her fibs had worked, it was hard to pretend she was doing a good job with keeping the secret now.

"I-I don't know about that," she shook her head. "M-Maybe I should call it a day for this, and try again lat...."

"Nonsense," Harper shook her head. "We don't want you failing your assignment, do we? It's very simple, really. The trick to effective regression magic is having a babyish mindset going into it. Obviously, it helps if the vic... I mean, the subject... has that, too, but you can't always control that, especially if you're casting the spell on an animal, like Ollie. So, in those cases, you have to think that way yourself, and project those feelings onto them."

"O-Okay," Angelica nodded. That made sense, she supposed... And, even if she didn't totally understand it, Harper was way better at this sort of thing, so she was willing to believe her. Not to mention the fact that, ideally, she was going to be both the caster and the subject of the spell, so it applied doubly to her. "I get it. So, can you change me back, and..."

"Don't be silly," Harper admonished. "If you want to take something, or someone, all the way back to babyhood, your feelings have to be very strong, very clear... And, no matter what you might think, it's quite difficult to truly remember what that was like now that you're a big girl." 

Angelica blushed, not feeling like a particularly big girl at the moment, standing there in only her diaper... Or being called that, rather than 'an adult', or 'a grown-up', or anything more mature sounding. "I-I think..." she started, stopping herself short, not wanting to admit how much time she spent fantasizing about exactly this.

"And right now," Harper continued, as if Angelica had never opened her mouth, "you're in an almost perfect position to recreate those memories, so you can keep them fresh in your mind for when you try the spell again later."

"O-On Ollie," Angelica clarified, cheeks red.

"Right," Harper smirked. "You know, I have some ideas, but if we want to do this right, I should get some help."

"What?!" Angelica's eyes widened. "No!"

"First off, we need to get you dressed..." Angelica squeaked as the other girl knelt down, ignoring her panic and giving her diaper a squeeze. "That can hold plenty more!" she declared. "So, you don't need a change... We just need something to go over it..." She waved her finger, and Angelica's robe began to float off the floor.

"H-Hey!" she protested, right before the cloth folded in on itself, swirling into a mass of colors that exploded into a pink onesie, a cloth heart on the front in a slightly darker shade of pink, with rows of lace across the backside, and, of course, snaps across the crotch. She felt a little weak in the knees, seeing it, taking in how very infantile it was. "I-I don't..." she mumbled quietly, wanting both to whine about it, and to see what she looked like in it, at the same time.

"I know," Harper nodded, grabbing it out of the air. "You don't know how to get into it yourself. That's fine! It'll be better if I put it onto you anyway. Arms up!"

Angelica nibbled her bottom lip, staring up at Harper, at the onesie as she held it above her head, bunched up, ready to slide it down over her body. She should say something, should lodge her complaints to keep herself from looking too eager, but she couldn't help it. "O-Okay," she agreed, lifting her arms, heart pounding as her roommate pulled the garment over her head, pulling it down all the way over her chest, then further, tugging the two sides together, snapping them under her.

"Oh," Angelica's eyes widened, feeling the fabric pulling taut around her, holding her wet diaper snugly against her skin, making it that much harder to ignore what she'd done. "Oh!" she blushed, peering down at herself, seeing the obvious bulge her diaper made under the onesie, the way some of the plastic peeked out through the legholes. There was no doubt, whatsoever, what she was wearing, how much of a baby she was...

Except, she wasn't. That almost made it more humiliating, still being physically too old for this. Her mind reeled, imagining being taken back in front of her class like this, after being sent to the school nurse for another accident, the nurse telling her that this was the only spare outfit she had... At least, the only spare outfit she had for someone so immature that they were still peeing their pants, who clearly didn't deserve the extra big kid clothes she had in her cupboards, because she'd only wind up piddling in them, too, and ruining them...

"There we go," Harper cooed, taking her by the hand. "Now, let's go for a little walk."

"No!" Angelica whined, though there really wasn't anything she could do about it. Harper was so much bigger and stronger than her now, she had no choice other than to toddle along beside her, humiliation washing over her as she was led out of her room, out into the hallways, other students looking at her and giggling, while she could only hope that they didn't recognize her, didn't realize who this little girl was.

She shouldn't have been surprised when they arrived at their destination, and she saw that she had been brought to the room of two of Harper's friends, Raven and Sage. "Oh, goodness!" Raven gasped as she opened the door and saw Angelica standing there, staring at the floor. "How adorable!"

"What?" Sage looked up from her desk, hopping up as soon as she spotted Angelica. "Aww!" She rushed over to pinch Angelica's cheeks. "Is she wearing a diaper?" She didn't wait for an answer, and certainly didn't seem to give any thought to Angelica's privacy, as if she truly were a baby, slipping two fingers beneath the onesie's fabric and poking at the padding beneath. "And she used them?!" she squealed with laughter, Angelica shrinking away in mortification.

"Can we come in?" Harper chuckled, the two other witches sheepishly backing away to let them in. Angelica didn't particularly want to be stuck in there with the three of them, though she supposed it was better than standing out in the hall and letting them loudly declare her secrets to anyone passing by.

"I wanna hold her!" Sage announced, grabbing Angelica by the hand, Harper letting her go as Angelica stared up at her for help, unable to do anything other than get pulled into Sage's lap, where she was bounced on her knee while the big girls talked.

"She's trying to learn regression magic," Harper told her friends. "And I think this is a good start, but I wanted to see if you two had any ideas."

"Yes!" Sage exclaimed. "Raven, hand me those ribbons!" She pointed to her desk, starting to gather up Angelica's hair into two bunches, tying them in place with a pair of pink ribbons. "So sweet! But... Not quite it." She took the other ribbons from her desk, twirling her finger, making them knit together into a frilly baby bonnet, which she pulled onto Angelica's head. "There! That's it!"

"I know!" Raven grinned. "Let's see... I think I have some old socks and shoes I can part with to use for an enchantment..."

"Y-You don't have to do this," Angelica spoke up meekly, squirming on Sage's lap. "I-I think..."

"Nuh-uh," Harper grabbed her hand gently, curling her hand around it to force her to do the same, leaving only her thumb sticking out before lifting it up to her mouth. "See, you're already proving you aren't ready. No thinking!"

Angelica knew exactly what she was doing... But she couldn't do anything to stop it, other than speaking up, so she had to open her mouth again, and, as soon as she did, her thumb was pushed inside. She liked to think it was the spell that made her start to suck on it, though she knew that, most likely, it was her curiosity that prompted her to give it a try.

"Here we go!" Raven returned, kneeling down in front of Angelica, and her bare feet, dangling in the air. She gave them a tickle, Angelica squealing in response, which only spurred the girl on more, relentlessly tickling her, while Sage held her in place, giving her nowhere to go as she giggled helplessly, until, finally, inevitably, she felt her diaper begin to warm beneath her again.

"What's going on, Angelica?" Harper teased, seeing the shocked look on her roommate's face, guaranteeing that the other two knew exactly what was happening. "Are you having another accident?"

"Of course she is!" Sage gave her a bounce. "That's what her diapers are for!"

Angelica turned bright red as the bigger girls chuckled at her, Raven taking the opportunity to pull a pair of frilly ankle socks onto her feet, finishing up with a pair of pink Mary Janes.

"Perfect!" Harper clapped her hands. "I knew you two were the ones to go to! Now, if that doesn't put her in the right babyish headspace, I don't know what will!" She plucked Angelica off of Sage's lap, Sage pouting in response, carrying her over to the full-length mirror the girls had in their room, setting Angelica down in front of it.

There was no hint of the adult witch left... Only a little girl, ready to be taken on a walk, sucking away at her thumb, oblivious to how obvious her diapers were beneath her utterly infantile outfit.... That, or just knowing there was nothing she could do about it. She was so much smaller than the other girls, so much less powerful... So helpless.... She was, in short, a baby, through and through.

"There we go," Harper said quietly. "Now, sweetie, don't worry if you have any more accidents... That's just the side effect of the spell..."

"N-No spell," Angelica tried to shake her head, but it was already too late, a sense of warmth enveloping her as her roommate cast it, leaving her unable to do anything as she started to shrink, to grow even younger, the last shreds of little girlhood melting away into babyishness as she watched, Harper's experience showing from the way her clothes shrank with her this time.

It was scary, yes, embarrassing.... Yet, also, exactly what she'd wanted. And Angelica had given her the perfect excuse to live out another of her fantasies. She almost wished that she would have an accident, squirming at how deliciously humiliating that would have been, but when it didn't happen, all she had to do was give a push, and feel her diaper begin to fill up with warm, squishy mush, the bulge beneath her onesie growing in turn, leaving no doubt what was happening, if her reddening face, and the grunting she was making behind her thumb didn't already do that.

"Uh-oh!" Harper giggled. "Is somebody making stinkies?"

"I-It's the spell," Angelica mumbled.

"Oh, cutie," Harper patted her on the head. "That was a fib... The spell doesn't make you do that. But you just confirmed what I was already pretty sure about... You wanted this, didn't you? That's okay, you don't have to be shy... Don't worry, I'm more than happy to help. You're so cute like this... And now, I don't have to feel guilty about keeping you this way for as long as I want."

Angelica gasped, wiggling her bottom, feeling the mass in her diaper squelch around her, realizing she might be trapped like this... And not sure if she should be scared, or happy about it. "B-But..." she protested, staring around at the three big girls around her, as it sank in how much she wasn't one of them anymore.

"Hush," Harper told her, giving the lump in the seat of her diaper a pat, the regressed witch in front of her letting out a squeal in response, gulping as it hit her that she had no choice other than to suck her thumb and obey.


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