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Courtney pouted, tugging at the hem of her pink, denim skirtalls, with the cute flower embroidered on the pocket, trying to convince herself that it was long enough to hide her Pull-Ups, trying to forget how it had looked in the mirror, how often she could see the plastic peeking out from underneath as she fidgeted and whined about it. 

It hadn't done any good, of course... Danica and Jordy had declared that, along with the white t-shirt and Velcro sneakers they'd paired it with, to be adorable, and the perfect outfit for her, taking her out to the car and buckling her in. There was really nothing she could do about it... She might as well have truly been a toddler when it came to either of them, much less both at the same time.

It was hard to say if it was better or worse that everyone else seemed to see her that way, too, the woman at the ticket booth not blinking when Danica bought a child's ticket for her, while the one checking them at the turnstiles just smiled at her and told her how cute she was, before instructing her to, "Have fun today, sweetie!"

She wished she could, but being surrounded at all times by her former boyfriend and her current nanny made it difficult, to say the least, not to mention her constant fear of everyone else noticing the padding under her outfit. "What do you think?" Jordy asked. "Should we get her a stroller?"

Courtney blushed, staring up at Danica, nibbling her bottom lip. She wouldn't... Would she?! She couldn't lie, that would be convenient for her, but whether that convenience would be worth the humiliation, she wasn't so sure, especially knowing that, as difficult as it was to keep her trainers covered while she was standing, it would be all the worse sitting down, strapped into a stroller.

"I don't know," Danica smirked down at Courtney. "Are you a big enough girl to walk all day?"

"Yes!" Courtney insisted.

"Are you sure?" Danica raised an eyebrow. "You aren't going to be begging one of us to carry you in an hour or two?"

Courtney stomped her foot in annoyance, looking around at everyone else contemplating the strollers. They were all mostly keeping their distance, though that did little to quell Courtney's fears that they were listening in, and could tell how much of a child she was being treated like. If anyone would notice her Pull-Ups, it would be the caretakers of kids still in padding themselves, or barely out of it... And, if anyone might recognize that Courtney was far too old to for them, she suspected it would be the same people. "No!" she huffed. "I'm a big girl!"

Danica and Jordy exchanged a look that just made Courtney want to stomp her foot again. "Whatever you say, Court," Danica shrugged, holding out her hand. "Come on, then. Let's go look at the big kitties!"

Courtney did her best to sound grumpy, but she had to admit that didn't sound so bad. "Okay," she said, walking along beside her nanny, Jordy stepping around to her other side, taking her free hand.

"Just to be safe," he winked at Danica. "Wouldn't want to lose her so soon! I bet she'll get so excited when she sees the animals that she tries to run off."

"No, I won't!" Courtney squealed in indignation, a moment before she saw the expressions on their faces, realized that was exactly the reaction they had wanted, and expected, from her. She was playing right into their hands, without a second thought!

To be honest, she did feel herself gravitating towards the pens once the animals were in view, though she only let herself get a step or two in front of Jordy and Danica before stopping, hoping that hadn't been enough for them to notice. They didn't back off of the rules, keeping her close at hand, treating her like a toddler as they loudly told her the name of every animal, and basic facts about them that she'd known herself for decades now, as if she'd have no idea about them.

It wasn't all bad, however... It was nice to be outside, and to see the animals. She was so caught up in it all that she didn't notice the pressure building up inside her, not until they paused for a moment when Danica's cell phone rang. "Oh, shoot," she said, pulling it out of the diaper bag's pocket and seeing who was calling. "This might take a minute. Can you handle her on your own?"

Jordy glanced down at Courtney, who blushed, immediately thinking of all the time they'd spent by themselves while they were dating. "Of course," he chuckled. Danica thanked him, ordered Courtney to be good, then answered the phone, stepping off to a more secluded area.

Courtney gulped, staring up at Jordy awkwardly. It always felt weird, being alone with him now, like this... He peered down at her for a second or two, long enough to make Courtney wonder if, now that Danica was gone, he might be able to think of her like her old self again... Instead, he asked, "Do you need to use the potty?"

"Wh-What?" she blinked, cheeks warming.

"You're awfully squirmy," he pointed out. Her blush grew as she realized he was right. She had felt a bit uncomfortable, standing there while they spoke, yet she hadn't quite been able to place it, and immediately forgot about it once it was just him and her. How humiliating, having to have that pointed out to her, when otherwise it could easily have taken her by surprise, when it was too late to do anything about it... Then again, that was pretty normal by now, wasn't it?

"Umm..." she frowned, trying to judge how bad it was, a skill that she'd been getting increasingly bad at recently. Feeling it at all probably meant she didn't have a ton of time, as much as she'd prefer to wait for Danica to return... But how could she ask her ex to take her to the potty?! That was far, far too embarrassing! On the other hand... Wouldn't the alternative be even worse? Telling him not, then using her Pull-Up right in front of him? 

"That sounds like a yes to me," he teased.

"N-No!" she shook her head automatically, unable to face the possibility of what might be about to happen. "I-I'm fine!" She had to be... Danica wouldn't be away for that long... Right?

It turned out not to matter, as she was only able to make it a few steps towards the next exhibit before she gasped, clamping a hand to her crotch, feeling her body nearly giving in already. "C-Can we go to the potty?" she groaned, bouncing in place.

"Guess it was a yes after all," he laughed. "Come on, it looks like there's a family bathroom this way."

She nodded, fidgeting nervously as he led her down the sidewalk, pulling out his phone and sending Danica a text to let her know where to meet them, Courtney praying silently that Danica would beat them there, that Jordy wouldn't have to be the one taking her into the stall, lifting up her dress, sliding down her training panties...

When they turned the corner, however, and saw the line waiting for the bathroom, a sense of hopelessness washed over her; it didn't matter. There was no way she could hold it until their turn! She whimpered, almost grateful for her Pull-Ups now, for the protection they gave her... Except, of course, for the fact that she was about to use them right in front of Jordy.

She held it as long as she could, which, unfortunately, was not that long at all. "No, no, no," she mumbled to herself, shaking her head, feeling almost dizzy with humiliation as she felt her Pull-Up begin to warm, to swell. She was supposed to be a big girl today! She was in her trainers! Now, she felt like a little girl, a babysitting charge, without a trace of 'adult ex-girlfriend' left as she stood there and helplessly wet her pants.

She wasn't even subtle about it, either, as she could tell when she glanced up at Jordy sheepishly. "Aww, what's the matter?" he teased, giving her a check. "Oh, I see... Couldn't make it?" Courtney blushed, shaking her head. "Poor baby... Do you want to go look at some more animals now? You're not quite soaked all the way yet..."

Courtney gulped, shook her head again, Jordy smirking in response. "Is there something else you need to do?" he asked, earning a shy nod. "Well, why don't we see if you can wait until you get to the potty for that one, okay?"

"I tried with this, too!" Courtney whined, before realizing that only made it worse.

"Did you?" he raised an eyebrow. "It's been, like, two minutes, Courtney. Is that all the longer you can hold it now?"

Courtney didn't answer, didn't want to know if he was exaggerating or not. She certainly hoped so... She'd been holding it for a little while before she asked him to take her, but that was still such a pitifully short time... All that meant, she decided, was that she really had to be sure not to do anything else, not to use her trainers any further.

The line slowly but surely dissipated in front of them, every person who went in and came back out giving her a spark of hope. Danica even returned in time, although it hardly felt like a victory when Jordy told her what had happened, before deciding to stick with them in line, rather than going to wait for them elsewhere. And, as mortifying as it had been, her wet accident might have been a blessing in disguise, allowing her to concentrate fully on containing her bowels, helping her hold it until they were almost at the front of the line, almost there... And then, in the middle of a step, creeping almost to the door, she felt a wave of warm mush begin to push out into her pants.

"No!" she squealed, far more loudly than she'd meant, as her body started to squat down, making it very obvious to anyone around exactly what she was doing.

"Oh, sweetie," Danica shook her head. "The bathroom is right there, silly!" Courtney wasn't sure what she would have said, but she attempted to open her mouth to fire back anyway; all that came out, however, was a grunt as she continued to push, to fill her Pull-Up helplessly. "That's all right," Danica told her condescendingly, giving the growing seat of her pants a pat. "That's what your diapies are for, isn't it? Go ahead, sweetie... You'll feel much better when you're all done..."

Courtney stared down at the ground, too mortified to even clarify that she was in Pull-Ups and not diapers, the sight of just Jordy's shoes in front of her enough to make her eyes fill with tears, knowing he was seeing it all, while she stood there, frozen in place, messing herself like a little baby while their turn for the bathroom came and went, Danica waving the next family in line in. "We're not in any hurry now!" she chuckled, earning a whimper from Courtney.

"It's all right," Danica rubbed her back, pulling a pacifier out of the diaper bag and slipping it into her mouth. Courtney's immediate conscious reaction was to try to spit it out, but her body responded even more quickly, at an even more base level, and before she could do that, she found herself starting to suck on it, sniffling away. "You all done?"

She wiggled her bottom, nodded, letting herself be led into the bathroom meekly as the family they'd let go ahead of them stepped out, Jordy standing back while Danica helped her onto the changing table, stripping her out of her skirtalls, Courtney blushing as she saw a wet spot on them, and her Pull-Ups, cleaning her up and taping her into a thick, crinkly diaper.

"Guess we're back to these for today," Danica told her, Courtney quietly nodding her acceptance of that fact, nursing her pacifier, unable to pretend that she hadn't earned them. "I guess training panties were probably too challenging for a day at the zoo, huh? Now you can just relax and enjoy your time here, and not worry about your potties."

"It's all right, Courtney," Jordy spoke up. "Potty training is so hard... Danica will get you there eventually! She was even able to help my nephew, and he was five before we had her step in to help!"

But Courtney wasn't five... She was far older than that, and she had been potty trained before this, before Danica's 'help'... And Jordy was well aware of that, which made it all the more embarrassing, especially after Danica revealed the spare outfit she'd packed, pulling a pair of shorts over Courtney's diaper that left the bulge of her padding quite clear through them, even disregarding the hint of plastic waistband that peeked out from the top, below the hem of her t-shirt somehow far more obvious that the Pull-Ups had been under the hem of her skirtalls.

"Here," Danica told her, pulling one of Courtney's favorite stuffed animals, a polar bear, out of the diaper bag, pushing it into her arms. Just like with the pacifier, Courtney found herself accommodating it automatically, cuddling it, not caring that it would make her look more childish, still.

"I know!" Jordy smiled down at her. "Why don't we go see the polar bears next, so your little friend can meet their relatives?"

Courtney blushed, hating how much they were treating her like a kid, hating how much she was acting like one, humiliated by it all... And yet, she couldn't deny that, just like any other toddler that needed cheering up, it was working, was making her feel slightly better. "O-Okay," she mumbled from behind her pacifier, taking her nanny's hand and waddling out of the bathroom, ignoring the dribbles of dampness she could already feel making their way into her diaper, proving how much she belonged in them, as she snuggled with her polar bear, smiling softly to herself at the thought of getting to see the real thing.


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