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"She's a little cutie, isn't she? Hi, there! My name is Drew," Drew smiled, kneeling down to get closer to Elizabeth's level, though, whether on purpose or not, he still stayed a little higher than her, as if he was trying to emphasize how much bigger he was than her, how much stronger, how much more adult.

He needn't have bothered; all Elizabeth had to do to remember what was to wiggle her bottom, or try to take a nervous step behind Annika's leg in an attempt to hide there. It made her look like a shy baby, which worked for her supposed identity... Despite her mental justifications for it, pretending that was the whole reason, it was also just what she felt herself doing out of fear, her body moving on instinct. Did that mean that she WAS just a shy, scared little baby after all? While her diaper was messy, and her ex-boyfriend was here, she certainly seemed to be.

"What are you doing, silly?" Annika grabbed Elizabeth by the shoulders, holding her in place, the smaller woman shivering as Drew's eyes scanned her, positive that the longer he stared, the more likely he was to recognize her. "Don't be rude, Holly... This is your house - or the house where you live, anyway, obviously it isn't YOURS - so you should be polite and greet your guest."

Elizabeth blushed at the implication that she was so much of a baby that the idea she'd have a place of her own, much less a house, was ridiculous, although, to be fair, looking at herself now, at her disguise, she supposed it made sense. She still didn't want to say anything, however, to use her voice and give him more ammunition to go off of, if he was on the fence about who she was.

"Go on," Annika urged with a pat to Elizabeth's mushy bottom, making Elizabeth wrinkle her nose. "Oh, don't pretend you don't like it," she teased. "We all know what you were doing in those diapies a few minutes ago!"

Elizabeth swallowed a groan; why did the sitter need to bring that up in front of Drew?! "We do, huh?" he spoke up, grinning down at Elizabeth.

"She was making some naughty little stickies in there," Annika told him, while Elizabeth silently wished for the ground to open up and swallow her. "Twice," the girl said in a conspiratorial whisper, winking to her boyfriend.

"What a naughty girl," Drew chuckled, Elizabeth feeling as if she were shrinking, turning into more and more of a baby, with every passing moment. "What about you, Annika?" he lifted his head to look at her with a mischievous expression on his face. "Are you ready to be naughty?"

"Drew!" Annika squealed, not quite able to hide the excitement in her voice. "I have a job to do first, you know."

"Oh, she doesn't mind," Drew spoke for Elizabeth. "Clearly, she likes her diapers... It would give her more of a chance to enjoy them."

Elizabeth glanced behind herself, heart pounding when she saw how obvious it was that Annika was considering it, how close she was to giving in to his temptation, leaving her in this dirty diaper... "Annika!" she whined, stomping her foot, realizing only once it had slipped out that she'd finally spoken in front of Drew.

Blushing, she dared to peer back at him, trying to judge whether his smile had changed, if he appeared any more deviously pleased at what he was seeing unfold before him. "He's just joking," Annika assured her, rubbing her back gently. "He knows I have to do my job first, before we can have any fun..." She pointed the words, and her glare, at him.

"I know, I know," he held up his hands in defeat. "You can't blame a guy for trying, though, can you?" he winked at Elizabeth. "Now... What was your name, cutie?"

"I-I'm Holly," Elizabeth said quietly, trying to disguise her voice as much as she could, without making it obvious she was doing so. It felt very odd, saying that again, after so many years going by her middle name... She'd agreed it was her name earlier, but it didn't have the same sting as speaking it out loud herself. It was like stepping back in time, back to when this whole lifestyle, when diapers in general, were merely a daydream, one she wasn't sure she could ever make reality...

"Holly," Drew repeated, rolling the word over in his mouth. Had his eyebrows raised a touch as he heard it, as he said it? "That's a pretty name. Holly... You know, Holly, I used to know a girl who was a lot like you... She actually looked a bit like you."

Elizabeth froze, biting down hard on her lower lip. Was this it?! Was he about to blow the whole game?! Maybe it was for the best... It had barely begun, and already it had gone too far, had pushed her boundaries too much, even before Drew had shown up.

"What was her name again?" Drew stroked his chin, pondering - or pretending to, dragging it out, making her suffer and squirm - for a second or two. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter," he shrugged. "It wasn't Holly! You do look similar, though. Maybe all big babies do."

Elizabeth nodded quietly, wanting to push him down that path, to let him assume that. She had given herself a haircut, into a style she hadn't worn in a long time, so that could be throwing him off, too... She was glad she'd decided to take the plunge on that, to give one more layer of protection against being recognized.

"What a weird coincidence," Annika spoke up. "I wouldn't have thought there were enough around that you'd just happen to meet two of them in the wild."

"Right?" Drew smirked down at Elizabeth. "It's like fate or something..."

Did he know?! Now Elizabeth was uncertain again, her mental ping-ponging back and forth, convincing herself he did, and then he didn't, was getting exhausting.

"That would be a weird fate to have," Annika chuckled. "To keep running into big babies... A cute one, though!" She gave Elizabeth another pat on the bottom. "I can think of worse ones... Come on, I still need to get unpacked. But first, we'd better get her inside to her nursery."

Her nursery... That was right, Elizabeth thought. In all the excitement, and fear, she'd forgotten all about the fact that she was sleeping in a nursery for the duration of this little exercise. She couldn't complain about it, either, or ask to stay in another room, because, for all intents and purposes, this was her room.

"Well, let's go, then!" Drew exclaimed, Elizabeth squeaking in surprise as he scooped her up, resting her against his hip, one hand firmly on the squishy seat of her diaper. "Sorry, little stinker," he told her playfully, bouncing her. "I have a feeling I'll move a bit faster than you."

"Of course you will," Annika replied cheerfully, heading towards the door, kneeling down to find the fake rock the spare key was hidden in. "Your legs are a lot longer, and your underwear is a lot less bulky."

"That's definitely true," Drew nodded, bouncing Elizabeth again, his fingers starting to move, to massage the mess inside the girl's diaper. Was he doing that on purpose, or was it unconscious? It was hard to tell; all Elizabeth knew for sure was that her plan to put him in diapers felt more ridiculous than ever, feeling his strong arms around her, getting a reminder of how big and strong he was, so much more-so than she was. How could she have thought she could go up against someone like this? 

Then again, if she had won, she couldn't even imagine how hot that would have been, so it almost would have been worth the risk. Obviously, if she had, it definitely would have been worth it... It was only in hindsight, in remembering her time as a sissy baby in his place, that she was fully able to comprehend the consequences of failure, and accept that it probably would have been better to leave well enough alone. She hadn't, however, and now she was quite possibly facing the consequences, unless she could do a very good job of convincing him that she was Holly.

"Here we go!" Annika declared, holding up the key and stepping to the door, unlocking it. "Let's see... According to her Mommy, Holly's room is this way!"

As humiliating as it was, Elizabeth was grateful Drew had decided to carry her; she hadn't thought about that, about the babysitter possibly asking her to take her to her room, and Elizabeth not being able to do so. Maybe she would have gotten lucky and stumbled across it... As big as the house was, though, chances were good that she wouldn't have done it on her first try, and that might have made Drew more suspicious.

Annika did, likely, better than Elizabeth would have, since she didn't have to be self-conscious about it, following the directions she'd been given to take them straight to their destination, flipping on the light to reveal Elizabeth's new bedroom.

"Wow," Drew marveled. "Look at all this!" He walked around the room, taking it all in, giving Elizabeth a chance to see it all, too, to squirm and stare anxiously at the giant, locking crib, the naughty stool in the corner, the baby toys, the high chair, and, finally, the bouncer. "Hey, Annika!" he called. "Why don't we put her in this for a while and then go... unpack your car."

It was obvious that wasn't what he was talking about, and the babysitter's giggle made it clear she knew that, too. "That can wait, Drew," she told him from the changing table. "I have to get her taken care of first."

"I bet the bouncer will keep her entertained for a while," he shrugged. "And we already know that her messy diapers don't bother her too much... Not if she can be naughty in them, twice..."

Elizabeth couldn't quite hide her whimper of mortification at being reminded of what she'd done, and how Drew had been told about it. She stared down at the bouncer, cheeks burning at the idea of being left there, bobbing helplessly up and down, the mush in her pants continuously getting more and more squished and squelched, reminding her every time of what a pathetic little baby she was....

"Just bring her over here," Annika told him, and he obeyed, carrying Elizabeth to the changing table. "You can set her down on top of these diapers." She'd already gotten them unfolded and waiting... Not one, but two of them, looking like a pillow waiting for her as she was lowered onto it, Annika making quick work of stripping her down, leaving her completely naked other than her dirty diaper. "You don't have to be shy," Annika smiled down at her when she attempted to cover her now bare chest. 

She wasn't sure how she couldn't be, as she was pushed down onto her back, having to look up at Annika's far more ample chest, a reminder of how smaller her own breasts were... And with Drew standing there, watching the whole thing. "C-Can he..?" Elizabeth started to ask if he could leave, only to have a pacifier pushed between her lips, mumbling softly as the oversized silicone nipple filled her mouth.

"There we go," Annika cooed. "I should have had one of those waiting for you in the car... No wonder you've been so cranky."

Elizabeth pouted, wanting to protest that she hadn't been cranky at all, that all she wanted was a little privacy, but she was still trying to get used to the pacifier, struggling to make any audible noises in it at all, or do anything with it other than suck on it.

Thankfully, Annika did turn to Drew and, even without Elizabeth being able to request it, said, "You might want to leave," although she was less pleased to hear that it was because, "This is about to get pretty stinky," rather than out of any concern for Elizabeth's dignity.

"I'll be all right," Drew promised, Annika shrugging and tearing open the tapes, unfolding the diapers to reveal the rest of Elizabeth's nude form to him, as well as the mess she'd made. "You weren't lying!" he laughed, holding his nose. "Pee-yew!"

"I warned you," Annika shrugged, while Elizabeth wriggled, blushing deep red and sucking her pacifier, waiting for this to be over, for Drew to stop staring as Annika used wipe after wipe before, finally, lifting her bottom, sliding the dirty diaper out from underneath it, getting it away from her, holding her there for another minute or two to finish cleaning her before settling her down on the waiting diapers. She might not be as strong as Drew, but she was definitely not weak, either, being able to do that without breaking a sweat... 

Annika folded up all of the wipes inside the diaper, bundling it up and handing it to Drew. "Can you throw that away in her diaper pail?" she asked, moving on to the diaper rash cream while he complied, returning in time to watch the application of the baby powder. "Doesn't that smell much nicer?" Annika commented, though Elizabeth wasn't sure if it was directed or her, Drew, or nobody in particular. She was right either way.

"Here we go!" Annika pulled the front of the diaper up, quickly taping it into place, sealing Elizabeth back into her padded prison, then moving on to the second layer.

"I don't need two!" Elizabeth whined, her pacifier rendering her words unintelligible. That, or Annika didn't deem them worthy of a response, since Elizabeth did think she saw Drew's smile widen ever so slightly when he heard them.

"All clean and dry!" Annika announced, patting the front of the double diaper once it was secured. "Isn't that better?" Compared to what she'd been wearing before, Elizabeth had to nod, slightly dazed, but the sheer size of the pair of diapers was enough to make her wonder if it was worth it or not. It had been difficult enough getting used to walking around in one of them! "Do you want to carry her over to the high chair for me?"

Drew was happy to comply, picking Elizabeth back up, setting her down in the high chair in only her diapers, though they were soon joined by an oversized bib that Annika tied around her neck prior to sliding the tray into place with an ominous snap, trapping Elizabeth inside while Annika fetched a jar of baby food and a plastic spoon.

This was her supper, Elizabeth realized, kicking her feet unhappily, nose wrinkling as she stared down at it. Not steak, or chicken, or even a salad... Mushy, bland baby food... She probably ought to be grateful it wasn't Nanny's infamous oatmeal, but that was probably being saved for breakfast.

It wasn't prune, either, as another blessing. It was banana, instead, which meant it tasted better, at least, although the fiber still worried Elizabeth... Not that it mattered one way or the other, in the long run. As long as she stayed here, to try to prove her point and give Holly a chance to realize she wasn't ready for the real world and come crawling back, she was going to have to use her diapers, one way or the other.

Drew watched her get fed a few spoonfuls of the baby food, squirming and doing her best to claim she was full in between them, to no avail, before asking, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Aww, are you getting bored?" Annika teased. "I warned you, taking care of babies can be a lot of work... Even big ones, like Holly, here. You didn't have to come over so early."

"I'm fine," he told her. 

"You could go make her a bottle," Annika offered. "You saw the kitchen when we came in, right? There should be some milk in the fridge, and bottles in the cabinet next to it."

"You got it!" he winked.

Elizabeth ought to have been glad he was gone, that he couldn't stare at her any more, watch her being spoon-fed like a fussy toddler, but she wasn't a fan of this development, either. Could she trust any bottle he brought her? Especially one made without Annika there? With her around, he might not try anything... With her here, still feeding Elizabeth, he could do anything to the bottle... And, if he knew the truth, if he'd figured out who she really was, then he might... And the milk itself could hide it, keep Annika, or even Elizabeth herself, from noticing...

What could she do about it, though? She was trapped here, in the high chair, getting stuffed with mashed banana. With enough time, maybe she could work out how to undo the latch on the tray and get out... The nursery was on the second floor, however, so she couldn't sneak out the window; she'd have to go down the steps, get past both Annika and Drew... And that was if she was left here, in the high chair, on her own for long enough. Right now, with Annika standing right in front of her, concentrating on feeding her, there was no way she could hope to get away from her without being seen, and instantly stopped.

"I don't know what's taking him so long," Annika commented, scraping the last bits of baby food from the jar. "You're going to be asleep by the time he shows up."

Elizabeth's eyes flicked to the window, where the sun was still shining bright, if starting to dip a bit in the sky. "I-It's not bedtime," she wagered a guess, hoping she was right. She had to be... Even for Holly, this was way too early!

"I know," Annika slid the last spoonful of banana into Elizabeth's mouth, stroking her hair. "But I still need to get unpacked... And you've had a big, fun day... I think it'll be easier for both of us if you just go down a bit early, don't you?"

What she really wanted, Elizabeth realized, was some time alone with Drew... And she couldn't blame her too much for that. And that would keep Drew occupied, too, and away from her, so it might be for the best... But it was so early! It wasn't fair! "I'm not sleepy!" she whined, gulping down the last of her supper. 

"I think you're fibbing again," Annika said. "I bet you're all worn out after your car ride, and you're going to be asleep five minutes after I tuck you in. Just wait and see."

It didn't seem to matter either way... She went to fetch a fuzzy, footed sleeper from the closet, putting Elizabeth into it despite her protests. She was zipping it up when Drew finally returned, bottle in hand. "Did you get lost?" Annika smirked.

"I wanted to get it to the right temperature," he shrugged. "Is she ready for bed?"

"She is!" Annika grinned. "As soon as she's tucked in we can go... unpack my car."

She wasn't fooling anybody with that, least of all Drew, who swooped in, scooping Elizabeth up and depositing her right into the crib, where Annika tucked her in and handed her the bottle. "Go on, drink it up," she urged. "Your Uncle Drew made that just for you, sweetie!"

"That's right," he gave her what she interpreted as a sinister smile, whether he meant it that was or not. "Just for you, Holly."

Elizabeth squirm, looking into the bottle, trying to decide if it looked tampered with, if it was a bit cloudier than usual. "Come on, Holly," Annika put her hands on her hips. "It's the same as your Mommy gives you." Tentatively, Elizabeth lifted the nipple to her mouth, giving it a tiny suck. It had been so long since she'd drank milk on its own, much less warm, that it was difficult to judge whether it was different or not, although she leaned towards yes, despite her inability to pinpoint how.

"Good girl," Annika praised her. "I want you to go ahead and finish that up for me... I'll be keeping an eye on your baby monitor, and I want to either see you drinking that, or sleeping, understood?"

Elizabeth whimpered, wiggling under her covers, feeling trapped within their snug embrace. "Y-Yes, ma'am," she mumbled softly, seeing no way to avoid it.

"And tell your Uncle Drew thank you," Annika ordered.

Elizabeth glanced up at him nervously. "Th-Thank you, Uncle Drew," she obeyed, unintentionally catching his eye, fidgeting uncomfortably as he stared back.

"You are very welcome, Holly," he told her. "Have a good night... I know we will."

He gave Annika's backside a pinch, causing the girl to squeal, playfully swatting his hand away. "Drew!" she scolded, though she didn't sound nearly as upset as she pretended to be. "Not in front of the baby!" She pulled up the side of the crib, locking it into place. "Night-night, Holly. I'll see you in the morning."

And, with that, they were gone, giggling as they left together, turning on the night-light - not that it was needed when it was still daylight outside - and closing the door behind them, leaving Elizabeth all alone with her double diapers and her bottle. She groaned, struggling to roll over in the former, inspecting the latter as best she could. She didn't trust it... But she didn't want to get in trouble, either, not with Drew around...

She took another drink, and then another, almost able to convince herself it was normal after all... Until, a few minutes later, she felt her eyelids start to droop. Had he drugged her to make her go to sleep earlier? When it came to things he could have done, it was one of the most innocuous, so she supposed she should even be grateful, in a way... And it kept her from having to spend all evening and night tossing and turning, trapped in the crib with nothing to do. It wasn't like Annika could have been right, that she could be getting sleepy so early on her own...

She woke up with a start, seeing the bars first, panicking for a moment before she remembered where she was, what she was doing... And then panicking again as she shifted in place, sitting up, and felt a definite squish beneath her. "N-No way," she whispered, reaching a hand down, poking at the crotch of her sleeper, blushing bright red as she felt the tale-tell signs of a soggy diaper underneath, one that was already cool and clammy, that hadn't happened anytime recently.

She had wet the bed. And not just a little... She'd soaked her double diapers, enough to make her think she must have gone multiple times through the night. "Th-This can't be happening," she shook her head, poking at her diapers again, as if doing so might reveal that she was wrong, that they were dry after all, the way they had been when she'd fallen asleep.

Drew must have done it. He'd drugged her bottle after all, and made her do this! But... If that was true, then surely it meant he knew the truth about who she was... Why would he have done that to 'Holly' otherwise? If it wasn't, however, that meant she'd wet the bed naturally, for the first time she could remember, on her first night of being in diapers in a long time... Squirming in her crib, feeling her drenched padding all around her, she honestly didn't know which would be worse...


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