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Cheyenne gritted her teeth as she looked at the dress Kendra had laid out for her. It wasn't surprising, at this point, though that didn't really make it any easier to think about what the girl wanted from her.

"Kendra," she shook her head, "listen, don't you think..?"

"That you should be a good girl and get dressed for your little party? Of course I do! I mean, I have better things to do tonight than to drive you because you've forgotten how, but if I have to... Well, it would be fun to see how your friends react." Kendra smirked, watching her mother squirm, imagining it.

"Seriously, Kendra," Cheyenne told her, trying to reason with the girl. "These aren't my friends, they're my co-workers! I could lose my job, and then..!"

"I'm sure if you behave yourself, everything will be all right," Kendra shrugged nonchalantly. "Now, are you going to do it by yourself, or is little Chey going to have to come out?"

Cheyenne sighed. "Kendra, please," she said. "Just think about this! I'm not mad at you, I..."

"Oh, you aren't mad at me?" Kendra's eyes flashed. "Well, isn't that lovely? Too bad I'm still mad at you! Are you Mommy's sweet little girl?" She flung the last sentence at her mother like a knife, crossing her arms in triumph... But, instantly, she could tell that something was wrong...


"So, umm..." Kendra shifted in her seat anxiously. "What is this all about?"

She wouldn't have shown up at all, except that Rachel had told her she wanted to see her specifically, without her mother. She'd still debated about whether it was a good idea or not, if she should blow her off... She already had everything she needed from the woman, after all. Her mom wasn't there to tattle on her, however, so what was the harm?

"Why don't you tell me what you think it's about?" Rachel asked, looking at her expectantly, tapping her pen on her pad of paper.

"Do you want me to tell you more about how mean my mom was when I was growing up?" Kendra offered. She doubted she'd ever get Rachel fully on her side, but perhaps, if she heard enough, she'd be willing to help out some more, at least show Kendra how to add some more fun triggers into her mother's mind, if not do it herself. "I have plenty of stories."

"I'm sure you do," Rachel nodded. "For now, though, I thought I could get you to just... look at this screen for a moment..."

She turned the monitor on her desk around, Kendra's eyes widening, her heart thumping, knowing what that meant, yet hardly able to believe it. She closed her eyes tight... But it was too late, as she caught a glimpse of the swirling design on the screen before her eyelids were all the way down, and that was all it took. She felt herself start to stare, eyes slowly opening back up to get a better look, leaning forward helplessly.

"Your mother gave me a call," Rachel said. "She told me that she gave up, and she didn't think that my methods were working in her case, or that she just wasn't strong enough to do it... I was, of course, confused by what she was talking about, especially after you called me up and cancelled your last appointment, but after she told me about this supposed 'treatment,' I put it all together... And we came up with a little plan..."


Kendra, obviously, didn't remember any of that, couldn't have said for sure what had happened during that solo therapy session, other than that it had given her some strange sense of satisfaction as she left, of feeling like she'd done something good, like they'd accomplished something.

Now, however, she realized that was fake. She gasped, feeling a soft, almost pleasant, fog start filling her mind, obscuring everything, blocking out huge chunks of knowledge and experience, wiping them away as if they'd never happened. "N-No!" she whimpered, looking at her mother, who was seeming bigger, more imposing, more mature, with every passing moment... She wasn't getting bigger, and Kendra wasn't getting any smaller, though it certainly felt as if one or both of those were going on, and that there was nothing Kendra could do to stop it.

"St-Stop it!" she whined, stomping her feet, tears stinging her eyes. "I don't wanna be little!"

"Do you think I did, young lady?" Cheyenne demanded.

"I-It's not fair!" Kendra sniffed. Maybe she'd taken things too far, sure... Now, however, they were just going to go back to how they were when she was a kid, and the cycle would begin all over again...

"No," her mother agreed. "It isn't."

Kendra squeaked, looking down in horror as she felt a wetness there, letting out a panicked, "No!" as she saw a wet spot on the crotch of her jeans, quickly growing. She pressed her legs together, trying to remember how to stop it, which muscles she was supposed to use... But all of that had vanished from her mind, leaving her as nothing except a scared little girl peeing her pants, knowing that her Mommy was going to be very, very mad at her when she found out... And, considering she was standing right in front of her Mommy, that was going to happen any second now.

"I-I'm sorry!" she blurted out, attempting to hold her hands in front of the ever-expanding evidence of her accident, the task becoming more and more hopeless. "I-I know I was s'posed to go to the potty next time I had to go, but... but..." She didn't even have a good excuse, a good explanation... There was no reason this should have happened. "B-But I'm sorry!" she repeated, shivering in fear.

She was definitely going over her Mommy's knee for this... Mommy was all dressed up, ready to go do some grown-up thing, and Kendra was wasting her time, making a mess all over the floor... If only she'd just paid a little more attention, and gone to the bathroom on time... She didn't want to get her bottom smacked, but she probably did deserve it, for letting herself get so distracted, for being so dumb...

"Hey," Mommy smiled, kneeling down in front of her, running her hands up Kendra's arms. "Hey, it's all right... No need to cry, honey. Accidents happen."

"H-Huh?" Kendra sniffled, glancing up from her feet, her mother reaching over, brushing away the tears that had started to trickle down her face.

"Accidents happen," Mommy told her again. "To everybody, but especially to little girls like you... I'm not mad, I promise."

Kendra nibbled her bottom lip in confusion. "Y-You're not?"

Mommy shook her head. "I'm not. I do think you need to wear your diapers for the rest of the night, just in case... But that doesn't mean I'm angry, or that I love you any less... It's only to protect your pants, and your sheets... And the floor."

"I'm too big to be in diapers!" Kendra insisted, her Mommy's own words in the past making her more certain she was right. "I-I shouldn't..."

"Nobody is too big for diapers," Mommy replied softly. "If you need them, then you need them, and being big or little has nothing to do with it. Even Mommy wore diapers not that long ago."

Kendra's eyes widened, completely ignorant of the fact that she had been the reason for that. "Really?"

"Really," Mommy stroked her hair. "So, if you need them now and then, I can hardly be upset about that, now can I?"

"I-I guess not," Kendra agreed, still shocked, trying to take in that news as Mommy led her to the bathroom, helping to undress her as she filled up the bath. "D-Don't you have somewhere to go?" she asked, looking at Mommy's pretty outfit.

"Nowhere that can't wait until I get you taken care of," Mommy kissed her on the forehead, taking her hands to steady her as she stepped into her nice, warm bubble bath. "You're what's really important, baby."

The bath did help relax her, and while she wasn't happy about the diaper, she didn't mind it too much as Mommy taped her into it, then pulled her nightshirt on over it and tucked her into bed, Kendra feeling cozy and warm and safe...

And then Mommy snapped her fingers, and it all came flooding back. Kendra gasped, squirming under her covers, cheeks burning as she heard the crinkling of plastic, felt the bulk of the diaper between her legs, confirming that it hadn't been a dream, that she had, indeed, been the one to get regressed this time.

"You don't have to be afraid," Cheyenne told her. "I'm not going to tell your friends, and your father, or anything... I can't even trigger it myself. But I promise you, if you do... I'm going to do everything I can to help make up for all those bad memories I gave you. I want to give you some nice ones to replace them."

Kendra wiggled uncertainly. Was she telling the truth? Or was this some sort of trap? She couldn't say that she didn't deserve it, after everything she'd done to her mother... And now she knew exactly how scary it was to be on the other end, how powerless you felt, how much you looked up to your Mommy in that state, trusting her completely...

She'd been totally vulnerable just a few moments ago, however... Her mother could have done whatever she wanted to her, could have taken her with her to her party, or called one of Kendra's friends over to babysit her... Or she could have not snapped her fingers to end the hypnosis. She could have done anything... 

"I'm heading out," Cheyenne said. "You don't have to stay in bed if you don't want to... It's all up to you." She paused at the door, looking back at the girl, curled up under her covers in her diaper, still struggling to process what had happened, and what it was going to mean for the future of their relationship.

"Y-You can turn the light off," Kendra told her with a blush. "I-If you want." It was very early, and she wasn't a little girl anymore... But it did feel awfully nice here, freshly bathed, even with the diaper around her waist. 

Cheyenne smiled, flipping the switch, and tentatively, from the darkness, she heard a quiet, "Night-night, Mommy," that made her sure that her plan had worked, and that this new form of therapy just might have a chance, too. Whether it would be worth all the trouble, everything her daughter had put her through, remained to be seen... But, at the very least, there was a glimmer of hope that it could be.

The End


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