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This was nice, Tiffany told herself. Whether it was true or not, she wasn't certain... She felt like it must be, though, or else why would Cassie be so insistent on it? She only had her best interests in mind, so if she wanted Tiffany to do this, then it must be good... Right?

She did like not having to clean anymore; that was a big plus. Cassie had a point; she had been doing a lot of work. Of course, most of the messes that she'd been spending so much time taking care of had made by Cassie, so if she'd wanted her to have a break, she could have been more careful, or taken some responsibility for them herself... If she thought this was better, however, she had to have a reason.

She spent most of her time in her bedroom now, which was, for all intents and purposes, a nursery. "Can't I read, or something?" she'd asked once, feeling somewhat bored of her new routine of playing with blocks and stuffed toys, coloring, and finger painting.

"No, no," Cassie had replied, shaking her head. "That's not really relaxing... It's too much work. This is so much better for you!"

Tiffany knew this was all baby stuff... But babies didn't have a care in the world, so it made sense that imitating their activities would help her to achieve the same, no matter how silly it might seem at the time. It was hard to be stressed when the only thing you had to worry about for the afternoon was whether you had time to finish one picture or two before naptime.

It was too bad, then, that being relieved of her big girl responsibilities also meant losing her big girl privileges. They just went hand in hand, and truly relaxing required letting go of them both, according to Cassie. She no longer had to change herself, which was kind of nice; unfortunately, that was because she was no longer allowed to do it, which was less pleasant.

Lara was now the only one allowed to handle that. Tiffany appreciated not having to do it all on her own, but it was embarrassing being changed by somebody who wore, and used, diapers herself, and frustrating when Lara ignored her, putting more priority on keeping the apartment clean than on keeping Tiffany's diapers clean.

That was, in fact, exactly what was happening now. Tiffany blushed, wiggling her bottom, the mush in her pants squishing as she moved. She'd toddled into the kitchen after it happened bashfully, asking Lara if she could help her out, the girl simply rolling her eyes and telling her, "Not right now, stinky. Go play with your blocks or something, I'm busy."

Tiffany had been sitting in her nursery ever since, waiting impatiently. She knew the changing table was right out in the living room, and there were plenty of diapers and supplies there... And, obviously, she knew that she was capable of changing herself, since she'd done it for months. She peered down at her diaper, totally on display, tapes easily accessible, almost tempting her to rip them off, to get this messy diaper away from her backside... But she also knew that, no matter how much she might want to, she wasn't going to do that.

She didn't even feed herself anymore! Cassie had caught her one day, toddling into the kitchen for a snack, and scolded her. "If you're hungry, you should ask Lara! Feeding yourself can be so difficult... I don't want you having to worry about that! Just have her feed you, silly! That's what she's here for!"

"I can feed myself!" Tiffany had insisted. "I promise, it doesn't bother me!"

"Tiffany," Cassie had sighed, "don't fight me on this, please. She won't mind... She's the one who has to do your laundry, after all, and I'm sure she'd rather feed you than have to do a bunch of extra loads because you've dribbled all over yourself."

Would it really have been that much more, even if Tiffany was that messy? She didn't think so... The clothes she wore were all pretty small and skimpy, so they wouldn't take up a lot of room in the washer, and Lara was definitely aware of that, seeing as she picked them all out for her and dressed her every morning... Suddenly, however, the will to defend her stance on the issue had faded away, and, just like that, she was also reliant on Lara to spoon and bottle feed her whenever she was hungry.

She heard the door to her room open and looked up hopefully, expecting to see Lara there, ready to change her at last, only to see Cassie instead. "Oh," she pouted, looking back at her blocks.

"What?" Cassie chuckled. "Why so grumpy?" Tiffany answered her by poking at her diaper. "Oh, Tiffy," Cassie smiled, "you really ought to try learning to enjoy the feeling... It's no good for you to stress out every time you poop your pants! That's something for Lara to worry about, not you!"

"I don't wanna enjoy it!" Tiffany grumbled. Out of everything, that was still the worst part about this whole situation, the one thing that made her feel the most embarrassed, the most uncomfortable, the most infantile...

"Yes, you do!" Cassie scolded, leaning over, glaring at her, making Tiffany squirm uncertainly on the floor as the other girl stared into her eyes. "You'll be so much happier once you do... You know that she's going to do it eventually. She can't change herself until your diaper is nice and fresh and clean, so she'll get to it soon enough!"

That was true; there were times that Tiffany assumed that rule was the only reason Lara didn't leave her to wallow in her own filth for the entire day to torment her. She also suspected that Lara sometimes put up with her own soggy, or messy, pants for longer than she would have normally for the sake of putting off changing her. She could be such a brat! It wasn't fair that she got so much power over Tiffany! Or that, despite being in diapers herself, her bedroom looked perfectly normal, and not at all like a nursery, other than the stack of diapers on her dresser! Tiffany had brought that up with Cassie before, however, and knew whining about it wouldn't get her anywhere.

"Well, if I knew you were so cranky, I wouldn't have invited everyone over," Cassie shrugged. "Or I at least would have warned them that you need a nap. But they're all here, and they want to see you."

Tiffany groaned. The one thing she did still have to do was let herself be put on display... All their friends loved to see her this way for whatever reason, and Cassie loved showing her off. "They're here now?" she fidgeted.

"That's what I said, silly," Cassie tickled her tummy. If they were here, they were in the living room, which meant there was no way to avoid letting them see her dirty diaper... Even if she got changed right away, the changing table was there, where they'd all be able to see her messy bottom getting wiped. "Come say hi!"

"Okay," Tiffany sighed reluctantly, stumbling to her feet. It was what Cassie wanted, after all, so she knew that's what she should do... And it wasn't like their friends hadn't seen this sight plenty of times, enough where she would have thought the novelty would have worn off by now. She waddled into the living room, giving them all hugs, enduring their coos and diaper pats before being shuffled off to her playpen with one of her coloring books and a box of crayons.

She wasn't sure how long she stayed there, lying on her tummy, dirty diaper sticking up, coloring, before Lara came in. "Oh!" she exclaimed, stopping short, her tiny, frilly skirt swishing, showing off even more of her of her diaper than it normally did. "I'm sorry, ma'ams! I didn't know you were here! I was cleaning..."

"Don't worry about it," Cassie cut her off. "We were fine on our own."

"Do I need to get you anything?" Lara offered. "Some tea, or..?"

"Actually, there is one thing you could do for us," Cassie told her with a grin. "Tiffy has been so grouchy about her messy diaper... Could you please show her, and everyone else, how well you can fill your diaper?"

"Of course, ma'am!" Lara happily agreed, immediately bending her knees and starting to push. Tiffany blushed for her, pausing in her coloring to watch as a lump began to form in the seat of the maid's pants, quickly growing.

"Very good!" Cassie praised, turning to their friends proudly. "She keeps the apartment much cleaner than her diapers," she quipped. 

"Wow," Charlotte's eyes widened, impressed. "That easy, huh?"

Cassie smirked. "All you have to do is ask nicely... Lara knows how to be a big girl, don't you?"

"Uh-huh," Lara grunted. "Not like Tiffy! I'm not going to make a fuss about it or anything! Big girls know how to put up with being messy!" She wiggled her bottom, the other girls giggling, while Tiffany blushed, knowing it was her they were laughing at, despite Lara being the one who was pooping her pants... She was the one who was even more immature than that, somehow. 

Or were they? Glancing up at them again, they did seem to be looking at Lara as she finished up, so pridefully filling her diaper, snickering in her direction.... But she couldn't imagine what they would find so funny about her being so good, and obedient, and relatively mature about handling using her diapers.

"You did such a good job!" Charlotte marveled, reaching out and giving Lara's swollen diaper a pat. "Can I take a picture?"

"Sure!" Lara exclaimed, flipping her skirt up and poking out her bottom to give an even better look, sticking her tongue out at Tiffany across the room. "Maybe one day you'll learn to be as mature as me!" she bragged. "This is how a big girl handles this sort of thing! Not by whining and begging for a change and being a big baby!"

"Now, now," Cassie told her, patting Lara's diaper. "She is a big baby, so there's no need to make fun of her for acting like one... That's all she knows how to do! That's why she needs you to set an example for her!"

Lara looked pleased with herself for having done just that. "Is there anything else you need?"

"There is, actually," Cassie pulled her in closer, whispering in her ear. Lara giggled, giving Tiffany another look before prancing away. Tiffany turned back to her picture, assuming that Cassie probably wanted some tea after all, and knowing she was almost finished. If she could get it all colored in, it would prove she wasn't a total baby, even if it might not be as impressive as what Lara had just done.

"Look!" she exclaimed, standing up and toddling to the edge of her playpen, holding the coloring book up.

"So pretty!" Cassie gushed from the couch. "Lara, go let her out so she can show it off." Tiffany hadn't noticed Lara's return, and she blushed slightly as the maid opened the playpen's gate, having to waddle out past her and her bulging diaper. She was still feeling a bit bashful as she approached the other girls, knowing that up close, they'd be more likely to see her mistakes, especially once she'd been getting near to the end and wanted to finish, that they'd spot how many times she'd failed to stay in the lines.

Everybody seemed to like it, however, praising it almost as much as they had Lara's little display, which made Tiffany feel better... At least until Cassie had her sit down on the floor in front of them, holding up a baby bottle. "Do you know what this is?" she asked.

"Umm... Chocolate milk?" Tiffany could only go off of what she saw, and that was definitely what it looked like. She bounced happily, though her anticipation for the treat was dampened as she felt the mush in her diaper squelching beneath her at the movement.

"Close!" Cassie smiled. "There is chocolate in it! You like chocolate, don't you?" Tiffany nodded eagerly. "It also has laxatives in it. Do you know what those are?"

Tiffany's smile faded as she nibbled her bottom lip, nodding slowly. She did, of course...

"Such a clever girl!" Cassie patted her on the head. "It has those, and some extra fiber... Everything your body needs to help it along!"

"H-Help it with what?" Tiffany squirmed.

"We talked about this, Tiffy," Cassie sighed. "You need to learn to enjoy your messy diapers, or at least get used to them... And the easiest way for you to do that is to have more of them! And what Lara so nicely made for you in this bottle is going to help with that. Wasn't that sweet of her? She's going to start feeding you these as a treat!"

"B-But I'm already stinky," Tiffany pouted. "I already pooped myself today!"

"And if we get this into you fast enough, maybe you'll be able to do it again before your bedtime!" Cassie grinned. "Won't that be good? Come on, Tiffy... I really think this is going to be a big help... Don't you?"

Tiffany stared up at her, then down at her dirty diaper. It was always such a relief when it happened, because she knew that meant she was probably done for it for the day, at least once she was able to get Lara to change her... This would completely change that, would take away that comfort... But maybe Cassie was right... Messing her diaper more often would help her grow more accustomed to it... And if that happened, perhaps it wouldn't bother her as much. All of this was supposed to help decrease her stress, and if she got so worked up over her dirty diapers every time, that wasn't really happening... 

"I... I-I guess so..." she admitted. 

Cassie's smile widened, seeing that Tiffany had wandered right into her trap, just the way she'd wanted. "Then why don't you ask Auntie Charlotte to give you the bottle? I bet she'd love to help, wouldn't you?"

"I would!" Charlotte nodded.

Cassie held the bottle out, waiting for Tiffany to get back to her feet to hand it to her, letting her step over to Charlotte and sweetly ask, "W-Will you feed me?"

"I'd love to, cutie!" Charlotte patted her lap, helping Tiffany climb into it, resting one hand on the girl's bottom as she curled up, the other hand holding the bottle for her as she suckled on it, blissfully guzzling down the drink that would ensure her diaper wouldn't stay clean for long after Lara finished cleaning the apartment and finally got around to changing her... Utterly convinced that it was, in fact, the right thing to do.


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