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"No!" Courtney pouted, shaking her head and crossing her arms in a huff. It was starting to become her favorite word, it seemed, or at least the one she used the most... That was hardly her fault, however; it was just the only way she really had to show her unhappiness with what her life had turned into.

"Courtney," her mother sighed. "I can see your chart from here, silly. That's another dark cloud, isn't it?"

Courtney glowered at her stupid potty training chart, mocking her as it hung on her wall, displaying to anyone all the accidents she'd had in the week she'd been using it. It really was disheartening, especially when she'd started it so confident that she was going to be able to breeze through it, prove to everyone that she was still a big girl after all these months. 

"I don't hafta go!" Courtney whined, stomping her foot. "I can tell! I'm not a baby!"

"Now, Courtney," Danica poked her head into the room, "you know this is just a part of your schedule, silly. When the timer goes off, you sit on the potty!"

Courtney glared daggers at the girl, while, as usual, her mother gushed over her. "Oh, don't worry about this! You've done enough! Get out of here! Didn't you say you had a date tonight?"

Danica smiled, sauntering in. "I do," she smirked down at Courtney, who couldn't even dream of dating at the moment, when she was - whether she wanted to admit it or not - almost fully dependent on diapers, and getting treated like a toddler. "But a nanny's work is never done." She lifted Courtney's skirt, not that it had far to go, and carefully slid her diaper down, pushing her down onto her hated, humiliating, potty chair.

"Uh-oh, looks like you were already a little soggy!" Danica pointed out, to Courtney's chagrin. "Well, it isn't much... I bet you still have some left inside! Either way, though, it's important to establish a routine, and stick to it; with stubborn girls like her, it's the only way."

"I'm not stubborn," Danica sulked. She was determined not to use the potty now, after all this, and since she had said she didn't need to, but, as if to prove how little control she had, her cheeks darkened when she heard the sound of tinkling beneath her, and realized she was peeing.

"There we go!" Danica beamed, clapping her hands. "Good job!"

Courtney's mother clapped, too, cheering Danica on as she helplessly used her potty, though it was Danica, as always, who got the most praise. "You are just so good at this!" she told the girl as she wiped Courtney off, then took her to put her into a clean diaper. "I don't know what we'd do without you!"

"We wouldn't even hafta do this if it wasn't for her," Courtney grumbled.

"So cranky today," Danica tickled her tummy. "I think it might be a good idea for her to have an early bedtime."

"No!" Courtney kicked her feet in frustration, only to see her mother already fetching a sleeper from the closet, and knew that her fate was sealed. Sure enough, in no time she was being tucked in, Danica giving her a kiss goodnight on her forehead before heading out on her date.

There was definitely a part of her that suspected this was all part of Danica's plan, that she was doing this to prove how much Courtney 'needed' her, and guarantee she'd be keeping her job here for as long as she wanted it. After all, Courtney was obviously an adult, and once she was out of diapers, there was no need for her to have a nanny.

To her surprise, however, the next morning Danica presented her with a pair of training panties, rather than a diaper. "Is this a trick?" Courtney narrowed her eyes, staring at them.

"Of course not!" Danica told her. "It's such a nice day out, I wanted to go to the park, and I thought that would be a good place for you to try these out. You have to promise to be a big kid and tell me when you need to go potty, though, okay? It might be harder to stick to our schedule, and..."

"Okay!" Courtney nodded eagerly. "I can do that!" She would have agreed to just about anything in that moment... The only time she had her diapers off nowadays was when she was sitting on the potty, or being given a bath, and all of those were very brief, and under constant supervision. She wasn't even allowed to go into the bathroom by herself, much less attempt to use the real toilet there on her own... Trainers weren't quite what she wanted, but they were a step in the right direction.

She was a little disappointed to see that Danica brought a diaper bag, setting it down in the back seat next to her. "We don't really need that, do we?" she wrinkled her nose.

"Don't be silly," Danica said. "I'm giving you a chance, but a good nanny is always prepared... If you have an accident, you're going back into diapers for the rest of the day."

Courtney gulped, squirming in place, confirming that she wasn't soggy yet, since she was so used to that feeling by now, it was hard to tell sometimes. "A-Any accident?" she asked quietly. Danica didn't answer; she was getting into the driver's seat then, so perhaps she didn't hear... Or perhaps the answer was so obvious, she didn't think it necessary.

The park wasn't Courtney's favorite place, but it was one of the few she was allowed to go anymore, and she would have been pleased to be anywhere while not in diapers, so she was in a good mood as she skipped along the path, all her time being babied making her not even think about how she might be flashing hints of her trainers from beneath the short skirt of her play dress while she was doing so... And even if she was, who cared? At least if people saw, they'd know she wasn't in diapers anymore!

Her attitude very quickly changed, however, when she spotted... her. She froze, her hands grabbing at her skirt and tugging down, a rush of fear washing over her as she ducked her head, hoping she would pass by and not recognize her...

"Danica!" the woman exclaimed, stepping in closer to them, Courtney gulping and trying to become invisible. "It's so wonderful to see you!"

"It's good to see you, too, ma'am!" Danica told her.

"Oh, please," the woman chuckled. "You're not working for me anymore, there's no need to be so polite. You can just call me Claire."

Claire... She and Courtney had been friends all throughout school, only to transition to frenemies once they reached high school, when it felt like they were constantly in competition for boys, spots on the cheerleading team, the prom queen crown... Now, there was clearly no contest. Courtney was standing there in her childish, pink dress and Velcro sneakers, trying desperately to hide her trainers, and Claire looked so gorgeous, so stylish... She felt a pang of jealousy, seeing the pretty, grown-up clothes Claire got to wear, that she'd no doubt picked out for herself, while she was stuck in this simple, childish dress and sneakers, designed to get dirty, because it no doubt would while she was running around in the sandbox.

Courtney knew Claire had gotten married a while back, too, having gotten an invitation and refusing to go. She was definitely living an adult life, and seemingly doing quite well, unlike Courtney, who really did feel like a baby next to her. She wanted very badly to run away, though she knew Danica would be able to catch her easily, and might spank her right in front of Claire afterwards.

"And how is Shana doing?" Danica asked. "I'm so sorry I missed her birthday party! Three already... It's hard to believe! Unfortunately, I was pretty busy." She gave Courtney's bottom a pat, Courtney letting out a meek squeak and lowering her head further, praying Claire didn't look too closely at her.

"We understand," Claire told her. "And she loved the gift you sent! We should have a play-date sometime, so she can thank you!"

"I'd love that!" Danica said, to Courtney's dismay.

"It's been over a full year now, and she hasn't had a single accident," Claire went on. That was, in its own way, almost worse... The idea that this three year old was so much better potty trained than her. "You worked wonders with her! And how are you doing with Courtney here?"

Courtney looked up in shock, unable to help herself, eyes widening as she locked eyes with Claire. The other women grinned down at her, making it obvious she'd known who she was all along. "I heard about her little... condition," Claire smirked, "and this treatment for it just suits her so well, doesn't it?" Courtney squealed, stomping her foot, but from the giggles she heard from the other two women, she suspected she was only proving Claire's point further. "I have no doubt you're doing your best with her. You're such a gifted nanny!"

"I'm trying," Danica sighed. "We just started potty training...."

"Danica!" Courtney gasped, mortified that she was telling her frenemy that... But it seemed she already knew. And if she did, who else had she told?!

"She's having a tough time with it," Danica continued, as if she hadn't heard. "I'm sure, with some hard work, she'll be potty trained eventually, too, just like Shana... For now, though, I bet she doesn't even realize she's having an accident right now."

"I am not!" Courtney protested, stomping her foot. Now that Danica mentioned it, however, something did feel off. She wiggled her bottom, blushing as she felt a warm mushiness there... One that was still growing. She'd been pooping her pants right in front of Claire, and she really hadn't known! From the bemused look she shared with Danica, on the other hand, she had a feeling Claire had been aware the whole time.

"Aww, poor little thing," Claire teased, kneeling down. "Are you making a mud pie, like we used to when we were little kids? How sweet! That's not how I remember doing it, but I guess you're the expert at that sort of thing now, aren't you?"

"N-No!" Courtney grunted, shaking her head.

"She has plenty of experience with it now," Danica winked. "And you're very good at it, aren't you, sweetie?"

"N-No!" Courtney whined again, feeling her bladder letting go as well, refusing to obey her any more than her bowels had when she attempted to stop them.

"Don't sell yourself short," Danica chuckled, giving her a pat on the bottom, then pulling away. "Courtney!" she scolded. "See?" she sighed, looking over at Claire. "She's so good at it, she was too much for her poor trainers. This is why I brought a diaper bag, Courtney... So that, when you had a blow-out like this, I can take care of it."

"I-I didn't..." Courtney sniffed, fidgeting, watching as Danica set the bag down in the grass, getting the baby wipes out to clean her hands off, then pulling out a new outfit - a onesie and a pair of shortalls - along with a fresh diaper and a changing mat, setting in right beside the path, in front of everyone... Especially Claire.

"I guess the training panties were a little premature, huh?" Danica asked, pulling Courtney over to her, easily avoiding her frantic attempts to keep her dress on, stripping her down to nothing to clean her up, then set her down on a nice, fresh diaper, while her frenemy watched from above, getting a perfect view as each tape was fastened, and Courtney was sealed into her padded prison.

"We really should set up that play-date," Claire chuckled, while Danica pulled the onesie over Courtney's head, fastening up the snaps to keep the girl's diaper nice and snug against her, Courtney feeling even more envious of the fashionable outfit Claire was wearing now. "I'm sure Shana could give Courtney here lots of good tips to help her with her potty training!"

Courtney pouted, not wanting help with that, certainly not from a three year old, not wanting to have to see Claire again after she'd seen her this way... But that would all be up to her nanny, no doubt, like most of her life was now. And when Danica replied with, "She could use all the help she can get," Courtney suspected that meant she wasn't going to get her way with this, either.



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