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Hello, everyone!

Hope everyone had a good May! It's June now, and summer is coming up fast (unless you're in the southern hemisphere, I suppose), as is Father's Day! There's a story ready to celebrate the latter, though it won't be the first one up this month, and I'm sure there will be plenty of summer-themed fun over the next few months as well!

I want to say thank you to everyone here, as usual, for their support. It is very much appreciated! Thank you for sticking with me, or for checking me out for the first time, whatever the case may be!

If you're on a commission-level tier ($10 and up), please be sure to send in your ideas as soon as possible!

If you have any ideas for this month's Community Story, feel free to put them here, in reply to this post! The poll will be going up on the 11th, as usual, so get your ideas posted before then, because once it starts, I can't add anything to it. Voting on the poll is open to everyone at the $5 and up tiers.

Thank you all again, so much! Remember, you can always check out my Welcome message if you can't quite recall how things work around here, or if you're new, and the special word of the month is 'FatherKnowsBest'.  I hope you all have a wonderful June!



Another story starring the Magician from the Curtain, with the victim being a girl who berates her date for taking her to something as childish as a magic show.


A once successful woman finds herself recounting how one magic show turned her into her boyfriend’s and his new lover (her former assistant) baby on Father’s Day


A 20-something is home from college for the summer. After being told she has to help babysit her sister who will be going into Middle School next year, she finds out that her little sister still has night time accidents. After one too many mean comments, her mother decides that if she’s going to be so immature about it all, she can be the baby of the house until she helps her little sister potty train properly. 24/7 diapers and no bathroom privileges is bad enough, but after the first month of Summer it’s coming to an end she begins to worry if she won’t be returning to college in diapers at the rate her accidents continue to increase.


A little takes a flight. They put her in a seat where she is unable to get out alone, when she needs to pee they make sure she is well protected for the rest of the flight.


A sequel to an older story, bedtime. Where Janie has convinced Tessa if she can trick her new baby sitter into diapers she'll get her potty training back (she's lying)


Peeing in the pool, only to find out there is color change dye and a few rules for those who either can’t make it or are too lazy to go to the potty.


A diaper dimension staring a young adult amazon excited to find and adopt a little only to bite off more then she can chew when she grabs the cutest stage magician right in the middle of her act. Soon enough they're living together like she planned but she's the one who needs diapers


From Ivy League to Mommy's Knees sequel


A gay couple and a lesbian couple meet up at a pride festival. Once their they split up into two groups (one from each couple) for a bit to explore. Group 1 says they’ll meet back up by a bar on the other side of the festival later. Group 2 gets there first. It’s weirdly empty except a bartender with ear plugs in and a person on stage performing hypnotic music. By the time group one gets to the bar their partners have regressed, and they are ready to pick up their new babies.