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It was shocking, really, how quickly his stash dwindled. He wore them every night once he got home from work, or from hanging out with friends - he was nowhere close to ready to wear around them yet - and it didn't take long for that to become his favorite part of the day. He was always eager to rush through closing at the store, even if that meant he lost out on an extra ten minutes of pay since the schedule said he could stay longer if he needed, for the sake of those who weren't as fast as him, but now he was practically sprinting to get back to the office, and then to get to his car.

And, as much as he liked his friends - he was friends with them, after all - he'd sometimes find himself making excuses for why he had to leave early, or didn't want to move on to a second location, beyond their initial plans. "I have to work in the morning," was an easy go-to, until one of his friends stopped by to check on him at work the next day and he wasn't there.

"No, I'm fine," Derrick had assured her over text. "I was covering for someone, and it turned out they were able to make it after all! Too bad I didn't know that last night, huh?"

His heart raced as he typed out the lie, but she seemed to buy it, as much as he could tell from her messages. What would she have thought, he wondered, if she'd known that he'd really been in such a hurry to get home so he could tape himself into a baby diaper and snuggle under the covers? What would she think if she'd known that, when she texted, he was still wearing it, and had, moments before the phone chimed, been listening at the door, trying to tell if his roommate had left for the day yet.

Being in diapers in his room was fun, more fun than it should have been, but after a few days of that, he was ready for something more, itching to take this to the next level. Babies weren't just babies in their nurseries, after all... They played in the living room, they went to the park, they rode in the shopping cart while their Mommies and Daddies went shopping and bought them baby food, and toys, and fresh diapers...

He wasn't going to be able to do all of those, of course - he didn't even know how he would possibly pull off the last, and he was way too nervous for the second as of yet - but he should at least be able to do the first in his own apartment... Only if he knew, without a doubt, that there was no way Branden could walk in on him. More than likely, everyone he knew would think he was a weirdo if they found out about this; it would be the worst with Branden, however, not because he was particularly close-minded, just because Derrick would have to continue living with him afterwards, seeing him, in passing at the very least, every day. Avoiding the rest of his friends, if this went badly, would be far simpler, though he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

And, for now, there was no way it could. They did, sometimes, drop by unannounced, and they would have seen his car parked outside, so they would know that he was in there, but they couldn't get into the apartment without him unlocking the door, so he'd have enough time to rip off his diaper and throw on some big boy clothes if that happened. He didn't want to... He wanted to stay in his diapers forever, and, more importantly, he only had a few left, so the idea of wasting any hurt his heart a little. Yet, if it came down to it, he could do it.

There wasn't much he could do if Branden was still home, however, and it was difficult to know exactly when he was going to leave. He had a schedule, presumably, at his job, but Derrick had never been able to figure out what it was, and felt too awkward to ask him about it now, out of nowhere. To him, it seemed like he left at random times, and sometimes came back just as suddenly, so leaving the confines of his room the way he wanted was dangerous, especially after the close call - or what had felt like a close call to him - coming out of the bathroom.

Now that he was already running out of diapers again, he didn't want to take it off, and risk ruining it, to check, either. He was still in the one he'd worn last night, and his bladder was practically bursting, since he hadn't been to the bathroom yet that morning. The diaper could probably handle it, but he wanted to wait and find out somewhere other than his bedroom, for once.

So, he pressed his ear to the door one more time, confirming that he didn't hear anything, and, heart pounding, pulling his pajama pants up, hiding his diaper hopefully well enough. It had worked for the bathroom incident... It had been nighttime, then, however, and Branden had likely been a bit bleary-eyed from staring at the TV... First thing in the morning, he might be a little more observant... Or less, possibly, it was hard to tell.

He took a deep breath, as if he were about to leap into the deep end of the pool, and opened the bedroom door. He almost called out his roommate's name to check, but that would have been weird... Branden would definitely assume something was up if he heard that. Instead, he crept forward, down the hall, feeling the diaper rustling between his thighs. 

Branden's bedroom door was open a crack, which was a good sign, and Derrick didn't see any light coming from down the hall, which also boded well. He paused at Branden's room, trying to peek inside, to confirm he wasn't in there, but he could barely see anything. He nibbled his bottom lip, debating, knowing that, if Branden was in there, he'd have to come up with an excuse for why he was opening his door, then gently swung it open, letting out a sigh of relief when the room was, in fact, empty.

He was a bit more confident then that he was alone; not enough to take his pants off yet. That didn't happen until he'd checked the bathroom, as well, and shuffled into the living room, closing the curtains all the way. They'd only been open a hair, but that was too much for him. Only then, after surveying the entire apartment, did he slide out of his pajama pants, leaving them in a heap on the floor, stepping out of them, shivering slightly, scared, and also excited, to be wearing only the t-shirt he'd worn to bed, and his Pampers.

"I did it!" he whispered to himself, despite knowing there was nobody nearby to overhear... And despite having done nothing more than walk from his bedroom to the kitchen. It still, in its own way, seemed like a major accomplishment, at least for the baby he immediately felt like, standing there, outside of his bedroom, dressed this way. Bashfully, he moved his hand upwards, sliding his thumb into his mouth to complete the picture.

What was he going to do now? The possibilities seemed almost endless, for a moment or two, until he decided to toddle into the living room, turning on the TV and pulling up some cartoons. He sat down on the sofa, giggling at the sound of his diaper crinkling, but he didn't stay there long before his tummy started to rumble.

"Breakfast!" he remembered, after all his excitement. He hadn't had that yet! He hopped up and waddled back to the kitchen, looking through the cupboards to see what he could find. There was plenty of cereal, and that almost felt right... But not quite. He wasn't sure why until he spotted the box of instant oatmeal, shoved in the back. Neither of them loved it, though it was nice, sometimes, on a particularly cold winter morning.

That wasn't what today was, at all; he knew right away that it was what he wanted anyway. He ripped open a package and poured some water into it, stirring it around, blushing as he felt a twinge in his bladder, reminding him that he still hadn't emptied it this morning.

He imagined his babysitter again, standing there, making his breakfast for him, watching him squirm. "I just asked if you needed to go a second ago, when we passed the bathroom," she scolded in his mind. "I'm in the middle of something now! Surely you're a big enough boy to wait until this is done, aren't you?"

He shifted, his blush deepening. "U-Uh-huh," he nodded uncertainly. "I'm a big boy..."

"I thought so," he could almost hear her say, practically feeling a pat on the head. "Just hold it until your oatmeal is finished, and I'll take you to the potty while it cools, okay?"

"O-Okay..." It only took sixty seconds in the microwave... One minute... He could wait that long... He didn't have to go that badly...

The microwave beeped as he punched in the number, then whirred to life, his breakfast spinning slowly while he watched, bouncing in place. He really did need to pee, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could put it off... As the time counted down, however, it became clear that his fantasy babysitter had been right, and he was capable of making it another minute.

But where was the fun in that? It did feel weird, doing it here, in the middle of the kitchen, though his practice in the bedroom helped immensely, so all it took was a little push, and, moments before the chime went off to alert him that the oatmeal was done heating up, he felt some warmth in his pants as well, quickly spreading as his bladder emptied itself eagerly, glad for the relief after so long.

"Derrick!" he imagined his babysitter exclaiming, shaking her head, looking down at him. "You couldn't even wait a whole minute? Maybe you need to be in diapers during the day, too, young man!"

That was how it felt, when it was over, his diaper wetter than he'd ever gotten it before. He blushed as he gave the padding a squeeze, shocked at how squishy it was. He was afraid it would leak, so he didn't dare sit back on the couch when his oatmeal was done cooling off... Which almost made it better. "The furniture is for grown-ups," his mental babysitter told him sternly, pointing to a spot on the floor, in front of the TV, still playing cartoons. He sat down, zoning out happily, having no problem pretending that it was his babysitter's hand, not his own, scooping the oatmeal into his mouth as he stared at the television, wriggling happily in his soaked Pamper.

If there had ever really been a question of whether he wanted more diapers, that morning answered it for him. After work, he headed to the store, wandering around aimlessly for a few minutes, the thought of picking up a package of diapers, knowing that they were for himself, wondering if everyone else would realize that, too, nearly as exciting, and embarrassing, as he imagined actually wearing one in public would have been. If he went straight to that aisle, he was sure that would tip the other customers off as to why he wanted them, so he pretended to look at a few other things first, before, finally, going to his real destination.

Seeing Mrs. Holland's stash had felt like staring into a bank vault at the time, filled with unknown riches; now, he saw that was more like a tiny safe, hidden in the wall of someone's house. Looking at a whole aisle, shelves and shelves piled high with seemingly countless diapers, was almost overwhelming, making him stand and stare, eyes and mouth wide open. There were so many brands, so many cute designs... He didn't even know where to start! He'd passed by this aisle before, but it had never meant anything to him before... Little had he known then what wonders it truly held...

Unfortunately, once the excitement wore off, and he knew he had to make a decision before a mom, or dad, or older sibling, or someone who actually needed the stuff here showed up, he took a look at the prices. "Oh," he blushed. That made him feel even more guilty for stealing so many from Mrs. Holland...

He could afford some. They weren't THAT awful, he supposed... They were more than he'd hoped, though, especially when he knew the battery on his car was going to die soon, and that he should be spending his money on that, instead. He'd assumed diapers weren't expensive enough to make a difference in saving for that, but, if he wanted the good, name brand ones, like he was used to, and if he wanted to keep wearing them every night, like he had been, it was going to make a dent in his savings...

Or, despite his resolution that last time would, indeed, be the last, he could take another trip to Mrs. Holland's house.


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