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A short story sequel to Valerie's Education, commissioned by an anonymous Patron..

"Thank you," Valerie grumbled, sniffling as she stared up at Nanny for approval, not daring to go against her wishes, even if she didn't think there was much reason to be grateful. 

"You are so welcome!" Ms. Mullins beamed at her. Valerie did her best not to show how annoying she found the woman's constant cheery attitude, but it was tough... The woman really was perfectly suited to be a kindergarten teacher. The only problem, of course, was that Valerie was far too old to be in kindergarten, and too smart. She was eighteen! She'd been the president of her senior class in high school before... Well, that was a long story.

And... She wasn't even eighteen anymore, was she? That was why she was thanking Ms. Mullins, why the whole class had been amped up on sugar for the last part of the day, making the little brats even more unbearable than they were normally. She was nineteen now, and still stuck here, still the smallest kid in her class, by quite a margin now, still the only one in diapers full-time....

Ms. Mullins knelt down. "So, sweetie," she asked, "do you have any more plans for your birthday?"

Valerie shook her head. Her parents might take them out to eat, but even that was uncertain - Summer was moving out, and she'd heard them talk about trying to get the last of her stuff out tonight. It would be strange, not having her big sister living with her... She'd had her around much longer than most people did, though, and now that Summer was out of the nursery, getting to be a real grown-up, it was hardly a surprise that she'd want to live on her own.

"Well, I hope you had a good time here, then," the teacher smiled, patting her on the head. "She was very good today," she said as she stood, speaking to Nanny as if Valerie weren't standing right there, listening. "She did have a couple accidents, but in all the excitement of the party, that's to be expected."

"I'd say that's kind of expected from her in general at this point," Nanny chuckled, Valerie mortified to hear Ms. Mullins join in, clearly agreeing.

Valerie crossed her arms in a huff... She couldn't exactly deny it, however. There was a reason she was still wearing diapers to school, after all.

"Have a good day," Nanny waved to Ms. Mullins before taking Valerie's hand.

"You, too!" the teacher chirped back. "And happy birthday, Val!"

Was it really? It was starting to sink in now, what she could be in for... This wasn't exactly what had happened to Summer, but she'd endured her own version of this for ten years... It hadn't even been a full year yet for Valerie, though the fact that she'd now experienced at two separate ages was enough to make her worry that it might wind up being that long, if not longer, since, unlike Summer, she didn't have a magic ring to find that she could undo this all with.

"Why so glum?" Nanny asked as she buckled Valerie into her car seat. "Didn't you like the cupcakes I made?"

"No, Nanny," Valerie said. It wasn't even a lie to keep herself on Nanny's good side, either... Nanny was great at cooking, and just about everything else. And she didn't get treats like that nearly as often as she'd like... The first few bites had been blissful, until she'd looked around the classroom, saw her classmates having the same reaction as her, realized how well she was blending in... 

"Then what's wrong?" Nanny gave Valerie's diaper a pat through her pink overalls. "You're only a little soggy..."

"It's not that!" Valerie squirmed in her seat. "I'm fine!"

Nanny obviously wasn't convinced, but she let it go, leaving Valerie to stew as they drove home. Valerie was so small now, she couldn't even see out the windows, so being in the car just gave her more time to sulk, and feel sorry for herself, until they pulled into the garage.

"What are we doing in here?" she furrowed her brow in confusion, trying to look around as she waited for Nanny to unbuckle her. Nanny never parked in the garage! 

"It looked like it might rain," Nanny told her. "And I didn't want the birthday girl to get wet any more than she already is."

Valerie blushed. Had it been cloudy outside? She'd been busy staring down at her Velcro sneakers, feeling sorry for herself... It had been sunny when the class went out to the playground earlier, though. The weather definitely could have changed by now, however, so she let it go, trotting obediently behind Nanny into the house, to the living room, where, strangely, the curtains were drawn, the lights off. Summer was probably in her room, packing, but it was still odd for the curtains to be closed during the day... And then, as her eyes started to adjust, she thought she saw something moving, making her gulp nervously as Nanny reached for the lightswitch...


Valerie flinched as people popped out from behind all the furniture, around the doorframe. She felt her cool, clammy diaper warming as she stumbled back a step, face warming at the sight of everyone standing there, staring down at her, seeing her this way... 

There was Anita, who had babysat for her while the rest of the family had gone on vacation that summer, and who had looked after her a few times since, when Nanny had wanted a night off. And, of course, Johnny was there with her. She'd seen plenty of him, too... Anita was always inviting him over, then pretending she hadn't when Valerie tried to tattle on her, her parents always believing Anita over her.

There were plenty of her other old classmates, too, including the whole student council she'd once been in charge of, smirking down at her as she fidgeted, trying to tug at her overalls to hide the obvious diaper bulge beneath them, for all the good it was likely to do her. How many of them had known she'd ended up like this? She could see surprise on a few of their faces, and amusement, especially from her council members. As strict as she'd been with them, she was glad that Nanny was there to supervise, because she wasn't sure what they'd do to her otherwise.

And, in the back, she saw Stacy, along with Parker, holding hands. Had they finally gotten together for real? Parker had certainly been wanting that for quite a while... There was a time when Stacy would have called her the night it happened to tell her about it; now, Valerie was shocked to see her there at all. They hadn't been best friends in a long time, since before her transformation had finished. She was probably pretty happy to see Valerie stuck this way, too.

"Uh-oh!" Nanny chuckled. "I think we surprised her too much... I know that face! I'd better go get her a dry diaper before we start the party."

"Nanny!" Valerie squealed, turning bright red as her former classmates giggled, knowing that her futile attempts at hiding her padding had been for nothing as they all stared at her, seeing her finish piddling in her Pampers, unable to stop the flow. 

"What?" Nanny asked. "We don't want you to leak, do we? You know how you get when you're excited! Your kindergarten teacher told me what happened at the party you had there!"

"Nanny!" Valerie hissed, wanting to sink into the floor and die. Why had she had to tell everyone she was in kindergarten?! She could hear the whispering starting up, as Stacy scowled in the back, looking horrified, perhaps hoping that nobody recalled how close she'd once been to the pathetic figure sniffling in front of them.

"I could do it," Anita offered. "I'd hate to see her get a rash! And I have plenty of experience, don't I, Val?"

"Oh, there's no need for that," Nanny smiled. "You've already done enough, suggesting this, telling us who to invite..."

"Well, it's the least I could do for my favorite little babysitting charge," Anita grinned, tickling Valerie's tummy. "Don't worry, Val, you go get cleaned up... I'll keep everyone entertained with stories about all the fun we had over the summer together."

Valerie's eyes widened with a whimpered, "No!", not wanting everyone to hear about all the infantile things Anita had made her do, but Nanny had already scooped her up, carrying her off to her nursery.

"Isn't this nice?" Nanny asked as she wiped Valerie off. "Anita wanted to be sure you got to see all of your old friends before they headed off to college... A few of them actually did start, and came back just to see you!"

"No, it's not nice," Valerie pouted. "I don't want a party!"

"Valerie," Nanny sighed, "this is no time to be grumpy... I know it's your birthday, but don't think that's going to get you out of being punished if you need it, young lady."

"But..." Valerie sniffed as she was taped into a fresh diaper, watching from the changing table as Nanny walked over to the closet, pulling out a frilly, pink party dress, and a pair of matching, pink Mary Janes.

"No buts," Nanny told her. "This is your party, Valerie, and you are going to enjoy it, whether you like it or not."


christian hunter

So she's in kindergarten? Quite the setback, did she make any new friends?