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Ten years... It felt like so much longer than that, in some ways; in others, Elizabeth probably would have believed it was more like ten days, if not for the collection of videos she had saved to her hard drive of all the people she'd gotten babified since then.

She knew, vaguely, that Laura was still with the Nanny, or had been the last time she'd checked in on the woman. For a while, she'd done it regularly, asking Nanny for pictures, or sending Christmas gifts of baby toys and cute outfits, but, as her list of victims grew, her inquiries had slowed. 

Laura did have a special place in her heart, of course, as her first, as the experiment that she'd used to prove to herself that this could work, but she did start to feel a little guilty as the years went on. The girl just didn't stand a chance against Nanny - few people would - and Elizabeth had given her over to the woman to do with as she pleased. That definitely was hot, yet it was also sobering, thinking of how, if she played her cards wrong on one of her other cons, it could be her... That was part of why she'd stopped using the Nannies in her plans... The longer Laura remained there, the riskier it felt to tangle with them.

There was no guarantee, obviously, that one would take as much of an interest in her as that first one had in Laura. They were mostly used for short-term jobs, quick re-educations... Elizabeth doubted they all had the time, or inclination, to keep a big baby of their own to train by themselves, to look after constantly... But she didn't want to take the chance that she'd come up against another.

By now, surely Laura had given up on becoming an adult again. It had been a decade now of her getting cared for full time, as Elizabeth was well aware of. Nanny had asked her, in the past, to babysit for her, indicating that even when she was away, she had other people looking after her, like a real toddler. Nanny hadn't trusted her to do that until she was older, unfortunately... Elizabeth knew that, when she was younger, she would have loved to do that, would have relished the opportunity to rub what she'd done in the other woman's face...

By the time she'd gotten the offer, however, she had changed her mind on the situation. After that long - and it hadn't even been the full ten years yet then - would Laura really take that injustice lying down? She might know, logically, that diapers were her fate for the foreseeable future, that she had no real hope of escape... That, in and of itself, could motivate her to get whatever revenge she was capable of, and Elizabeth wasn't sure she could put up much of a fight against that, because she knew, deep down, that she deserved it.

After all, Laura had never done anything to Holly, hadn't earned the decade-long punishment Holly had tricked her into, even if, as Nanny had pointed out way back when, there had probably been a part of the woman, no matter how buried it was by her grown-up persona, that had wanted this. She hadn't gotten to choose it, or when it happened, and besides the base level of her regression, there were plenty of other things that had happened to her that Holly couldn't blame her if she'd wanted to get back at her for making her go through.

So, while she did want to know whether Laura was going to be in the show before she agreed to it, she wasn't certain, herself, which answer she was looking for. Even in the context of rehearsal, where they'd be around plenty of other people, it would be awkward to have to face her again... On the other hand, it would also be hot, knowing that she'd be in diapers, and likely in no condition to get payback, if she wanted to or not.

The reply she got didn't help her much, unfortunately. 'We're hoping so,' it said, 'but she hasn't been able to commit to it yet. We have someone else in mind if we need them, so you'll have a partner either way!' That wasn't, of course, what she was worried about; she didn't want to waste her time at a rehearsal if she wasn't going to be able to perform in the end, obviously, but the more pressing issue at the moment was who, exactly, that partner would be.

She left the e-mail unanswered for a few days, pondering it, and what she would do if she heard back one way or the other. She wanted to be prepared, whatever the outcome would be... Preparation, she'd learned, was very important. It was what kept her - most of the time, anyway - out of diapers, able to waltz away from under the noses of countless Nannies, and maids, and babysitters, leaving her victims behind to deal with them instead.

'We'd really appreciate it if you could let us know if you're available or not!' the next e-mail she got read. 'We have one back-up for if you or Laura isn't able to do it, but not two, so it would be helpful to know if we should find another number to plug into that spot.'

It was impulsive, despite how long she'd put it off, but Elizabeth assumed the delay in Laura's response was because the girl wasn't being allowed to use her e-mail - or, at the very least, the one connected to her former, adult self - which didn't bode well for her ability to sweet-talk Nanny into letting her into the show, if that was even something she was interested in in the first place. And Elizabeth had let the theater down once, dropping out of the show and taking her 'twin' with her...

And who knew? Maybe, if she was lucky, she could do a repeat, could have some fun with whoever they'd cast as her new counterpart. A recreation of her first time, without the guilt of having to see the woman she'd betrayed so long ago face to face. Would that make it better? It was hard to tell, but it was worth a shot, wasn't it?


"Mommy, she's not here!" Holly pouted, as if it was something, somehow, the woman wasn't already aware of. It was useless, of course, and didn't help with anything... But Holly had not been useful for much in quite a while, so she was used to it, and it felt like she ought to do something, whether it made an actual difference or not.

"I know, sweetie," Mommy told her patiently, bending down to adjust the skirt of Holly's pink, denim jumper. It was not a particularly grown-up outfit, coupled with her Velcro sneakers and a white onesie with a frilly Peter Pan collar, but the skirt was long enough to keep her diaper fairly well concealed, so Holly wasn't going to complain. "I'm sure it's just traffic, or..."

"But I can't be late!" Holly stomped her foot, her shoes lighting up, which only made the gesture feel more childish. 

Mommy arched an eyebrow, Holly shrinking back, regretting her momentary outburst instantly, her diaper growing warmer perhaps a tad more quickly than normal, though it was hard to tell for certain. "I-It wouldn't be professional," she stammered around the thumb that had appeared in her mouth, staring up at her Mommy innocently.

"And you think they're going to expect a baby like you to be professional?" Mommy asked.

Was she second-guessing her decision? Had Holly ruined it for herself before it had even begun?! She never knew quite what Mommy wanted from her, whether she was supposed to act like a fussy toddler, or if that would get her punished... Usually, if Mommy was in the mood to discipline her, she find some excuse. 

Had that been what this whole thing was from the start? Had she never intended to follow through on her promise? Did she let Holly think she might to get her hopes up, to make the denial sting even more? She wouldn't be that cruel, would she?! But, of course, there had been plenty of other things over the years that were just as mean, if not more-so...

"N-No, Mommy," she said. "B-But that doesn't mean I can't be, right?"

"I don't know," Mommy frowned. "It feels like someone is getting a little too big for her britches..."

"I'm not!" Holly insisted. "I know I'm a baby, Mommy! I already peed my pants!"

Mommy reached a hand under Holly's skirt, slipping her fingers into the onesie to poke at the padding beneath. "So you did," she acknowledged. "What baby cares about being professional, though?"

"I'm not, Mommy!" Holly repeated. It was such hard work, being a baby... At least, being one for her Nanny. Real babies didn't have to worry about what they said, or did, were free to behave however they wanted... Holly, on the other hand, had to be conscious of everything she did, had to make sure she wasn't doing anything that might be interpreted as too mature. Babies didn't have to work at being babies, they just were; Holly had to weigh all her words and actions to ensure that they were as babyish as possible, and, even after all this time, she never knew what would set Mommy off, probably because the woman was constantly changing her standards so Holly could never be too comfortable.

To be fair, though, she really should have known better this time... It was a silly slip-up, a fragment of her old life surfacing at the worst possible time, when she hadn't been able to think of another excuse for her mini-tantrum. 

"I-I just know how hard they're working, Mommy," she squirmed. "I-I don't want to mess it up for them, like I mess up my diapers."

A bit of self-deprecation never hurt. "You certainly do that," Mommy smiled, tickling Holly's tummy beneath her dress. It didn't take any acting skills to squeal and giggle like a little girl, helpless before the woman's wiggling fingers as they pushed her onto her back, right in the middle of the living room floor, arms and legs flailing like a turtle trying to turn itself back over.

It took her a minute or two to recover, while Mommy pushed up her skirt, unbuttoned her onesie, and another few to work up the courage to say anything, by which point Mommy had already cleaned her up, her giggling fit having made her pants even wetter, and taped her into a fresh diaper.

"I'm sorry I was grumpy, Mommy," Holly told her. "It's okay if I'm late..."

It didn't really matter, honestly... Holly wouldn't have a car to drive once Mommy took hers to the airport to catch her flight, and, even if she did, it had been so long since she'd been behind the wheel of a car that she wasn't sure she remembered how it worked. Her driver's license - which had the name she hadn't used in quite a while - had expired years ago, so, assuming she was able to find it in the first place, she'd still be in trouble if she got pulled over.

She blushed and wriggled, imagining a cop peering into her window, seeing her dressed this way, perhaps sniffing the air and detecting the faint ammonia of her surely soggy diaper... And then, when they looked at her license, taking her to their car instead, hauling her to the station, either to wait for her parents, if they thought she was a kid using a fake ID, or to sit in a cell as punishment for driving without a valid license...

Neither were what she'd want Mommy to hear about as soon as she took her phone out of airplane mode when her flight landed. She doubted Mommy would turn around and come back home - she hoped not, anyway, since she definitely wouldn't be in a good mood when she arrived if she had to let her client down - but she'd probably send another Nanny to deal with her, rather than a regular babysitter, and they weren't likely to make her time with them enjoyable... And then, when she did get home, Mommy would absolutely have some discipline of her own to dish out, no matter what the other Nanny had already done. In fact, Holly wouldn't be surprised if Mommy repeated every punishment Holly had earned while she was away, one after the other...

She did have a cell phone that Mommy let her have when she wasn't there, so she could get in touch with her in emergencies. It was a big, chunky, plastic thing, that looked almost like a toy, as Holly had assumed it was when it had first been given to her. It worked, but was basically just a phone, the kind Holly was somewhat shocked to find were even still being made. It had a tiny screen, though the only 'apps' it had were a calculator and a couple games that ran so slowly on the ancient processor the phone had that they were nearly unplayable, and no way to install anything beyond those.

But who would she call to get a ride? Did regular taxis even exist anymore? She had no clue, and no phone number on hand for them if they did, or money to pay them with. She knew most people used apps instead; she certainly didn't have those, or the knowledge of how, exactly, they worked. If her Mommy, or her babysitter, weren't there to take her to rehearsal, then she was just going to be late, and that was that. There was no reason to get upset about it, and nothing else she could really do.

"Aww, sweet baby," Mommy cooed, stroking Holly's hair. "Such a good girl... When you want to be." Holly nodded, sucking on her thumb. "Hold on a second."

Holly nodded again, as if she actually had any say in the matter one way or the other. She stayed sitting on the floor, grabbing at one of her soft blocks, feeling it crinkle in her hands, giggling to herself, barely registering the fact that Mommy was walking away, talking on her own - far more advanced - cell phone. Whatever was going on, it probably didn't involve Holly, so it was easy to let herself get distracted.

"Okay," Mommy announced, stepping back over to her. "Let's go!"

Holly stared up at her, confused. "Go where, Mommy?"

"You want to go to rehearsal, don't you?" Mommy asked, Holly bobbing her head, still not making the connection. "Your sitter is running behind, so she's going to pick you up there afterwards."

"But... How am I going to get there?" Holly frowned.

Mommy chuckled. "Oh, you poor, dumb baby," she smiled. "This is why you need your Mommy to look after you, isn't it?" Holly wordlessly agreed, though she was pretty sure most of the reason she was this bad was the fact she'd been under the woman's thumb for so long, and she'd been keeping this oblivious. "I'm going to take you."

"Thank you, Mommy!" Holly exclaimed, hopping up and throwing her arms around her. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Mommy told her, gently extracting herself from the girl's grip. "But we need to get going."

"Okay!" Holly skipped out to the car, letting Mommy lift her up into her car seat and buckle her in, fastening the straps tight around her crotch. Holly didn't know where Mommy had found the thing, or if she'd had it specially made to accommodate someone Holly's size, but it definitely did its job, making her feel like a baby whenever she did get to go out somewhere, snugly restrained in her own little world, the sides raised up high enough to keep her from easily being able to see out her window to tell where they were going. She liked to think it also made it harder for people in other cars to peer in, see her in there... If that was the case, however, she very much doubted it was on purpose. If anything, it was a lucky side effect for her; more likely, it was a false sense of security, another case of her behaving more like an infant, assuming that if she didn't see other people, they couldn't see her.

She didn't consider, until she was already in, how embarrassing it would be to be taken out of her car seat at the theater. That was probably for the best, though, since it kept her from whining, asking if she could ride on the other side of the back seat - or, even better, the passenger's seat, beside Mommy. That would have led to a whole argument, and possibly a change of heart from Mommy, but not in the way Holly wanted.

So, instead of going through that, and potentially being taken back inside to wait in the corner for her babysitter to arrive, she sulked quietly, squirming in her car seat, while Mommy walked around to the driver's side, knowing that, if she'd ever had a chance of convincing the woman, it was gone now, that she wasn't going to come all the way to the other side of the car again to do it.

Of course, there was one real benefit to the car seat, one that Holly knew wasn't in her imagination, and she felt it right away as Mommy backed the car out of the driveway, the back end bumping slightly as it transitioned from that into the road itself, causing Holly to bounce, her diaper crinkling as the straps did their best to hold her in place.

"Mmm," Holly moaned, without thinking, unable to help herself. She blushed, hoping her thumb had muffled it enough that Mommy hadn't noticed.

"What're you doing back there, sweetie?" Mommy asked, glancing at Holly's reflection in the rear view mirror.

"I-I'm just sitting here, Mommy," Holly replied truthfully. She didn't have to do anything... The motion of the car, and the snugness of the restraints, was all it took. She wasn't sure if it was intentional on Mommy's part, a way of teasing her and - one the rare occasion they were in the car long enough - giving her some relief, now and then, but it didn't take much, since that was all the action Holly got, and had for years. She had tried, in the past, humping her stuffed animals at night, though she'd quit after Mommy caught her and spanked her for it every time, before she could finish. Getting caught rubbing herself was even naughtier...

This, however, wasn't her fault, couldn't get her in trouble. She did have to struggle not to let herself be seen getting too into it, writhing and thrusting against the straps on purpose, but even if it did happen, Mommy didn't tend to blame her as much... She was just a dumb baby, after all, stuck in the car seat her Mommy had put her in...

As much as she didn't want to end up in a sticky diaper, and as much as that would undercut the victory of being allowed to do this at all, especially on her own, Holly knew that she had to take advantage of her car seat whenever she could... And it happened rarely enough that she didn't have much of a choice. Her body was hungry for the feeling of the damp padding brushing against it, hugged tightly into place with the strap, and the tingly, happy warmth built rapidly, making her suck harder on her thumb, closing her eyes, forgetting where she was, where she was going... She groaned into her thumb, toes curling in her sneakers, the pressure building, ready to explode...


"Oh!" she gasped, eyes popping open, realizing, too late, that she'd mistaken what that feeling was, or that her pursuit of it had left her oblivious to something else growing in her... Either way, she was taken by surprise when her diaper began to swell against the tight strap, filling rapidly with a soft, warm mush. "Mommy!" she whimpered helplessly. "I'm pooping!"

"Yes, you are," Mommy agreed, wrinkling her nose playfully in the mirror. "Don't worry... Your sitter will change you after rehearsal."

"B-But..." Holly sulked, upset at the idea of this being the start of her foray back into something from her old life, of having to spend the entire rehearsal this way... One look from the Nanny, however, was enough to shut her up with a meek, "Yes, Mommy," as she returned to sucking her thumb, frustrated, and aware that there was no way she'd be able to get back into the mood again before they got to the theater.

That would be humiliating, too, of course, orgasming in a loaded, stinky diaper... But she'd learned long ago that she had to take what she could get. And right now, unfortunately, it seemed that wasn't going to be anything more than what she already had.


Elizabeth wasn't sure why she was feeling so anxious as she stepped into the theater, what she thought was going to happen. Had she expected to be alone there, except for Laura, lying there in wait? Would Laura have been capable of orchestrating all this, even before spending all that time with the Nanny? 

Probably not, but Elizabeth did still feel better when she saw all the other people, scattered throughout the auditorium. She recognized a few of them, all looking, obviously, older than she recalled, having not been involved in anything here in a decade. She waved to them, though they were seated together in little groups, chatting already, giving her an excuse to find a spot by herself so as not to interrupt.

She didn't, she noted, see Laura. It wasn't that surprising... Nanny might have been busy, and unable to bring her to rehearsals - not that there were many for this little show - or she may just have not wanted Laura to do it for whatever reason. There had definitely been a part of Elizabeth that had hoped to see the girl, and how she was doing now, while another was grateful not to have to.

"All right, everyone!" the director announced. "We have a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it, so let's get started!" The chatter wound down, eyes staring forward at the woman in charge. Elizabeth had already been cutting it close... If Laura wasn't here yet, then that probably settled it... 

"I'm sure most of you know at least a few of the others," the director continued, "but, since we have a few who haven't been here in years, I'll go through the list of acts and who is in each, and you can stand up when your name is called, just so we all have an idea of who is who."

Elizabeth settled back into her chair, still trying to decide if she was glad her 'twin' hadn't shown up or not, barely paying attention to the other cast members, lost in thought. It wasn't until she heard her old name that she perked up, remembering that was who her e-mail had been addressed to, what they would know her as.

The director had hardly gotten the first syllable of "Holly Prescott," out when Elizabeth scrambled to her feet, so desperate not to be late in responding to her own name, knowing how weird that would look. 

"Uh... Hi," she waved awkwardly, realizing her apparent enthusiasm probably appeared just as strange as the alternative would have been. "I'm so..."

"Sorry," the director cut her off. "I mean, it's funny, since you're playing twins, but I know you're not both Holly."

Elizabeth frowned, furrowed her brow, turning her head. And there, in the chair closest to the entrance of the theater, as if she'd snuck in and was trying to not be noticed, standing up in an adorable little pink jumper, one hand clutching the skirt of it for dear life, the other raised, like Elizabeth's, to wave at the rest of the cast, was Laura.

"No," Laura shook her head, staring Elizabeth in the eye from across the room, drawing herself up as tall as her tiny frame would allow, doing her best to seem intimidating, despite the squirming she was doing, that Elizabeth recognized instantly as a scared little girl piddling her Pampers. "I guess we aren't..."



I really hope Elizabeth ends up in diapers