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Josephine had almost asked, when her food was brought out, "Are you sure this is right?", but she didn't want to be rude. That, and it wasn't what she had expected, in a whole different way than what she'd anticipated the issue being.

She'd thought, if she had any trouble, it would be because the waitress would bring her out some baby food, or simply another bottle, rather than the sandwich she'd ordered. What she got, instead, was almost the opposite problem; she got her food, but it looked like it was an Amazon-sized portion, much bigger than what she was used to eating. It was what she'd asked for, however, and it did taste good, so complaining felt silly... And she worried about how the waitress would handle that. Gwynn, most likely, would have stepped in if it got too bad, though Josie didn't want to make any more trouble for her friend than she already had.

"Are you liking it?" the waitress asked, coming to check on them after a few minutes, Josie nodding. "Good... Be a good girl and finish it all up! It'll help you grow up big and strong!" She gave Gwynn a wink that was, perhaps, meant to be stealthy, and left Josie once more nervous about what might happen if she disobeyed.

By the time she had finished up her lunch, she was very full, and a bit bloated, leaning back in the high chair she'd been returned to after her change, part of her wanting to close her eyes and take a nap, another scared of what she might open them to when she woke up. As she groaned softly, however, she noticed something.

She knew one of the littles here. She hadn't paid much attention before, had almost been scared to, embarrassed about being here, and being in a diaper herself, but now, spotting her, she could remember the other girl right away. Holly, her name was, a classmate of Josephine's from high school.

She was so smart, a straight A student, and, the last time Josie had seen her, she was headed off to a top college, which, perhaps, was why she hadn't seen her before, even in the tiny amount she'd allowed herself to take in her surroundings. She hadn't expected to see her here, of all places; if she wasn't mistaken, in fact, Holly had been very outspoken about Amazon adoption culture, and the injustice of it.

And now... Josie fidgeted, diaper rustling beneath her, feeling uncomfortable staring at the other girl, spying on her. She was in the middle of the playpen, pacifier stuck firmly in her mouth, wearing only a onesie with a frilly seat, and, unmistakably, a huge, bulky diaper underneath, an oversized toddler through and through, apparently, blissfully playing with dolls.

What had happened?! How had she wound up like this?! Josie couldn't help it, couldn't stop gawking, even when the waitress returned to take their plates. "What a good girl!" she praised Josie, patting her on the head. "Oh, do you want to go play now, dear?"

"No," Gwynn spoke up, defending her. "She..."

"Uh-huh," Josie cut her off, her friend looking surprised.

"Feel free," the waitress said, looking to Gwynn with another wink. "Remember, it's always a good idea to do a diaper check before dropping her in."

Gwynn waited for the waitress to leave before asking, "Umm... D-Do you need a change?" Josie started to shake her head, then wiggled her bottom again, surprised to realize she was a bit damp, and hadn't been aware of it until this very moment. When had that happened?! Probably, it was because of the bottle the waitress had brought her with her lunch, that was all. And, thinking about her diaper, she was beginning to feel like she was getting close to doing more than peeing in it... But she could wait.

Besides, as she told Gwynn, "I won't be in there long, so I'll be okay. I just want to say hi to an old friend."

"Oh, you know somebody in there?" Gwynn looked shocked. "Who?" Josie pointed her out, and, automatically, perhaps without meaning to, Gwynn said, "Aww, how cute!"

The sides of the playpen were too high for a little to hop, and the latch on the gate was as well, so Gwynn had to take Josie over to let her inside, going in with her for a moment. "Sorry to interrupt," she blushed, speaking to Holly, "but I brought someone who might want to play..."

"Josie!" Holly squealed, hopping up, waddling over and giving her a big hug, then giving one to Gwynn, too, as she attempted to make a casual exit, the Amazon's hand seemingly moving, instinctively, down to her padded bottom to give it a pat.

"Oh, you're a bit squishy there," Gwynn commented, Josephine's cheeks going pink, being reminded that she was wet, too, blushing for both of their sakes. "Do you want me to get your...?"

"No, ma'am," Holly answered politely. "I'm fine for now! Thank you!" She plopped back down with her dolls, and a teddy bear Josie saw now beside them. "Come on, Josie!" she invited. "Do you wanna play?"

"O-Okay," she nodded, carefully sitting, too, self consciously picking up one of the dolls, thinking about how, in a way, she was on display here, in front of all the other patrons here. It wasn't too bad, though, honestly, and it took her a bit to recall why she'd come over here in the first place. "So," she asked, setting her doll down for a moment, "when did you get, uh... adopted?"

"Like, right after graduation," Holly replied. "I found this great family, and I couldn't be happier! They don't make me act like a baby all the time, and they even let me study, and they're paying for my whole education, and I live with them, so I don't have to worry about rent, and..."

That was not what Josie had anticipated hearing. Holly sounded happy about it... And, actually, it did sound good. Rent was so high here, and she had thought about getting a part-time job, but it wasn't easy to find those in town if you didn't want to do diaper advertisements, or something like that.

"What about you?" Holly returned the question.

"Oh, I'm not," Josie shook her head, earning a skeptical look from her friend, eyeing her outfit, forcing Josie to explain what had happened. Holly listened attentively, giggling when Josie got to the part where her pants wouldn't fit over her diaper.

"Don't worry," Holly told her. "My Mommy has some spare Pull-Ups you can borrow."

That did make Josie feel better, glad that there was an option for her to get out of this place in something she could tug her pants up over. With that in mind, in fact, she was just about ready to say goodbye to Holly and get out of this place. It was then, however, that she noticed an odd sensation in her pants.

She frowned, squirming in place, confused. What was going on? She couldn't quite place the sensation, wasn't sure what was happening as she set her hands down on the plush playpen mat beneath her, preparing to stand... Not until she lifted her bottom off the floor, and heard herself let out a small grunt, the feeling growing quickly, expanding, along with her diaper.

She was messing her pants!


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