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A new story, commissioned by PluckyDuck. 

"Huh?" Elizabeth looked over at her girlfriend, Evelyn, in confusion, both of them standing naked in front of their 'maid', hands on their heads, as the much larger woman stared them down, heavy wooden spoon in hand. "What are you talking about? Those were your panties!"

It was difficult to hide her grin as she saw Evelyn's shocked expression, as she watched the young woman stomp her foot. "Yeah, I know!" she glared. "You've been wearing them, because you told me the washing machine destroyed most of yours!"

This was always the most difficult part, the one where Elizabeth had to reign in her excitement at seeing all of her work pay off, at getting to see her victims watch the trap close around them. She had to be careful, of course... If she let her enthusiasm show, there was a good chance she'd give it all away, or at least make them, or the caretaker she'd roped into her game, suspect there was more to this than met the eye, and if they started to poke around... Well, things could get messy real quick.

"What are you talking about?" Elizabeth asked, blinking her eyes innocently, so glad she'd been interested in theater when she was younger, even if she'd never gotten a role as juicy and challenging as this onstage. "The washer destroyed all of my panties, all at once? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?"

Evelyn's jaw dropped, and her hands followed for a brief moment, before a rap on her knuckles with the spoon sent them shooting back upwards to their proper position. "That's what you said!" she whined. "That's why I hired... her... in the first place!"

To be fair, she was right about all that. Poor, dumb Evelyn... She was such a spoiled little rich girl, moving out on her own for the first time... She hadn't even known how to use the washing machine on her own, which made it so simple for Elizabeth to trick her. She'd come up with the idea for getting a maid on her own, after Elizabeth had borrowed her phone, doing a few quick searches for housecleaning services so she'd start to get ads for them, to put the idea in her mind. And then, Elizabeth had found the perfect one, as if she hadn't had the woman in mind all along, as if this wasn't where things had been heading since the moment she'd started to chat with Evelyn...

"We could go buy more," Elizabeth had told the girl after her supposed incident. "You already have so many pairs of your own, you told me you never wear even half of them, and we're the same size... Why don't we share?"

From there, it had been easy. All it had taken was a few 'accidents', with the resulting wet and messy panties stuffed into the hamper, then stashed around the house after the maid had given them both a lecture about how they should let her know, rather than attempting to hide the evidence, and a puddle or two to get the woman really annoyed at them, and here they were.

"I don't pee my pants!" Evelyn insisted. "I haven't since... Since forever! I know it was you! I know it!"

Elizabeth shook her head slowly, giving the increasingly frustrated girl a sympathetic look. "Oh, Evie, you don't have to pretend anymore... Maybe this is for the best. You've been making things so much harder for her by trying to pretend it isn't happening... I know you don't understand what it's like to have to do all this by yourself, but..."

"It's not my fault!" Evelyn fumed. "You know it isn't! Tell her the truth!"

"I am!" Elizabeth said sweetly. "I'd never lie to you, ma'am! I respect you too much for that!" 

Maybe she was laying it on too thick... She could see a shadow cross the maid's face as she looked between her and Evelyn. It was true that, after finding the latest puddle - after having a stern talk with both of them about how they couldn't just leave those there without telling her, how they were going to ruin the floors if they kept this up - she'd stripped them both down, and found both of their panties dry... And that she had no way of knowing which of them was behind all this.

"Let me show you," Elizabeth told the maid, eyeing her spoon, not daring to move. "C-Can I show you?"

There was a long, tense moment, and the woman nodded. Elizabeth let out a sigh of relief, trotting through the house to her bedroom, such as it was. The two of them slept in the same bed, but Evelyn's place was so big, Elizabeth had insisted she have a room of her own anyway, if only to keep her clothes in it, separate. They were the same size, so they could, and often did, share... Neither one of them wanted to completely blend their wardrobes, however, wanted an easy way to know what belonged to who, and this was the simplest way, since the master bedroom had only one big closet, which either one of them could have filled on their own.

Elizabeth pulled open the top drawer of the dresser, stepping aside to let the maid, and Evelyn, see what was inside. "See?" she looked up at the maid. "They're perfectly fine!"

"Wh-What?!" Evelyn sputtered, staring at row after row of neatly folded panties, watching as the maid picked them up, unfolding them, inspecting them, finding no stains, no evidence that Elizabeth had been having accidents. "Y-You said..."

"Why don't we go see what yours look like, young lady?" the maid cut her off harshly, grabbing Evelyn by the ear. Elizabeth could have stayed behind then, secure in the knowledge that her plan, as always, had worked... But she didn't want to miss the pay-off.

"Oww!" Evelyn squealed, her short legs struggling to keep up with the maid's as she was dragged out of the room, down the hall. "I-It's not me! I-I didn't do anything! I don't pee my pants!"

But that wasn't what her underwear drawer showed. The first layer of panties were clean; it didn't take much digging, however, for the maid to find the ones that weren't in such good shape, freshly laundered, yet stained yellow, and, in some cases, brown... "What are these, young lady?!" the maid demanded, shoving a pair of them into Evelyn's face, rubbing her wrinkled nose in them.

"I-I didn't..." Evelyn sniffled, shaking her head. "I-It was Elizabeth!"

The maid sighed in frustration. "And why would you think that? You just saw that Elizabeth is a big girl who knows how to keep her underwear clean and dry, unlike you!"

"No!" Evelyn stomped her foot, tears welling up in her eyes. Perhaps they could have given the maid pause... Except, now, they looked more like tears of fear, of realizing that she'd been caught at last. "No, i-it..!"

She was silenced with a final squeak of indignation as the larger woman shoved the pair of panties into her mouth, gagging her with them. "I'm not going to hear any more of that, young lady!" she snapped. "You're even more of an immature, spoiled brat than I thought... And, let me tell you, I already thought you weren't much better than some of the grade schoolers who live in the other houses I clean..."

Elizabeth had wondered, when this had all began, if it would be better to go through the farce with her panties, shredding a pair with scissors to show to Evelyn as proof that her washing machine had destroyed them all, or if she should stay quiet, using the girl's undies in secret... She'd decided on the former so Evelyn wouldn't think it was odd if she noticed some of her panties missing from her drawer, or if she recognized them around Elizabeth's waist, if Elizabeth forgot to change out of them before bedtime... And now, seeing the look of betrayal on the girl's face, she could tell it had been totally worth it.

If anything, it had taken the maid longer than she'd expected to get fed up. Which had, in turn, given her more time to wear, and ruin, more of Evelyn underwear, stashing some of them in the hamper, or around the house in the rooms she knew the maid would be cleaning that day, and washing some of them on her own for this moment, waiting for the maid to take a peek and see how carefully she'd kept them all arranged, leaving just enough untouched that Evelyn wouldn't suspect a thing, while most of the rest of them looked like they belonged to a barely potty-trained toddler. There was another layer at the bottom of the drawer, which she used to cover up any holes that might appear in the top one, but the maid hadn't felt the need to dig that far.

"Come along," the maid ordered, shoving Evelyn back towards the hallway. "I know how to deal with naughty girls like you."

This was it, Elizabeth thought. This was why she'd chosen the maid in the first place... She could feel heat building in inside of her, rushing to her cheeks, and between her legs, making her glad when the maid glanced over her shoulder and told her, "You can get dressed now, Elizabeth. I'm sorry for the confusion," even if it meant she was going to miss part of the fun.

"Y-Yes, ma'am," she nodded, watching reluctantly as the other girl was hauled away, protesting into the wad of cloth in her mouth until she got a warning swat from the wooden spoon right on her wiggling, white backside.

Elizabeth hurried back to her bedroom, getting herself dressed as quickly as she could, fighting her urge to start to rub herself, or hump her pillow. Things were only going to get better from here... And she would have plenty of time for that tonight, after it was all over, when there was no risk of the maid walking in on her and putting the pieces together.

She walked into the living room mid-spanking, Evelyn's bottom already turning pink, her legs kicking, but clearly starting to lose strength. Elizabeth hung back, her own rear wiggling in response as she watched the spoon rise and fall, knowing exactly what it felt like... This had turned out very well for her, unlike other times. There had been plenty of occasions where she'd wound up over the caretaker's lap herself, at the very least... Usually, she was able to avoid any further consequences, though not always.

She knew Evelyn had never been spanked, had talked about it with her when they'd gone shopping. Elizabeth had spotted the wooden spoon - a few days prior, which was what had led her to suggesting they go to that store - and said it was just what Evelyn needed for her kitchen... And then blushed and squirmed, waiting for Evelyn to ask her why she was so uncomfortable suddenly.

"I-It's nothing," she'd lied. "Well... It doesn't make you think of anything?"

"I don't know," Evelyn had shrugged. "Cooking?"

Elizabeth had rolled her eyes. "Other than that." Evelyn had stared at the spoon for a long moment, shaken her head. "You never got... swatted with one, when you were younger?"

"Swatted?" Evelyn's eyebrows had raised.

"You know," Elizabeth had fidgeted. "Spanked..."

Elizabeth had watched as Evelyn's eyes widened, had known then, before the girl said the words, that the answer was no. "We can buy something else, if you don't..."

"No," Elizabeth had told her, pretending to be brave. "This is perfect, and there's no point letting a few bad childhood memories spoil that."

That made it all the more fun, seeing it smack against the little rich girl's bottom again and again, waiting for the moment that she had no doubt was coming, that almost always did for first-timers like Evelyn...

The panties in the girl's mouth kept her gasp from being too loud, but Elizabeth could still see the shock on her face when it happened, an involuntary smile crossing her own face as she peered away from Evelyn's, saw the stream of liquid dripping from her, soaking into the maid's pants, starting to dribble onto the floor....

"You disgusting little brat!" the maid scolded, swinging the spoon harder than ever. "And you thought you could pretend this was all Elizabeth's fault?! Look at you!"

Elizabeth almost felt sorry for Evelyn as the spanking intensified, hardly able to imagine how mortifying this must be for her... And not allowing herself to try, for fear that she'd find her hands between her legs despite her best efforts, right in front of the other two women. She was absolutely bawling by the time the maid was finished with her, and was given very little time to recover, draped over the maid's knees, worn out, before she was pushed to her feet, guided to the front door.

Evelyn managed a muffled whimper, trying to cover her chest, when she saw the door open. "There's nothing there for anyone to see," the maid smirked, Elizabeth's face lighting up along with Evelyn's, knowing how similar their sizes were, how that probably applied to her as well. "Besides, if you would have let me park in your garage, we wouldn't have to go outside."

But out Evelyn went, panties peeking from her mouth, red bottom shining in the sunlight, tears glistening on her cheeks as she was dragged to the maid's car. Even when the woman let go of her, however, she didn't try to run back inside, clearly already aware enough of her new place to know not to do that... Instead, she bounced in place, arms flailing, not knowing whether to hide her crotch, her breasts, her butt... 

Elizabeth watched out the window, biting down hard on her bottom lip, her phone poised and ready... And it was absolutely worth it for the moment she'd known was coming, when the maid produced a thick, bulky pile of cloth diapers and a pair of plastic pants from her trunk.

"No!" Evelyn shrieked, no doubt drawing far more attention to herself than she would have if she'd stayed silent, finally getting the courage to pull the panties out of her mouth to protest this newest, most humiliating, injustice. "N-No, you can't!"

Elizabeth had, of course, known that the maid also ran a diaper service, and that she was known for having a quick temper, and was a fan of old-fashioned discipline... And she'd known that, if she played her cards right, those could all come together just right. And now, here she was, getting to enjoy the fruits of her labor, phone recording the scene as the girl shrank back from her enraged employee.

"What do you think you're doing?!" the maid demanded, snatching the now soggy underwear from Evelyn's hand, shoving it back into her mouth before bending her over the trunk, her battered backside sticking out, ripe for a few more swings of the spoon. "I don't think you understand the way things are going to be around here from now on, young lady..."

While Elizabeth would have loved to see it up close, this was almost better... She never would have dared to have her phone out if she was in the same room, and the window frame hid the rest of her body, let her enjoy it in a way she hadn't had the chance to do with the initial spanking. This one was far shorter, but that was all right, since it ended exactly the way Elizabeth knew it would, with the maid spreading the diapers out on the lawn.

Fresh tears were pouring down Evelyn's face as she looked down at the mass of cloth, up at the maid, the question of, "Here?!" unmistakable in her eyes, even if she wasn't about to take the panties out of her mouth to voice it out loud.

"If you could have behaved yourself, we could have done this inside," the maid informed her. "Now lie down, or do you need round three?" 

She held up the spoon, and Evelyn practically dived onto the diaper, her nose wrinkling as she felt the size of it beneath her, wiggling and whimpering helplessly. "You'd better get used to these, young lady," the maid told her sternly. "I will not be cleaning up any more puddles in your house, young lady, so you're going to be wearing these full time from now on, to prevent that!"

Elizabeth swallowed a moan, seeing the moment when the diaper was pulled up between Evelyn's legs, the moment of shock when she realized how big and bulky they really were, as her thighs were forced apart. Elizabeth rubbed harder, all those instances where she'd wound up in that position, either beside her intended target, or instead of them, when her plans had gone wrong, rushing back to her. She never minded it too much... But it was so much better when she pulled it off, when her victim took all of the blame...

The maid pinned the diapers closed, nice and snug, then slid the pair of plastic pants over them. Elizabeth had thought she saw a gleam of metal on them, though she hadn't been certain until the woman pulled the chain tight, locking them in place, leaving Evelyn gawking down in disbelief at what had just transpired. "Only I have the key to these," the maid said, giving the diaper a pat. "I know I can't trust you to keep these on by yourself."

Evelyn's breath quickened, Elizabeth's doing the same in response, as her panicked mind put together what that meant, her hands sliding over the slick plastic, the diapers bulging beneath them. "That's right," the maid confirmed. "That means no more potty for you... But, judging by the state of your underwear, that won't be much of a change."

Elizabeth's toes curled as a wave of pleasure crashed through her, nearly making her miss the moment the maid helped Evelyn to her feet, Evelyn nearly tumbling back down, unused to the thickness of the diaper. She managed to record a few seconds of that before she lowered her phone, slipping it into her pocket, trying to calm herself down so she could act innocent when the maid stepped back inside, shepherding a far meeker, more submissive, Evelyn.

"Now, then, Miss Evelyn," the maid declared, closing the door behind her, "like I told you, I'm not cleaning up any more puddles here... So you are going to go take care of your mess on your own. When you're done, we're going back upstairs, and you are going to throw away every pair of those nasty underwear, and only then will I let you remove these ones." She patted Evelyn's mouth. "I hope, by then, you've come up with a good apology for your behavior today, or I might have to send you to bed early, without supper."

Evelyn glared at Elizabeth, trying to will her to explain things, to admit that this was all her doing... But all Elizabeth wanted to do, staring back at the girl, naked except for the huge, cloth diaper around her waist, was to masturbate again, knowing full well that this was, indeed, all thanks to her, and that the maid would never believe Evelyn about that now, no matter how many times she said it.

Elizabeth wished she could be there to witness all of that, but already, she was thinking about what else she could do, how else she could maneuver somebody else into this position... She'd lost count of what number she was on; it was never enough, not when the pay-off was as sweet as this.

"I hate to ask this," the maid told her, once they had Evelyn tucked into bed, the underwear drawer of her dresser filled with diapers now, her exhausting, mortifying day sending her off to sleep despite the sun still being up outside her window, "but could you keep an eye on her for me, when I'm not here?"

"I don't know," Elizabeth shrugged. "I really had no idea she was this immature... I-I love her, but... I don't know if I can handle this."

The maid nodded. "I understand."

"Of course," Elizabeth suggested, "she has enough money, she could probably pay you to stay here full-time... And, if she doesn't, her parents definitely do, and I'm sure they'd be very interested to hear what their daughter has been up to..."

She was back in her own apartment by the time night fell, with the maid promising to box her things up for her so she could come by and pick them up. She drew herself a nice, warm bath, and, with a glass of wine, she played the video she'd recorded that day on repeat, watching Evelyn's diapering over and over, ignoring the notification chime until she was satisfied, ready to crawl into bed.

By then, she'd forgotten all about the notification, until, with a sneaky smile, she decided to give the video one more watch and saw it. It was an e-mail, she saw, and she was shocked to see that it had come from someone she hadn't spoken to in a decade.

Opening it up, she was greeted with something else she hadn't seen for nearly that long. "Hi, Holly," the message read, using her real first name, the one she'd given up, deciding to go by her middle name instead. 'I hope you're doing well! I got your e-mail address from your parents. I understand if you're unable to do this, but the theater is doing a bit of a retrospective show. We're doing numbers from shows we've performed over the last ten years. I know you and your 'twin' weren't able to finish your last show with us; the girls we got to replace you aren't available to do this show, so we thought it might be fun if you came back, as kind of a 'what if.'"

The e-mail went on from there, giving more details and rehearsal times, though that was as far as Elizabeth needed to read to know the one question she wanted the answer to if she were going to say yes. "So," she wrote back, "if you're asking me, does this mean Laura is coming back, too?"

You might have guessed from the title, though I didn't want to make it too obvious from the start, so I didn't mention it up top... But this is a sequel to Laura & Holly. I don't have a full story post for it on my Wordpress to link to for those who haven't read that, so I'll be posting that full story here tomorrow. I just didn't want to make that post before this one to try to help with the surprise a bit.



Man the name Holly kept ringing bells and I was having dajavu the whole time I was reading and then hit the end and it was like bam realization. Haha. Awesome as always.